Most annoying part about your job.


Aug 27, 2006
My job as a Security Guard is less-than-great, to put it mildly. Biggest thing is the sheer boredom that comes with my work. I'm basically a human scarecrow with eyes.... Didn't really help the situation when my supervisor admitted that this type of work is as low as you can go. (She's right, too).

There are jobs that involve more work, sometimes under pretty bad conditions. But those normally pay more.

I'm curious.... What's the most annoying aspect of your job?
In order of annoyance with most annoying first (all from before I worked at home):

1) The single most annoying part of any job I had was getting there. This was doubly true if you can't avoid the subways during rush hour. Where I live if you have a 9 to 5 job in Manhattan you have to leave by 7:30 or you may not make it. On the other hand, if you work 8 to 4 you can leave at 7:10, sometimes even 7:15, and still have a reasonable chance of getting there on time. Rush hour almost doubles your commute time. Both ways. The crowds don't bother me. The trains creeping along at 10 mph do.

2) Working during the summers, the day after Thanksgiving, and the week around Christmas and New Years. Maybe this is from conditioning by years of school where I had these times off. I hate hot weather, period, so maybe that's the reason for not liking to work during summers. The subways and streets are as hot as hell. If you have to wear "normal" work clothes instead of summer attire you sweat even more. Lots of places don't turn up the AC any more so you sweat even at work. Worst of all, there's no holidays to make for at least a three day weekend between July 4 and Labor Day. That's a 2 month stretch with just weekends off.

3) Getting up early. I'm a night person. Enough said.

4) Keeping to any kind of a schedule. Some people thrive on routine. For me it just wears me down.

5) Rushing out of bed into all kinds of weather. It somehow seems unnatural to run out in high gear shortly after you wake (closely related to #3).

6) The five-day work week. Since any day I'm at work is more or less shot by the time I get home anyway, I'd rather just stay at work an extra 5 hours or so, and then have 4 days a week with no work instead of only 2. I'm amazed this isn't more popular. You'll save on commuting time/expense each week as well.

7) Typical work clothes. Most things worn for work are neither attractive nor comfortable. Especially true of a suit and tie, although I've never had a job where I had to wear one, nor would I ever take such a job. I just can't function with all those clothes on.

8) The pay. I never had a job where I felt I was adequately compensated for the number of hours of my life that I lost.

9) The work itself. It's a local service economy. Most of these types of jobs are booooring.

Working at home got rid of all these annoyances. I'll still work during the summer since I don't have enough work yet to have the luxury of turning down jobs. However, it's not too bad since I don't have to actually go out of the house in weather I can't stand.
- The high stress levels. Trying to keep a nation wide cellular network running with a heavily understaffed department is no picnic...

- Working 24/7/365, often having to miss out on quality familytime, especially on holidays.

- Working a 10 day cycle. 2 earlyshifts, 2 lateshifts, 2 nightshifts then 4 days off. Most of my friends and family have regular 9 to 5 jobs, so it's hard to plan anything, as my days off are often outside the weekends, while 'normal' people are working.
I'm an OR nurse and I hate dealing with missing equipment. Kind of hard to assist surgery when you do not have the right instruments.
I have never had a job that was as annoying as yours. Guess I would have fun with my flashlights as a security guard. I did guard a railroad bridge over a river for 2 months during my first summer out of high school. Did not really guard it, but opened and closed it. Was able to do some fishing during the day and PM shift (rotated shifts), read a lot during the noc shift.

Later, as a middle manager in a different line of work, the most annoying part of my job was dealing with employees who did not want to come to work. Some how during their orientation some of my employees misread the part about coming to work on time, or even showing up for work. Well, I was a manager so I got to earn the big bucks (?) dealing with that. The only reason this issue did not really make my work that annoying was my commitment to my customers, which was worth the annoying things along the way.

3) Getting up early. I'm a night person. Enough said.
4) Keeping to any kind of a schedule. Some people thrive on routine. For me it just wears me down.
5) Rushing out of bed into all kinds of weather. It somehow seems unnatural to run out in high gear shortly after you wake (closely related to #3).
I heartily agree.
Well, I don't yet have a steady job, but when I'll have one I know those will be the things I'll hate.

