status of your condition..


Jun 10, 2006
Adelaide Australia
If the criterion of <more than I can use at one time> qualifies as a '-holic' then I'm in real trouble.
This would apply to: shoes, shirts, trousers, socks, knives, cars, lounge chairs, toilets, friends,--I think I'd better stop.


Jul 1, 2006
62.2ºN, 25.7ºE
I mean if my friends and family were to know that I have over $500 in flashlights they would say I was nuts.

Like someone once said, it's a hobby and hobbies are expensive. That being said, flashlights are still a pretty cheap hobby. I used to play guitar, and $500 (or 500 Euros, actually) will get you a pretty decent guitar. Then you'll spend at least another 500 on an amp, trade guitars, buy another amp that is different from the first one etc. etc. With that same amount of money, one could buy a huge pile of flashlights. Or a smaller pile of Surefires, but a pile nevertheless.

My love comes and goes. I always dig lights, but I tend to burn myself out (no pun intended) and not purchase any lights for a few months...Then I will go out and spend a couple hundred on lights. I have a nice collection going.

I'm exactly the same way, except that I don't really collect lights. I don't buy them just for the sake of having certain models (*), I only buy lights that I intend to use. Ok, I can't use them all at once, but still...

*) Except for a SF A2, which I bought just to have one. But I use that, too, so it's not a shelf queen.
Last edited:


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 10, 2004
At World's End
I was one of the more hardcore flashaholics.. I pioneered the ROP and came up with a few other interesting concoctions. We sacrificed many bulbs to the incandescent gods. And many LEDs. I think I slaughtered at least half a dozen Luxeons, in the time when they were $20 a pop! :eek:

Someone once observed "Behind every successful modder is a trail of wrecked hardware" or something to that effect :D

Then I quit for 18 months. Apart from circumstances taking me away from flashaholism, I lost interest because it all seemed to be rehashes of the same lights. The trend was to exotic materials and machining and while we were seeing some awesome craftwork, we weren't seeing that much innovation. No offence to the modders, but there were only so many ways you could present a Lux3. Myself I'd climbed every mountain I wanted to - there is a time you stop buying, and that's when you have something in every power class. I'm back!! :)

Things like the new Cree, the new batteries, charger options, more potential, safer lights, more affordable HIDs, have drawn me back in. The ability to handle ever increasing power levels with LiFePO4 type cells is very intriguing.

I suppose once a flashaholic, always a flashaholic. But feel free to take a break once in a while.


Jan 6, 2007
At first i felt fine spending alot of money on flashlights! I couldnt wait untill I got all the lights I wanted. After having bought and sold a few lights, I have come to a stop. A while there I was out in deep water! I spended all my money on new lights, and couldnt stop. Now I have gained some control over my habbit, and I dont buy as many as I did not long ago. After the L1 I got almost broke for a while, so I really cant spend any hard cash on new lights. So for now I just have to day/night dream of the more expensive lights that I want and cant afford. :(

Its funny though, some days I feel like buying all the stuff in the world, the next Im feeling more like a minimalist (is that a word?) and just wanting to get by with smaller amount of stuff.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 25, 2004
secret underground bunker
Mrs. Powernoodle thinks that my flashlight addiction is somewhat charming. At least compared to the things that some guys do - bar hopping, cheating on their spouses, golfing all weekend, or dropping $60K on an F250 and a bassboat.

Its all relative.

Yankee - if you think you have a problem, click on the link at the bottom of my signature line.



Jun 17, 2006
My collection is mostly on hold. There are only a few lights on the horizon that I'm considering (the new HDS being top on the short list). I've got plenty of nice shiny lights to keep me busy.

My flashlight hobby is not a secret but I don't advertise it either. A few friends and my SO know about my love of flashlights and how much I spend on them. If anyone asks me how much a particlular light costs I'm honest with them...most people just don't ask. I'm sure lots of people would think I'm nuts for what I've spent on flashlights. Most people spend frivolously on one thing or another. I think most people wouldn't appreciate the difference in quality of some of my lights compared to cheaper lights...but then again I can't tell a $10 bottle of wine from a $200 bottle.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 24, 2006
London, Ontario, Canada
The day I first spent more than $50.00 on a flashlight I realized my condition was critical. When I first spent more than $200.00 on a flashlight I realized my condition was critical.
I don't tell anyone how much my lights cost because they just wouldn't understand the same way I cannot understand about other hobbies and interests. Even though I don't understand the appeal of some things I at least respect people's enthusiasm for a hobby.


Newly Enlightened
Apr 24, 2007
I, err, don't really have a problem

Before I found CPF I had a 3D Mag and a red Photon3. When I found CPF I bought an Arc-P, month later an L2D-CE. Wasn't happy with the L2D, bought an L1D body, and that's been my entire inventory since.
Maybe in a year or two I'll buy a new one, for now I'm fine with what I have.


