14500 In A Toothbrush?

I don't think so.... I watched a show once, where one of the hosts took 3 of the same make/model toothbrushes, and modified 2 of them, so the 1st brush was stock, 1 AA, the 2nd he connected 2 AA's, and the 3rd had 4 AA's ... he mentioned that the motor inside was spec'd for a high voltage (forget if it was 5 or 6v volts... something like that)... but it was interesting to HEAR the difference in sound they made :)


Once I modded my 2xAA non-RC car with a 9.4v rechargeable battery pack and it was able to run 3x faster.

The motor overheated but didnt stop working.

After reading this post I REALLY want to put 2x14500 in my tv remote control, wiimote, discman.. etc. :poof:
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Once I modded my 2xAA non-RC car with a 9.4v rechargeable battery pack and it was able to run 3x faster.
Hmm. I happen to have a 2xAA car around from when I was little (Mini4WD, I think they were called). It was quite a zippy thing with two standard AAs... I wonder how fast it'd go with two LiFe 14500, which I coincidentally happen to have :naughty:
The motor would be overvolted, but 6.6 volts or thereabouts is still less than the 8.4 it'd see from two LiIon 14500, so I hope it can last a few minutes before burning out.

I think I'll try this out and report on the results :D (as soon as I manage to find the car, that is...)
There was a quickly deleted thread about using a 14500 in a, um, "personal" device on here once. I do recall the poster saying that the battery ended up not working in lights afterwards, but the device ran on it still.

I do not know if this would apply to other motorized devices, or if it was because the battery was overly discharged.
Personal? Why would you need a more powerful battery in your nose trimmer?

There was a quickly deleted thread about using a 14500 in a, um, "personal" device on here once. I do recall the poster saying that the battery ended up not working in lights afterwards, but the device ran on it still.

I do not know if this would apply to other motorized devices, or if it was because the battery was overly discharged.
Personal? Why would you need a more powerful battery in your nose trimmer?

LOL. More power for a nose hair trimmer....must have a really hairy nose! :crackup::nana:

yekim was talking about about a personal "pleasure" device. ;)
This thread is a fantastic source of ideas :D

Why dont you just get into rc
I always found RC cars a bit boring. Sure, they can go very fast indeed, but so can I on my motorbike, and that's a hell of a lot more fun.
Only exception is RC offroad trucks, but those tend to be too expensive (and easily breakable).

I love RC helicopters, but I can't afford nice ones...
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when I was young I used to drive a toothbrush (2AA) with a 9,6V ni-cad RC battery car...my dentist used to tell me that my tooth were very white...:D
Boring... unless its THESE RC CARS!

This thread is a fantastic source of ideas :D

I always found RC cars a bit boring. Sure, they can go very fast indeed, but so can I on my motorbike, and that's a hell of a lot more fun.
Only exception is RC offroad trucks, but those tend to be too expensive (and easily breakable).

I love RC helicopters, but I can't afford nice ones...
Still wouldn't call it interesting. But this... this is interesting. And of course being a CPFer I'm wondering what kind of illumination he used...

Edit: this, too.
When those battery powered Mach3 razors came out way back, I put the L92 in it.
Really makes the razor more nimble.