Working at home got rid of all these annoyances
Can I ask what your job is? I'm very interested in the work-at-home thing, as I loathe the concept of having to move to stay in front of a computer when I can do the same thing without leaving my home.
Speaking from my own experiences...I'd say there are great, good, & bad times (in varying degrees) in most (if not all) jobs.

Personally I can't put up with a lack of integrity, dishonesty, arrogance, & I'm sure there are other negatives that I can't think of at the moment - but these are high on my list! These apply to management, subordinates, co-workers, & customer/clients as well.

Camaraderie with a cohesive team makes a positive work environment for me!
Getting called at 3am to leave my snuggly wife and warm bed to drive 60 miles and lay in the snow to repair a piece of machinery is normal for my business. The annoying part is when it's to repair the same problem on the same piece of machinery for the fourth time in as many months. This time the client doesn't want to pay, claiming it's my faulty repair that's failed. Very convenient that he's forgotten the half hour conversation we had and the written instructions I left regarding proper use and maintenance the FIRST TIME this happened, and my written and spoken reminders every time it's happened since.

JTR, I agree with many of your points. I'm sure many of our national health problems could be improved simply by rearranging our working schedule.

Later, as a middle manager in a different line of work, the most annoying part of my job was dealing with employees who did not want to come to work. Some how during their orientation some of my employees misread the part about coming to work on time, or even showing up for work. Well, I was a manager so I got to earn the big bucks (?) dealing with that. The only reason this issue did not really make my work that annoying was my commitment to my customers, which was worth the annoying things along the way.


Ironically, I've gotten praise and recommendations from both the on-site Supervisor and the client's Security Supervisor.... just because I show up early for work, and I show up on the days I'm supposed to work. :ironic:

Too bad it doesn't mean $#^%.

You wouldn't believe the pathetic pay I was offered at my next job-assignment by the Account Manager. (A permanent M.- F. job, instead of the temporary assignment I have now).
I hope those missing instruments didn't go home with the patient - If you know what I mean... ;-).

I used to hate commuting to work 2 hours each way per day, especially after putting in a minimum of 9 hours a day. Now I have virtually no commute. Lucky

What I hate now is how difficult it is to remove incompetent employees that my people have to interact with from other areas of the company . Of course, I dont have that problem in my group - my guys are the best.
Can I ask what your job is? I'm very interested in the work-at-home thing, as I loathe the concept of having to move to stay in front of a computer when I can do the same thing without leaving my home.
I do any combination of electronic design, assembly, and repair. To be honest, the assembly and repair parts can get pretty routine. And I don't yet have enough customers to even match what I'd earn on a minimum wage job. However, I do earn a lot more per hour than any job I've had, which is what really matters. And working at home is priceless, easily worth earning less money if need be.

I definitely don't understand either why many people who basically sit in front of a computer need to travel on site to do so. I'll grant that some jobs aren't very amenable to telecommuting, but when I see offices people sitting in front of computers I cringe. The employer could save money on office space, the employee could save the commute. More free office space would drive down rents plus allow conversion to residential. The transportation grid would flow better for those who can't work at home. We would save energy. The list of benefits is many. I don't really see a downside, either. The employers will know if the work doesn't get done. I guess a lot of the reason it's not done is because of the Napoleonic power trip a lot of management is on. They're not happy just making sure the work gets done. They also have to micromanage every aspect of their employees lives while they're doing the work, such as when to take break, go to lunch, take time off, how to dress, etc.
I hate it when,

1) you are on call on your off days.
2) have to work extra hours due to others.
3) prepare papers on things you are not involved in the first place.
4) cover other peoples mistakes.
5) due to commitments at work, less quality time with family.

