20W led Pics to show some things i talked about


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 7, 2004
Lost In Space
ok assembling some pics here so you can see what i was referring to.

first the setup a 20W series parellel emitter array dropped on a computer heat sync, some goop there for a peltier experiment is under there doing some thermal transfer, this is slopily done, and quickly done so heating doesnt get bad.
This is a LED i REJECTED for the main project, because it was a bad one of the bunch, 3 of them out of 13 were very bad items, the rest are MUCH better. so you know this is one i concidered bad.

then i ramp the voltage up before i get to 6V one of the emitting items is already blazing


you can see the leetl wires going into it if you look close.
noo not the lint :) the wires

there is still only tiny bits of current flowing here, like around 20ma, it ONLY shows that the trigger point for the gates differ wildly, which can mean precision of the part. EVERY one of them does this, if you put sunglasses on you can see it right before you go blind.

its not untill 14V that more of the array is burning, enough to completly blow out my ability to picture it without a filter.
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ok stage 2 , color and a (very poor) attempt to compare to other led items.

at this power level 1/2 power distance of 6 feet (actual Vf 15.4)


here is the 20W with a Coast Frog type of optics tetering on the top of it.
on the LEFT a 3Xlux3 with optics in normal mode on the RIGHT the 20W in 1/2 power mode

the attempt here is to compare like items, the tri-star lux with its med no spill type output, to the 20W thing with a optics on it.


on the LEFT a 3Xlux3 with optics in BOOST mode on the RIGHT the 20W in 1/2 power mode

then i ramp up the 20W

to this power , remember there are cheap clip leads connecting this (actual Vf 16.86)


on the LEFT a 3Xlux3 with optics in BOOST mode on the RIGHT the 20W in full power mode

Notes: camera is in auto mode, things are being hand held, the boost mode of my Tri-star lux3 is a huge overdrive.
sorry its not like there is Normal flashlights :) to compare with , sombody cant leave well enough alone.
Picture brightness is relative (auto) colors show more than they do in real life with digital cams etc etc. basically as some scientific thing there is NONE of that.
the square inches of light from the 20W is much bigger, take that into account.
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Stage 3 , apherical and cree


this is the cruddy aspehrical lens that doesnt work good as a mag aspherical, it teeters on top of a slides stand with a hunk of packaging holding it, then a reasonable focus was achieved by raising the heat sinc up a bit. it WILL focus all the emitters, into a butt ugly grid of squares, but i took it to a sweet spot . losses everywhere scratches, the plastic addding in 10%-20% losses total.


so at this level for the 20W


on the left a Defocused SINGLE cree Mag aspherical on normal on the right the 20W on 1/2 power


on the left cree Mag aspherical on BOOST on the right the 20W on 1/2 power

then at this power

for the 20W


on the left cree Mag aspherical on BOOST on the right the 20W on FULL power

NOTES: the cree aspherical goes to , umm lets call it extreeme overdrive, when i hit the boost button, it is Direct drive off a fat li-ion and gets to about 2A resistered by the resistance in the mag. its on a hotlips heatsinc
same notes as above, all on auto, there is only ONE tiny point in the pic when the picture goes to 255 white (whiteout).
the 20W does have MANY more square inches of light vrses the smaller point of the cree aspherical.

after doing this , the 20W really looks bad compared to the cree , it aint as bad as it looks, but it does make me think.
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stage 4, give the 20W the advantage. seems like what YOU DO with things is often more important than what they CAN do.

tear apart my mag aspherical, and get the good lens.

Hold it up there focused while juggling power levels and taking pics.

put it up against you Par little properly driven reflector light, with a cree running at about 750ma , hey it just came in havent had time to destroy it yet :)


on the Left a Hyperion on high, with proper battery , on the right 20W aspherical on 1/2 power.
thought you might want to see the Projection when fully focused.


Left Hyperion on high, right 20W aspherical on 1/2 power.
in the sweet spot for focus


Left Hyperion on high, right 20W aspherical on FULL power.

Hey wait, its darker on FULL wtf? its ONLY a comparison between the two, the left light stayed at the exact same level. and you can see how its barely there compared.
(and my exposure was a bit to low)

still have a big problem with the original direction of the light, a cree puts LOTS of the light into the aspherical thanks to its intital optical dome thing. the 20W has no dome , just flat with silicon stuff on top of it, its much wider. so much light is not making it to the lens.
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Ladies and Gentlemen , welcome to the showdown of the century, ok the decade, well would you believe of this hour . . . well obviously there is nothing on tv , or you wouldnt be here looking

Tonight we bring you in this ring, two contendors for the throne of lighting

IN this corner weighing in at a mere 8 ozes Sporting the Yellow shorts is Super cheap CLF , the master of Lumens per watt.

Notice its spiraly muscles of light , using a mere 20Watts of power at 110Volts , and winning championships across the nation. its SPIRALIS
(we will let him warm up in the corner there)

And in this corner the heavyweight champion of the world (thanks to its huge heat sinc) Weighing in at neer 16ozes , sporting the blue boxers is Expencive china LED , todays contendor for the throne.

Notice the tiny singularity of light driving out at only 17Watts of power, at 17volts , its BRWUCE LEED.
(folks he is ready to go)

Lets get this fight started.
Today the contestants will be limited to a ring of only ONE fixture type (Boooooooooo) The notorious Ring Of death , the Reflector of doom. (Booooooo) , thats right , we have chosen a fixture type you might even have in your own Home, imagine that folks, it doesnt get anymore real than this.


WOW! look at that as BRWUCE LEED takes him to the tarmack, he is really giving SPIRALIS a run for his money


but SPIRALIS comes back while BRWUCE LEED boxes with his own harsh shadows.

Will it ever end, look at the pummeling they are giving eachother, mixing it up in the ring, we could have a decision by the judges, ohhhh its a TIE
Thats it ladies and gentlemen, you will have to come back next week, when the Ring is "Shades of Doom" , and dont miss next month, when these two fighters will mix it up in the "Death Sky Tower" , the worlds worst fixture that any light has ever been in.
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