Jan 7, 2006
Hello Dan

Must be hard to be a White Wall Warrior in a closet. A walk in maybe like Imelda Marcos' shoe closet might work. Be sure to get outside once in a while or she'll think something else is up. :naughty:

We're just different not strange at all and a cheap answer to those who question or give you "side eyes."exists. I don't buy many, but by starting to trade with 4 different CPF'rs I have ended up with many neat small lights and have Fauton's for gifting to disbelievers and never had a refusal of a gift rejected. Even by the side eyed ones. They can never josh you again. It's like when you take oil, (grease their palm) they're on the take! Squelch! Especially when they know that spare batteries or service, are way beyond them. I notice now that everyone brings you their old "broken" flashlights such as an Eveready Captain 2C 3 inches shorter than a Mag soon to be modded dead bulb. Rayovac D in the same type of pressed corrugated steel case with Hex bezel both old fashioned and weak compared to the ones I gave away. I said I can fix it for you, no just keep it for yourself. The proverb was right give it away and it comes back ten fold. In the CPF "Spirit" I have received and sent unsolicited gifts and last received this month a Rayovac 4 LED Headlamp and 2 Dot*IT lights from Colorado Ken so I will surprise him too, but he already has everything so it must be new! Soon!
Never too bright, never too many, buy both it the CPF way. I seem to get a lot of Rayovacs for some reason and 6volt lanterns I re-outfit with SMJLED's with 4D Garrity adapters and re-wire for 2 D's using C adapters in an adapter as described for me when I asked by some special smart members they know "evatinks" and aid my Flashaholicahism. daily. But gunga and me are quitting for good unless it gets (meillure) secret out for us. eh?

My other hobby was more lots fun as I won loads of money in Reno, Vegas and Atlantic City used to teach my friends how to beat the Casinos, but they had no guts and would hit 15 against 16 because dealer had one point more. So I quit teaching them as they were unappreciative and said my lousy system "Basic Strategy" didn't work and cost them big money. I reminded them I was a teacher and professor of Blackjack not an insurance company what did they expect for a $100.00 lesson with the study material power condensed to one page. OK so I photocopied it out of a book I bought. That's not plagarism.I said I guaranteed the first $100 dollars only and if you go over that, the contract is void. So don't come looking for me if you lost $3100.00. It was in Big Print ya blind too? Get the D-mini flashlight I sold ya buddy! :devil: When I save up another nut I'm going down to visit the money Steve Wynne is holding for me at many of the Casinos. Can you imagine they're really prejudiced? They wont let me play just because I had no money. I said well it was their fault as they cheated and changed dealers on me 5 times as pushed me out to the parking lot in a wheelchair! God they were big, those no neck hammerheads!

[gunga post # 18
Hmmm, I guess it's almost like being married with a ton of dating on the side... :eek: Oh, that could be a very bad analogy...:devil: ]

I gotta be keerful of him he was "talking of making a flashlight yesterday but needed a cannister." gunga did you mean a tube with a pump? I thought you were talking about a light. You're Modder fodder!

[gunga post # 20.
Actually me too.
It's pretty easy.
In fact, I quit 3 times last week]

His self fulfilling prophesy, he has more fun than any of us and likes my stuff, and my daughter loves the purple modded 2AA he fixed for me when I wrecked the switch on the new Mini Mag of he traded me and she doesn't even carry the cute tiny blue CMG Sonic 1AAA ,I gave her along with car and house lights. A random act of kindness. Thanks again gunga din. His trades are better than new because he cleans and tests them all and he prices cheaper than most to give back, a great CPF spirit we're trying to stimulate. That's where we're at.

Cheers, marlite
Disclaimer: some statements are unverifiable and some are stretches of a wild imagination. Do not try this with strangers as some may not find it humorous even here it may bomb. None are 100% lies fibs only, maybe. Sometimes we get way too serious professing love of our light, Dealers and Manufacturers.



Nov 29, 2006
Vancouver, BC, Canada
As always, you crack me up with your posts Marlite.


Gonna have to get a blackjack lesson from you sometime, I got cleaned out the last time I was in Vegas.


Glad your daughter likes the purple minimag. That's why people still like em, they look nice. You just have to mod em so they don't suck.

Yeah, I just like trying out lights, don't end up keeping em a lot of the time, but it's still fun!

I've gotta say Cheers to AvroArrow too. He's been feeding my modding taste with a few well timed seoul/cree etc pruchases.

Also, Zerius, local guy also. Keep flashing dude (hmm, that does not sond right...)


Oct 14, 2007
Sebring, FL (Central Florida)
I don't think Im excessive when it comes to flashlights. Like when I bought my first real light,L1 lumamax about 8 months ago, I didnt see it as spending $150.00 on a light but rather the money was just a way to get it. I have since bought an L4,E1L, and an A2. I am an avid outdoorsman and each of my lights,(yes all of them) come with me and are used. Most of my family doesent know how much I like lights, and when they ask how much my light cost Im not gonna lie but most of the time they are too impressed to ask. Plus I live in Florida (hurricane central) so to me my lights are not only justified but neccessary.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 15, 2007
Mentor, Ohio
I am a flashaholic, but I don't have a problem. I can quit any time that I want. :D

I'm still laughing.

I'm fortunate to live within miles of the vendor Bright Guy. My brother stopped up at my shop when I was leaving to go there earlier this week. I told him come along for the ride. He said where are we going? I said to a flashlight store. Now he knows I have a lot of hobbies and I take the tools of those hobbies very seriously, but he said there is a store that just sells flashlights and related stuff. His two questions were why and how do they stay in business? I really didn't have an answer other than to say they do a lot of internet business. After we got there and we were testing and talking about the new and different models with the staff he left with a whole different out look. I think he saw the light.