Emmm.... I think i'm in the wrong firm but then again the money is good though...
I work at a market basket in the grocery department. I can't STAND IT! when I find a gallon of milk behind the laundry detergent, or a half eaten ham sandwitch in the pepsi cooler along with a jar of mayonaisse and a jar of pickles. My best one yet was lawn mower oil in the ice freezer. Also I hate it when stupid kids usually ages 10-14 come in and wreck everything. Or when you get the little 2 year olds who run up to their parents saying can I get this PLEASE!!!! Then they say NO NOW GO PUT IT BACK, then the little kid throws it back on the shelf knocking all the items around it over. And I just want to stick a box cutter in my eye when a customer walks up and asks how much an item is when there is a 3 inch by 3 inch price sticker saying 4.99 on it. Or when a customer asks where the bathroom is, I tell them, then half way down the aisle they ask a coworker of mine, then once they make it to the employee doors they ask someone else.
For me it's the getting there and back part....

I got to wake up every day at 6:30 so that i can be out of the house by 7:45 in order to arrive at work by 9.
I need to walk 15min to get to the tram, which takes me to the underground which takes me to the bus station....
So as u can understand the whole process is pretty tidious. At least i got a 2gig memory card for my phone, so i've loaded about 200 songs and i switch between the playlist and the radio through the trip.

I used to work as a Security Officer, not too long ago, so i know the feeling of mind numbing boredom....
Over the years I have had many annoyances at work. Long hours with low pay, late shifts, obnoxious bosses, lazy coworkers, rude customers, and many others.

I have always been able to convince myself that the hours made time go by faster, the late shift was quiet, the boss would burn out and leave or mellow out, I was making myself the go to guy, for each rude customer there would be two thankful and polite people, and every annoyance would be balanced out by a proper attitude.

Now I realize the biggest annoyance is when your company is under stress itself. Not knowing how long you will be able to keep working makes the other annoyances bearable. Everyone at work who used to complain is now hoping we keep open.
Well....... I love my job.... Been doing it for 30 years now and still learning new things! Been self employed for about 22 years. Everybody thinks that when you own your own business you get to make your own hours..... Well there right..... It just happens to be every conscious hour!

Annoying..... Not really annoying but Dealing with Taxes, Insurance and certain administrative things aren't my favorite things to do.

The most annoying..... I have this really bad habit...... If somebody tells me something...... I believe them! I've been disappointed (annoyed) more than a few times!

My job is full of challenges..... I'm looking for work every day of my life. I still get butterflies before jobs. I'm always trying to give the client more than they expected. I try and keep everybody happy, Employees, vendors and clients.

Annoying..... I'd be lying if I said I didn't get annoyed at times. Is it worth it? You bet it is! I get well paid and have traveled allot of the world, Get to work with great creative people on very interesting projects. Every skill I have ever learned in my life I get to use in my job in one way or another.

I hate to sound like my life is so righteous.... Believe me, It's not. I have my issues like the rest of us...... But I have a great job!

How did I get this great job..... It was my dads wisdom .... He always told me and my brother from a very young age (12 or something) to write down in order 1-2-3 what we wanted to be when we grew up. (although I still don't feel grown up)

What's my job? Photographer specializing in Advertising.

Hard work..... Long hours..... Yes, and Yes..... Worth it.....YES! Put it this way, If I won the lottery tomorrow..... I'd still do what I do !!! It's not work it's what I do!

Here is a sample of something we did that should be just getting into the stores. Sony's new 40gb version of Playstation 3

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My job really isn't that bad at all. I'd say the worst I have it is when were outside in the middle of winter for 3-4 hours trying to get a trains air brakes working good enough that he can leave town.

The way some guys talk, we have one of the worst jobs in the world. Granted, it would be nice if we were paid more *but who doesn't wish for more pay*, but for the actual work we do, it's hard to beat.
.... And I just want to stick a box cutter in my eye when a customer walks up and asks how much an item is when there is a 3 inch by 3 inch price sticker saying 4.99 on it.

Well, here's one thing you can do about that.... With an expressionless look on your face, hold the item up to the customer's face, turn the item around so that the price tag is facing them. Then, just stay that way until the customer takes the item from your hands or just walks away.

Without blatantly being rude to the customer, you made it obvious how stupid they were for wasting your time.

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