Most annoying part about your job.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 11, 2006
When I have lazy, rude, "talk-the-talk-but-don't-walk-the-walk" coworkers; and a boss who doesn't care if I'm on Academic Probation 1 in college and I've been flunking all my classes because I'm so busy with work.:shakehead

God bless... well you know.:ohgeez:



Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 26, 2004
3rd Stone
While not strictly speaking about my job, I've seen the following happen to other workers many times while I've been shopping:

When an employee is answering an involved question for an apparently difficult customer, a somewhat clueless (and hey, I'm feeling very generous here) manager will hover around the employee (who seems to actually know what they are doing in the first place), and end up interfering with both the customer and the employee with useless babbling. This at the same time greatly annoys both the customer and the employee to the extent that the manager ends up being able to quash the sale for the employee. Guess who gets it in the neck? It never seems to be the clueless manager, does it. Ah, the wonders of micro-management.

I've got to admit that I like my job. Usually, the only thing that ticks me off is when there's a company wide, high priority program or group of sale items, and the buyers and/or warehouse managers decide that there isn't enough product to go around. It's usually resolved within a day or two, but in the meanwhile the store has to explain to customers what's going on and we know it has to sound lame to some of the customers. Even then, because we treat our customers so well, there are very few that have a problem with it. They trust our store and know that that we're doing our best for them. How cool is it when the customers in your store have that much faith in you!
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 31, 2001
San Gabriel Valley + Burbank
The most annoying part of my job is that I work harder than everyone else...and no one notices...I do it anyways because it makes my day go by a lot faster and when review time comes around I have lots of ammo.

Im the first one in the door and last one out..I go above and beyond everyone else..could definitely replace 2 people in my dept.

We'll see how it works out, im getting my review tomorrow. I will either be buying myself a new flashlight or looking for a new job that pays better.


Nov 22, 2003
Flushing, NY
When an employee is answering an involved question for an apparently difficult customer, a somewhat clueless (and hey, I'm feeling very generous here) manager will hover around the employee (who seems to actually know what they are doing in the first place), and end up interfering with both the customer and the employee with useless babbling. This at the same time greatly annoys both the customer and the employee to the extent that the manager ends up being able to quash the sale for the employee. Guess who gets it in the neck? It never seems to be the clueless manager, does it. Ah, the wonders of micro-management.
Not surprising-the manager is simply trying to justify his job. Funny thing here is that the end result is for the manager to be seen as the useless person they usually are. I personally feel a ratio of about 100 to 1000 workers per manager is about right, not the under 10 often seen in many places.

BTW, I remember being involved in something like that once quite a number of years ago when I actually bought stuff in brick and mortar stores. The store employee was indeed actually helpful for a change. I knew what I wanted, but simply couldn't find it anywhere until I asked. The manager butted in, trying to steer me to more expensive, "similar" (in his mind anyway) items which I didn't need/wasn't looking for. To make a long story short after a few minutes of this I told him to please shut the f*ck up (yes, that plus a few other not so family oriented words, including a few politically incorrect terms questioning his manhood, and a tirade about how he should become at least marginally familiar with some of the products he sells). Yes, I did politely let him know that the situation was covered before I lost my temper, but he continued his "sales pitch" anyway. Well, in end he walked away red-faced. Judging by look on his face, the employee helping me wanted him to go away, too, but obviously couldn't say so. At least the manager had enough common sense to not start cursing back at me. For what it's worth, the incident was totally uncharacteristic of me. I usually treat store employees with the upmost respect, knowing the garbage they have to take day in and day out. This was simply a case of the manager asking for it. Unfortunately for him, my personality type is like a volcano. I'll keep quiet for a long time, but when I erupt watch out. After it was over, I laughed when the store employee said he was afraid for a while that I might actually kill his manager. He didn't say whether he thought that would have been a good thing or not. :whistle: He did laugh when I told him someone like that wasn't worth going to jail for.

Moral of the story-I hate pushy salespeople, especially disguised as managers. In the story above I was actually a bit restrained compared to normal. Some of the things I've said to telemarketers would probably make a truck driver red-faced. I'll admit employees dealing with the general public are often subject to needless abuse. My mom had her share of that as a token booth clerk and a toll collector. However, there are also some cases where they're just asking for it by their pushy behavoir.


Newly Enlightened
Sep 13, 2002
Peoples Republic of SoCal.
I'm a hospital mechanic, worked in the same place for 30+ years.
The worst thing about my job? The people. The ones that don't understand about coming in on time, and getting the job done RIGHT. The ones who don't understand that they're getting paid to do a job, and that they agreed to do that job, and yet this is somehow still their personal time, at work?

The best thing about my job? The people. I worked with a couple older guys for over 20 years, and was still learning from them right up until they retired. I learned about fixing things as good as or better than new. I learned about taking pride in doing a good job, with good outcomes.
When I leave this job in the not-too-distant future, there will be some people I won't miss, and some I will.


Sep 14, 2006
Cincinnati, OH USA
Most annoying part of my job, people who never are guilt of the traffic violation I pull them over for. People who ask why I'm not out after real criminals instead of harassing them for a minor traffic violation. People who have never done my job but know how to do it better than I can, or think they can. People who judge me or my LEO brothers based on half truths and the left wing media's version of the truth in a incident or situation.

