Hey guys, sorry Im still a little new here so Im just trying to sort out all of this flash-a-holic jargon. You guys have been a great help so far! I have decided (finally) on two lights to carry on my duty rig. Both are Pila lamps, they came very highly recommended and seem to be a good quality and cost effective option. The concept was to get two torches running on the same kinds of cells for their various purposes yet creating redundancy so only one kind of cell need be carried and confusion under stress is eliminated. They are as follows:
Pila GL2 "Cavaliere"
This will run either the Pila 3W LED Emitter or the Lumens Factory HO-4 (3.7V)
It will be running a stock Pila "Clickey" Tactical Switch and will be run on rechargeables ie some 18650.
Pila GL4 "Imperatore"
This will be running a Lumens Factory HO-9L (9V) in the front and a Pila RED Led Tail Lamp Module in the Back. Occasionally this may be run with a Lumen's Factory EO-9L (9V) think heat. Also ALWAYS running on rechargeable thus 18650.
Now as stated above I want to run both of these lights on rechargeable cells all the time thus 123's are never going to get in these lights. The obvious choice right of the bat was Pila batteries, cause well they are Pila lights. However after some reading online regarding cells I have discovered two things. Firstly the Pila 600P the batteries that power both of these lights are really just 18650's thus no different from these normal Lith-Ion cells we can buy elsewhere (correct me if Im wrong). Secondly these batteries (the Pila's) seem to be very very expensive when compared to other 18650 cells I have found online (thats if they are the same thing).
This leads me to this simple question: Would I be better off going to Pila 600P's or other cells?
Additionaly, I have come across some confusion regarding the cells themself. It is my understanding that the Pila, and the majority of other 18650's out there are "protected", which in my very juvenile understanding means if they get to hot they shut off to stop from exploding. Exploding flashlight in your hand=bad!! However I have now come across these:
they seem to indicate there is some kind of PCB protection integrated with the cell thus maintaining a constant voltage or Im on the really strong pot of coffee? Im not really sure what that means and smoke is currently poring out of me ears and the few remaining brain cells I have left are struggling to comprehend this info. Thus the simple question here is, am I better off buying a normal 2200mAh cell with this protection circuit PCB thing as above, a Pila 600P 2200 mAh cell or something of an 18650 2600mAh that has no protection like this one:
and then adding some kind of protection like this
Where is the best place to buy same batteries? I just happened to find Battery Junction, but some one had mentioned to me that there are people with in the CPF community whom might have some other resources or sell them their selves. Care to share?
Lastly, we have come to chargers. I would assume then that the Pila charger would charge all other forms of 18650 cells... it seems like a strong candidate as it has a Quick charge a Slow charge and a standby mode, trickle charge. It is also my understanding that each "well" is independent so as you can charge one cell at a time regardless of where it is at in the charge cycle etc. Is this a good choice for a charger or are there other (read less expensive) options out there that offer similar charging options ie quick then slow then trickle with the same independent wells? Also I need a 12v vehicle cord for same charger. Lastly is anyone aware of a charger that has 4 independent wells as I would love to be able to have 3 batteries charging at any given time for my lights?
Thanks so much for all your knowledge and resources!!
Yours truly
END POST #2:rock:
Pila GL2 "Cavaliere"
This will run either the Pila 3W LED Emitter or the Lumens Factory HO-4 (3.7V)
It will be running a stock Pila "Clickey" Tactical Switch and will be run on rechargeables ie some 18650.
Pila GL4 "Imperatore"
This will be running a Lumens Factory HO-9L (9V) in the front and a Pila RED Led Tail Lamp Module in the Back. Occasionally this may be run with a Lumen's Factory EO-9L (9V) think heat. Also ALWAYS running on rechargeable thus 18650.
Now as stated above I want to run both of these lights on rechargeable cells all the time thus 123's are never going to get in these lights. The obvious choice right of the bat was Pila batteries, cause well they are Pila lights. However after some reading online regarding cells I have discovered two things. Firstly the Pila 600P the batteries that power both of these lights are really just 18650's thus no different from these normal Lith-Ion cells we can buy elsewhere (correct me if Im wrong). Secondly these batteries (the Pila's) seem to be very very expensive when compared to other 18650 cells I have found online (thats if they are the same thing).
This leads me to this simple question: Would I be better off going to Pila 600P's or other cells?
Additionaly, I have come across some confusion regarding the cells themself. It is my understanding that the Pila, and the majority of other 18650's out there are "protected", which in my very juvenile understanding means if they get to hot they shut off to stop from exploding. Exploding flashlight in your hand=bad!! However I have now come across these:
they seem to indicate there is some kind of PCB protection integrated with the cell thus maintaining a constant voltage or Im on the really strong pot of coffee? Im not really sure what that means and smoke is currently poring out of me ears and the few remaining brain cells I have left are struggling to comprehend this info. Thus the simple question here is, am I better off buying a normal 2200mAh cell with this protection circuit PCB thing as above, a Pila 600P 2200 mAh cell or something of an 18650 2600mAh that has no protection like this one:
and then adding some kind of protection like this
Where is the best place to buy same batteries? I just happened to find Battery Junction, but some one had mentioned to me that there are people with in the CPF community whom might have some other resources or sell them their selves. Care to share?
Lastly, we have come to chargers. I would assume then that the Pila charger would charge all other forms of 18650 cells... it seems like a strong candidate as it has a Quick charge a Slow charge and a standby mode, trickle charge. It is also my understanding that each "well" is independent so as you can charge one cell at a time regardless of where it is at in the charge cycle etc. Is this a good choice for a charger or are there other (read less expensive) options out there that offer similar charging options ie quick then slow then trickle with the same independent wells? Also I need a 12v vehicle cord for same charger. Lastly is anyone aware of a charger that has 4 independent wells as I would love to be able to have 3 batteries charging at any given time for my lights?
Thanks so much for all your knowledge and resources!!
Yours truly
END POST #2:rock: