25 ft. range L2D - 6P


Newly Enlightened
Jun 13, 2008
I want an incan light and wondered if a 6P or 9P (stock bulbs) would be brighter at the say 25 foot range than an L2D on turbo?
Lux wise, the 6P edges out the L2D-CE Q5 on turbo, but the whiter tint of the L2D-CE might make it seem brighter. Them might seem pretty similar.

The L2D-CE does have a wider beam then the 6P.
OK..60 surefire lumens is now equal to 180 Fenix lumens:thinking:

And dont forget that the L2D will run 2.5times longer on a set of AA batteries. :naughty:

Is the surefire model regulated?..or is it direct drive?
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Lux is lumen at a certain spot, Lumen is the overall output. The L2D-CE Q5 has more then 2x the overall output of the 6P but because of the smaller reflector and I think larger emitting surface, it won't throw as far as the 6P.

The 6P is direct driving an incan bulb with 2 CR123s.

The 9P will throw more then the L2D-CE Q5.
Thanks. That's probably what I needed to really know, which throws better. I have the L2D
rebel 100 model and at 25 feet, the hotspot is like 8 feet across. Yes I can see why given
the tiny reflector. I think I'll get the 9P then. It's so hard without trying the light out for a
few seconds to know how it will look. First choice was a TL3, but I really like that SF body.
How much are you willing to spend for throw? I'm seriously thinking about selling my M4 (already spoken for) and C3 HA w/KT2 Turbo Head. The C3KT2 is like a 9P but with a squared body, grip ring, hard anodizing, Turbo Head, and will out throw it by far. Not to mention the cool factor :thumbsup:

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How much are you willing to spend for throw? I'm seriously thinking about selling my M4 (already spoken for) and C3 HA w/KT2 Turbo Head. The C3KT2 is like a 9P but with a squared body, grip ring, hard anodizing, Turbo Head, and will out throw it by far. Not to mention the cool factor :thumbsup:

Depending on the price, I'd be VERY interested in that Turbohead...:naughty:

Pic is Pic :)

Cree P4@1A (possibly what an actual L2D does?)
kicks 6P

left pic: 6P at left, right pic: sides reversed
distance: 15 meters?

top: same P4 kicks Streamlight Scorpion 18650
bottom: Scorpion 18650 kicks 6P

left pic: Scorpion on left
sorry for that illuminated white board of the window. Didnt realize it while taking the pics.

PS: as gunner typed: in actual use the white light of the led tricks our eyes/brain letting the light seem brighter than it is. I would not bet on the Cree or the Streamlight giving more light.
Batts for 6P were unused but rested for about 1/2 a year,
18650 for Scorpion was charged some weeks before taking these pics
18650 for Cree was in same state (Flupic-driven, so no matter what state)
Thanks for the pics, yellow. I will not get the 6P for sure now. I think my stock 2C mag is brighter than that. :confused:
I think the L2D drivers the LED at around 700-800 mA.

As for throw and the 2C, the Mag has a narrower beam but it is nowhere close to the output or intensity of the 6P.
Get a 9P, a pair of AW 17500 cells, and a Dereelight 1SM-2 with smooth reflector. http://www.dereelight.com/module-list.htm

This is an excellent thrower in a D26 package. I have a 1SM-1 (6 volt) in a 6P and puts out 7000 lux, compared to 4300 lux out of my TK10 (using a cheap DX light meter.) The TK10 is brighter overall, but the smooth reflector in the 1SM-1 throws a tighter beam (higher lux reading). At 25 feet the hotspot is 20 inches across and is very well defined, compared to the TK10 which is rather fuzzy and about 30 inches across. I have a L2D CE (P4?) that puts out 135 emitter lumens (1700 lux on turbo) and a fuzzy 3 foot hotspot at 25 feet (compared to the two previously mentioned lights.)

If you like incans, go for a Lumens Factory HO-9 powered by the same pair of 17500s. I'm running this setup in a G3. The hotspot is a fuzzy ball three feet across, but very bright. At ~210 torch lumens (320 at the emitter) and a 40 min runtime on two 17500s, a HO-9 is a step up from the P90 but with better throw. Lumens Factory lamps are better throwers than SF lamps. Half the price but 2/3rds the average bulb life.

I carry the G3/HO-9 and a G2Z/R2 Cree at work.