Bravo! :thumbsup:

As I've said in another post I think we need WAAAAYYYYY more tickets written for traffic offenders. As a motorcycle rider I'm 100% for outlawing the use of cell phones while driving. There have been numerous studies that prove the impairing effects of that and I have all the anecdotal evidence I ever care to have just from being nearly killed on the motorcycle by some idiots on a cell phone doing 80mph on the highway in a 65mph zone. I'm much more likely to die at the hand of some self absorbed idiot on the road than by a gun toting criminal.

On the other comments...ignore the media. They are there for ratings only anymore not for any real truthful reporting of news. Unfortunately for you they are going to focus on the .1% of LEOs on any given day that act like nitwits because it makes a big splash. Often the only time they run a "good" story is after a cop is shot.

I liken your job to my soccer days. I played 20+ years as a defender stopping countless people from running into our end of the turf, but it's the 1 or 2 times someone got by, or I got a little carried away and got a Red/Yellow card in a game that the coaches seem to remember.


Apr 21, 2001
New York City
...snip... My mom had her share of that as a token booth clerk and a toll collector. However, there are also some cases where they're just asking for it by their pushy behavoir.

There are still token booth clerks and toll collectors? My metrocard comes in the mail, and I haven't seen a toll collector in years (EZ-pass early adopter)


Nov 22, 2003
Flushing, NY
There are still token booth clerks and toll collectors? My metrocard comes in the mail, and I haven't seen a toll collector in years (EZ-pass early adopter)
Last time my mom worked was in 1985. She went out on disability (carpal tunnel syndrome) around then.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 15, 2007
New Zealand
... a customer walks up and asks how much an item is when there is a 3 inch by 3 inch price sticker saying 4.99 on it.
I'll have to remember that one the next time I need an excuse to talk to a cute shop assistant-girl. ;)

Look for the silver lining.

Or when a customer asks where the bathroom is, I tell them, then half way down the aisle they ask a coworker of mine, then once they make it to the employee doors they ask someone else.
"I want to go to the toilet. Do you want to come with me?" is what they're really saying. They just don't know it. :eek:oo:


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 12, 2004
H-Town, 29.756641, -95.355320
College job is a Customer Service position at a popular sporting goods store here in Texas. I have to deal with all sorts of people that I KNOW are stealing this stuff they "return" so they can then get the store credit. They do not use that store credit though, instead sell it to someone for a fraction of what it's worth then buy their drugs with it the cash. That I can't stand at all and give out quite a bit of attitude to the customers that I know are involved. Retarded store policy though does not allow us to say the word "No" to a customer.

So many of them are so dumb too. I have seen these people trying to pawn off their store credit while still in the store. Ridiculous! I hate customer service and the boss won't move me, claiming I am too good at it...That's a insult if I do say so myself.



Aug 27, 2006
.... I hate customer service and the boss won't move me, claiming I am too good at it...That's a insult if I do say so myself.


I had a boss in a different type of job once say that to me.
I still showed up on time, and on the days I was supposed to; but other than that.... Well, I knew I was being insulted too. So I gave them a half-@$$ed effort until I found a new job that I actually cared about.


Oct 2, 2005
And I just want to stick a box cutter in my eye
When I'm pissed at someone, the last person that I would want to hurt is myself. :thinking: I would sooner use the box cutter on them.

when a customer walks up and asks how much an item is when there is a 3 inch by 3 inch price sticker saying 4.99 on it.
I don't know about your store, but this is a situation where I can (and have) made store employees look like a fool, more often than I can recall.

I often go to stores (looking for below retail prices) and if they don't have scanners for customer use, I sometimes ask employees to check the price on some items that:

1. have a clearance tag (but it may not the most up-to-date price in their system)


2. don't have a clearance/sale tag, but I happen to know (from the internet, friends, etc.) that it IS on
clearance/sale, but again do not know the up-to-date price.

But I often get ignorant employees that assume that each and every item in their store (and definitely the items that I am holding) has an accurate price tag on the item or on the shelf.

When I finally INSIST that they SCAN the item (instead of just reading the price off the tag), they often see that the price in their system and the price on the tag do not match, and they are forced to eat their words. :rolleyes:


Oct 2, 2005
The most annoying part of my job is listening to the other employees complain about how much it sucks here, how the boss is a PITA, how the pay sucks whatever, BUT they are too lazy to go get another job.

Why complain about something if you are not willing to do anything about it?
Change is not always as simple as people like to make it out to be. (general statement, not concentrating on just a job)


Sep 16, 2006
Well my job stopped being annoying on Monday, as i got fired due to cut backs....
How's that for a Christmas present.... ?
I got my severance pay and everything, but it sure was a kick in the nuts. No warning no nothing.
Oh well, back on the hunt for another job now :/

EDIT: Also as a side effect, my plans of purchasing a CR2 Ion went down the drain too :/ I've been putting money aside for a couple of months for the purchase but now i got to be realistic and forget about it, until i get another job at least....
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