Well....... I love my job.... Been doing it for 30 years now and still learning new things! Been self employed for about 22 years. Everybody thinks that when you own your own business you get to make your own hours..... Well there right..... It just happens to be every conscious hour!
Annoying..... Not really annoying but Dealing with Taxes, Insurance and certain administrative things aren't my favorite things to do.
The most annoying..... I have this really bad habit...... If somebody tells me something...... I believe them! I've been disappointed (annoyed) more than a few times!
My job is full of challenges..... I'm looking for work every day of my life. I still get butterflies before jobs. I'm always trying to give the client more than they expected. I try and keep everybody happy, Employees, vendors and clients.
Annoying..... I'd be lying if I said I didn't get annoyed at times. Is it worth it? You bet it is! I get well paid and have traveled allot of the world, Get to work with great creative people on very interesting projects. Every skill I have ever learned in my life I get to use in my job in one way or another.
I hate to sound like my life is so righteous.... Believe me, It's not. I have my issues like the rest of us...... But I have a great job!
How did I get this great job..... It was my dads wisdom .... He always told me and my brother from a very young age (12 or something) to write down in order 1-2-3 what we wanted to be when we grew up. (although I still don't feel grown up)
What's my job? Photographer specializing in Advertising.
Hard work..... Long hours..... Yes, and Yes..... Worth it.....YES! Put it this way, If I won the lottery tomorrow..... I'd still do what I do !!! It's not work it's what I do!
Here is a sample of something we did that should be just getting into the stores. Sony's new 40gb version of Playstation 3