12 volt incandescent lamp controller circuit


Newly Enlightened
Jun 27, 2009
Atlanta GA
I am looking for a controller to use in a display to contol the lamps in a toy train crossing light signal. It is a 50's era toy crossing signal that has small screw in lamps. I plan to wire to the 0-12 volt train transformer and would like to control the signal lamps to sequence back and forth once a second or so.

I also have a track sentinal that I would like to control in the same manner except to sequence one to the other every 30-60 seconds.

Is there a simple control circuit I could build? Have soldering iron in hand but no diagram to follow.

Thanks for any suggestions or advice.
There are answers, but very difficult to describe and explain in a short post.

Have you tried a model railway forum? I am sure there are many before you who have wanted the same thing and there are likely to be example circuits there.

If you don't want to build one there are possibly/probably ready-made gadgets to buy from model railway suppliers that will do it for you.
Thanks Mr Happy. I haven't had success with model railway suppliers or forums. All the answers are for a running railroad and intact or complete equiprment.

My situation is for a static display and using a couple of antique (in the model railroad areana) items that were not originally made to operate as I am wanting to create.

Maybe if someone could refer me to a circuit resource I could figure something out. My first attempt has been to devise something mechanical rather than electronic. Maybe that is the better solution anyway.
There are DOZENS of alternating LED flashers out there.

Here's 1
Several here

There's a ton of them out there. Have a look around and see if one looks like something you'd like to tackle.

and another

This one HERE looks pretty good. I'd try this one. It's more complicated, but looks like it does quite a bit.

Sorry, I focused on LED flashers, but if you replace the LEDs with opto-isolators, they can control incandescent bulbs.
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Thanks much Jimmy.

I've got a direction to go now. And, I'm thinking I should go with LED anyway. I was stuck on incandescents solely because the accessories had screw mounts. It shouldn't be a problem to work around that and the effect would be better.

I'll report back when I get something working. :thanks: