13.2V enough to 3 x Cree's?


Newly Enlightened
Jan 8, 2007
Is a 13.2V battery pack sufficient to run a tripple cree setup with a bFlex say?
3.7v per LED and 1v for the bflex, you have 1v spare...assuming you are actually getting 13.2v under load for the life of the battery.
3.7v per LED and 1v for the bflex, you have 1v spare...assuming you are actually getting 13.2v under load for the life of the battery.
Which you don't, since the battery goes down to 12V during it's runtime.
But it cán be enough, you just don't get fully regulated current the entire batterylife.
Is 15.6V too much for a triple Cree xre-lamp?

Thats what I'm using.
For triple XR-E with a buck driver, >14,4V is ideal. The upper limit is the Vin-max of the driver.
Efficiency does degrade when the LED forward voltage and Vin are far apart, but nothing shocking.