Surefire Discontinued Models - Anyone Stocking Up?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 9, 2011
I bought a few incandescent bulbs for my older Surefires. I have a few already put away.... I think it won't be a problem. Lumens Factory will probably fill any gaps.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 5, 2006
Palm Springs, CA, Beverly Hills, CA, Washington, D
I have plenty of 6P's G2's C2's and G3's. When I can put Malkoff's, Nailbender, and other drop-in's, in these models, I really don't care about the stock P60/P90 bulbs. Even though I have many lights, I am not a collector, as much as a user. It us nice to have one or two original lights left in tact, but when you can up grade to the amazing LED drop-ins presently out there, I just have no need to save all but a few of the old incans.

I did but a spare L1 since I love them. I just feel things are going to get better and better, and I will move to the next best thing.
You know, the new Surefire's are kind of nice, too. but I will always have some of the older models around in use, with drop-ins installed.

This is just me, and I do respect the collector. We need them to maintain a link to the past.

Plus there are always customs...

On a side note...My wife has an original E2D in her purse that has much of the Ano. tumbled off" from all the things they have in there. It is fun to look at once in a while when I go thru her purse.:eek: