Giveaway Thread (general info)


Newly Enlightened
May 11, 2015
I am in for the Nitecore TM26.

I will just post one link. The UPCOMING tour de france 2015! Nothing more interesting at the moment :)

Thanks for the giveaway Doc. I dont have such high powered flashlights :)


Newly Enlightened
May 25, 2009
I am in for the Nitecore TM26

Electrical treeing:

Good luck everyone, and Thanks to both MoldyOldy and Doc!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 16, 2013
Michigan, USA
I've never heard of my1login before you posted. They may be a very fine company but being unfamiliar with them I don't know how much I personally would trust them. I like the bit where they say you can trust them because they don't send your password outside the browser but how many people have the tools and skills to verify this?

If you don't trust it, you can simply disconnect from the internet while checking. It still works just the same. (This is where I originally found out about my1login:

The XKCD page is so important because many networks are set up in such a way as to disallow all but a very specific type of password. I agree wholeheartedly that a minimum length is a good idea, but many places have a maximum length as well. Many networks/logins also forbid spacing, certain special characters, require the use of a capital and a number, some even require at least one "special" character (& or ^, for example). All these rules make it far more difficult than it needs to be. A password manager may be the best solution given all those issues, but it is an extra step, and many people are not going to want to do that.

It is an interesting debate...biometrics have the potential to improve things, but many early iterations have had very serious flaws of their own. I'm sure the situation will improve eventually, but for now, it would help if people simply avoided the most basic obvious and common mistakes.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 5, 2005
Central USA
I'm not entering the giveaway again since I won the EagleTac SX25L3 multiple 18650 a few weeks ago but realized I forgot to post this photo. The first thing I do when I receive any light (new or used) is to take it apart and clean all the threads, clean contacts with De-Oxit red and put De-Oxit gold on after. Then lube the threads with fresh Nyogel.

Here is the one I won from MoldyOldy and doc, in the middle of that process.

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Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 5, 2005
Central USA
I often do that too. How do you think the de-oxit red compares to using rubbing alcohol?
I think it works better because if I use a cotton swab with the red, I almost always get a dark residue on the swab, whereas using alcohol alone doesn't usually get a dark residue. My experience only, YMMV.


Newly Enlightened
Mar 13, 2015
Looks awesome, unfortunately far above my pay grade, so I am in for the Nitecore TM26.



Newly Enlightened
Feb 25, 2014
I am in for the Nitecore TM26.

In the spirit of free giveaways, for those that like firearms or just free stuff.

For a free Glock lanyard, keychain with mini plastic Glock, pencil, pen, pin, sticker, and velco patch, all Glock branded of course, do the following.

Email [email protected]
Ask for the free promotional pack.
Be courteous and enthusiastic.
Include your name and address in your email.
Do not expect a reply what-so-ever, just watch the mail for a small brown padded envelope in a week or two.


Mar 2, 2014
...and two men in dark suits will deliver the "promotional" package right to your door. ;) I'm now eagerly awaiting their arrival.
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Mar 2, 2014
If you don't trust it, you can simply disconnect from the internet while checking. It still works just the same. (This is where I originally found out about my1login:

I'm not saying that they are but there is nothing stopping them from sending the password when you reconnect to the internet. Even if we think we have all the holes plugged we can't be completely certain. I found it a little ironic that they say you can trust us because we keep your password local. It is very difficult to test that statement with any degree of certainty but it's a foundational aspect of their whole business. What it comes down to for anyone is what is being protected and how much risk they are willing to take and the resources they are willing to expend. I can understand why most people are just not willing to expend any energy on security. Oh look, amusing cat videos.


Newly Enlightened
Mar 30, 2015
I am in for the Nitecore TM26.

In the spirit of free giveaways, for those that like firearms or just free stuff.

For a free Glock lanyard, keychain with mini plastic Glock, pencil, pen, pin, sticker, and velco patch, all Glock branded of course, do the following.

Email [email protected]
Ask for the free promotional pack.
Be courteous and enthusiastic.
Include your name and address in your email.
Do not expect a reply what-so-ever, just watch the mail for a small brown padded envelope in a week or two.

Great heads up, thank you

Hope i get one!


Dec 8, 2014
The Netherlands
I am in for the Nitecore TM26

Thank you for the chance to win such an awesome light!

Ticks Facts
- Ticks are small animals that are closely related to spiders and scorpions. There are some 850 species of ticks that can be found all over the world.
- Size of tick depends on the developmental stage. Larva is large as grain of sand, nymph as poppy seed and adult animal as apple seed. Females are larger than males.
- Females have reddish body covered with black markings. Males are usually dark brown in color.
- The body is divided in two segments. Head and mouth are located on the anterior part of the body. Four pairs of legs are located on the posterior part of the body. Ticks have no antennas or wings.
- Ticks undergo complete metamorphosis. Larvae hatch from the eggs and transform into nymphs. Nymphs molt one or more times before they transform into adult animals.
- Ticks feed on blood. Larvae feed on the blood of mice and birds. Nymphs and adult insects feed on the blood of large animals such as dogs, deer and humans.
- Ticks can detect their hosts via body odor, temperature, moisture and vibration. Sensory organ which helps in identification of potential hosts is located on the legs.
- Ticks can't fly or jump. When ticks identify a host, they crawl until they find suitable place to attach themselves.
- Ticks can survive without food 200 days.
- A Deer tick needs to eat only three times during its life cycle: once during the larval stage, once in the stage of nymph and once as an adult.
- Ticks transmit numerous bacterial and viral diseases such as Lyme disease, Q fever, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, tick paralysis and bovine anaplasmosis.
- Deer tick transmits Lyme disease, which is very dangerous bacterial disease. 9 out of 10 people do not know that they are infected with Lyme disease because initial symptoms resemble flu.
- Ticks need to be attached at least 24 hours to the human's skin before they can transmit disease.
- People can protect themselves from ticks by wearing tick-repellent cloths or by using sprays which repel ticks. In case of bite, tick should be detached from the skin with tweezers as fast as possible.
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