$20 AA E01 - would you want one?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 31, 2006
Bay Area, CA
Just throwing the idea out there.

I'd love an AA battery vampire...even better with E01 knurling.

Maybe there's no market for such a large, dim light?

Realistically, could they do it for $20 out the reseller's door?
actually i would like them to just make muliple bodies for the E01..like a D body with adaptor of some sort. just imagine the run time on that thing...

I would be interested in a AA version. I also wouldn't mind seeing AAA versions of the L series.
I'm done buying blue tinted dim lights. :devil:

I have a 2nd generation X1 which may be similar to what you are proposing.
actually i would like them to just make muliple bodies for the E01..like a D body with adaptor of some sort. just imagine the run time on that thing...

I've been wanting a looooooooooooooooong running light like that for a while. Think E01 or ArcAAA type of output off a D battery... perfect for emergencies.
Yes I'd like an AA version of the E01 and I'd also like, hmm, L11? An AA version of the L0P/L0D, with a twist bezel on/off.

I read "AAA version of the L series" as meaning an AAA version of the L1D, i.e. with a clickie. I don't especially want that. An AAA light should be as small as they can make it.
I've been wanting a looooooooooooooooong running light like that for a while. Think E01 or ArcAAA type of output off a D battery... perfect for emergencies.

hmmm, maybe i can cut down a body and make some kinda of contact for it using a D battery holder and the light...lol...

sure, next ill make a Ti light.....

lol, that's what I was thinking. Everyone has spare AA's from old devices, but AAA's are a bit trickier to get hold of. A D cell powering an E01 head would just be amazing in terms of emergency/runtime since the E01 gives enough light to walk around at night :)
As a flashaholic, I'd buy one in an instant, but if I worked at Fenix as the head of marketing, I'd have to think long and hard about this one; the niche it fills is too small I believe.

In a pinch, an L0D CE Q4 on low with a fresh AAA cell would run long enough to get one through a night-long power outage.

Being an AA light, it would be too large for most people for EDC, defeating most of its advantages.
I'm in for a AA E01. For me AA's are the way to go.
Even better : something like a AA P1D with a E01-like low level.

Sevy :wave:
In a pinch, an L0D CE Q4 on low with a fresh AAA cell would run long enough to get one through a night-long power outage.

I don't understand this thing about long runtimes and night-long power outages. I've been in a multi-night power outage and spent the nights doing something that doesn't require a flashlight. It's called SLEEPING ;).
What about the Gerber Infinity?

Fairly practical and cheap light, but not all that well made (nothing like the old CMG's), too bright (overdriven), doesn't tail stand, and uses an older LED (less efficient than the Nichia GS used in the E01). It's actually called an Infinity Ultra. The old CMG Infinity (non-Ultra) was lower powered but of course the leds of that era were even less efficient.
I would buy one! exactlly like the EO1 that uses AA ( non clicky ) but maybe with three leds in the head? as an addtional option instead of just one? and the idea of a D cell EO1 would be great for power outages =D
The 11 hours in regulation is more than enough for normal power outages, and who doesn't have spares?. In a power outage I wouldn't be using it constantly. A D cell would be enough for months. Way overkill.

And like paulr said. You're suppose to be sleeping in the night anyhow, not running around playing with your flashlight :D
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Just throwing the idea out there.

I'd love an AA battery vampire...even better with E01 knurling.

Maybe there's no market for such a large, dim light?

Realistically, could they do it for $20 out the reseller's door?

I'd rather just have a 1 x AA accessory pack, instead of an entirely new light.
I don't understand this thing about long runtimes and night-long power outages. I've been in a multi-night power outage and spent the nights doing something that doesn't require a flashlight. It's called SLEEPING ;).

Young kids and night lights.

I have a couple of different setup that I use for them.

Rexlight on LOW
Nitcore Defender on LOW
Modified 4-D cell lantern with one SMJLED led running at 1-2ma on low and 30 mA on high. (over a YEAR runtime on low)
energizer folding led (4-AA)
Disney 4-AA Night Lights (One set of batteries will last a week of nights)

A LOT better than kerosene lanterns around kids.

I've been wanting a looooooooooooooooong running light like that for a while. Think E01 or ArcAAA type of output off a D battery... perfect for emergencies.
This would be easy enough to do with a E01 and a body of the appropriate size.

Actually maybe it could be done without a body at all. Thick rubber cap for the positive terminal, hole to insert E01 pill, elastic band with metal contact to wrap around negative terminal. Voila, your super long runtime light is ready.
I don't understand this thing about long runtimes and night-long power outages. I've been in a multi-night power outage and spent the nights doing something that doesn't require a flashlight. It's called SLEEPING ;).
Point taken, but in a weather emergency, you could be up all night. Obviously, this won't happen often (hopefully)....