Flashlight Enthusiast
I assume that overheating can hurt the battery, but I cherish my 15 charger as one of the best $30 I ever spent. It makes so manythings possible that were impractical before. (I would buy a 16 AA 1 hour charger, but not a 8 cell 1 hour.)
I have seen numerous batteries cease to quickcharge. I assume this due to heating during last charge. So, I have been experimenting placing the batts in freezer 15 minutes when ever practical before charging.
The other experiment is to remove the plastic labels, then permanent marker label them (clear nail polish to lock in the marker.). This should lower temp by making the fan pass air over metal not an insulating label (thin vinyl glove is how I keep 3 degree burn off my fingers when hotgluing.).
Any one with other tips or comment on these experiments. (though the proof will be if I see any impovement on percentage of cells that stop quick charging.)
I have seen numerous batteries cease to quickcharge. I assume this due to heating during last charge. So, I have been experimenting placing the batts in freezer 15 minutes when ever practical before charging.
The other experiment is to remove the plastic labels, then permanent marker label them (clear nail polish to lock in the marker.). This should lower temp by making the fan pass air over metal not an insulating label (thin vinyl glove is how I keep 3 degree burn off my fingers when hotgluing.).
Any one with other tips or comment on these experiments. (though the proof will be if I see any impovement on percentage of cells that stop quick charging.)