Most annoying part about your job.


Mar 10, 2006
Bethpage, TN
I dont really have too many complaints about my current job.

I have a company van, and leave home at about the same time every morning. Some days I only drive 45 minutes or so to the job, other days I'll drive an hour and a half.

I guess my biggest frustration is getting through the customer's security with my tools and parts and all. Some places take almost an hour just to get into the building, but I'm getting paid and billing the client for that time, so it really doesnt matter. The only ones that really stink are places where they've mangled parts that weigh several hundred pounds, and they refuse to let me back my van up to a dock door to unload it. Then I wind up carrying solid steel components through security and across the building on a little two wheeled hand truck, then dong the same thing when I leave.

Some clients give us tiny, cramped work spaces, or beside incredibly loud production machinery. For the most part I dont have too many clients that get upset about having to pay for stuff, because when they call in they've already decided it has to be repaired.

Oh, and the trucks that the client's maintenance people have worked on first. Some places have good maintenance people, some dont. I've actually gone in places where their guys had entire electronics and control systems ripped out of a lift, wiring harnesses strewn 50 feet around the room, and the entire thing stripped down to the bare bones- then they wanted me to put it all back together, plus fix the original problem, in less than an hour and cover it all under warranty.


Sep 7, 2006
Wigan, UK
my job isnt that bad

worst bit about it is me - im just not very good at my job
even tho i want to work hard i just struggle with motivation

i think in some areas of work it would be better if we were told do X amount of work and then you can go home - and if you havent done by 5pm go anyway - if the company is busy you do 9 - 5 but when there not and you get stuff done you work less - same amount gets done but your just not surfing net the other times - your at home with family


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 27, 2006
When I was working (I'm laid off right now) I worked as a Delivery Driver for a concrete block company. We had every size and shape of block, brick, retaining wall block and supplies you could think of. Backing in to stock a basement when the mud is 4-6 inches deep, usually the truck just sank in up to the axles and you were stuck. Delivery in tight spots, the knuckle boom on the truck stuck in the air about 25 ft which makes it tough around power lines and trees. Lots of times in residential areas we had to block the street to unload and people would sit there and glare at you, honk the horn, flip you off etc. I learned quickly to show them my back when unloading. There were other things too, long hours (6:30am-5 or 5:30pm) which is a LONG day when its 95 degrees outside. Having to drive over 15 or 20 ton bridges when your truck weighs 31.5 tons loaded.
The job paid okay, about $16-17 an hour plus time and a half over 40. A couple things this job taught me was safety because of all the obstacles and occasionally your boom cable would break dropping 3-4000 lb of material on the ground. It taught me patience and to slow down a bit, it wasn't the type of job you could hurry at. The other one was kind of strange but I found out quickly that most people dont watch where they are walking (I didn't) but with this job you had to or you would get hurt.
When I started this job I didn't like it much but as I did it more it got better, I wish I had it now as unemployment isn't the greatest.
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Aug 14, 2007
Las Vegas, NV
I'm a Security Guard at a hospital and I love the aspect of my job. The pay is unreal for a security guard, the beny's are top notch and it is all in all a good work place.

Problem is that I work with people that are "ROD" Retired On Duty and it drives me up the wall on how dishonest and lazy people can be. I'm the only security guard on duty for a 285,000 square foot facility and I have to handle all of the in and out house calls.

We work for the hospital were not contracted, so you really due earn your pay at this place. We deal with the "I'm to good for you nurses", the crazy people that come in, hell last week alone I was in two fights in the same night with two different legal 2000 patients/L2K's which is Vegas code word for: Crazy person.

The nurses attuides and down right disrespect is bad and the other guys that work in my department are as dumb as they get and I have made that very clear to all of them.

Other than that right now I'm getting ready to test again for LVMPD, and hopefully I can get into the academy soon and I will leave the hospital behind.
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Oct 11, 2005
Austin Indiana, USA
Let's see...

What's annoying about my job.....? Hmmm?

I really don't like the section of time, in between, the time I clock in, and the time I clock out... Oh yea, I dont like driving to or from work either..

Come to think about it... I really don't like to work...

I'd rather just take pictures....

Oh wait a min....

That is one of my jobs... hehehe (I don't count it as work tho...)


Newly Enlightened
Aug 28, 2003
The most annoying part of my job is listening to the other employees complain about how much it sucks here, how the boss is a PITA, how the pay sucks whatever, BUT they are too lazy to go get another job.

Why complain about something if you are not willing to do anything about it?


Aug 29, 2006
NY most of the time
I'm on my 2nd job after college, and the things I like about this job are: much smaller company, manager is awesome, coworkers are great (one is actually one of my best friends from college, which is how I got the job), and we really are a team.


Friday I found out I needed to be in Toronto on Monday AM (3hr drive). Get to Toronto (4hr drive), at 9:30am, for a conference call at 11am, with a planned face-to-face meeting at 1pm (different clients). Approx 11:30 we find out that the face-to-face meeting is cancelled. So I drove home. 7 hours in the car for a 30 minute conference call (that I could have done from home) and a cancelled meeting. Oh yeah, and I could have woken up at 7:30 instead of 5:30 if the asshat in toronto told me that the conference call wasn't until 11.

As I'm driving home on Monday, I get a call from my manager asking if I can cover a meeting in Boston on Wednesday (the day before thanksgiving (busiest travel day of the year)), and being that I had no reason not to - I said yes. So here I am on CPF at my hotel in Cambridge, after braving the 2nd heaviest travel day of the year to get here, for a 1 hour meeting tomorrow(today), followed by a flight home, if it doesn't get cancelled. Oh and my meeting tomorrow, at 1pm, will probably get cancelled once everyone else realises its the day before thanksgiving. Right after the earlier flight home sells out.

I took this job knowing I was going to have to travel - my problem is not knowing when I'm going to be traveling with any certainty up to 45 minutes ahead of time...


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 29, 2004
Trying to figure out what we are going to cook tomorrow.

Yesterday's Lunch. :laughing:


Dances with Flashlight

Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 28, 2005
Glendale, Arizona
DoubleDutch really has a point there about Bureaucracy. But lately, it seems, my job has been keeping me away from CPF for too long. Either that or it's left me with too little strength to fight off the addiction of this place.


Aug 27, 2006
"Workers" not willing to give a fair day of work for a fair day of wages.:scowl:


I've given that much, and gotten very little in terms of pay.

Funny Story: At my current client's site, every one of the client's Security Supervisors told me they love having me around! The main Supervisor even went so far as to put in a recommendation that if a permanent, full-time post opens up at the site; I'm going to be the first one contacted.

It's a place that's only half an hour away from my home, by taking the freeway. Pay is good too.

I want to work there, all the Client's Supervisors want me to work there.... but there are zero openings. :ironic:

How's that for irony?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 26, 2005
Leavenworth, Kansas
Most annoying part of my job, people who never are guilt of the traffic violation I pull them over for. People who ask why I'm not out after real criminals instead of harassing them for a minor traffic violation. People who have never done my job but know how to do it better than I can, or think they can. People who judge me or my LEO brothers based on half truths and the left wing media's version of the truth in a incident or situation.
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Dr Jekell

Aug 3, 2006
New Zealand
Being 1 of 5 people who are meant to be looking after stock in the restaurant (Rotation, problems, storage, ordering etc).

Out of those 5, I am the one who does 90% of keeping the perishable stock rotated, being used in rotation, fixing problems with the product/packaging/ordering etc and making sure the product is where it is supposed to be (You don't want to know).

Being an adult who can think for himself & has common sense (something sadly lacking nowadays) & working with toddlers in teenage/adult bodies.

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