2C ROP LE parts question


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 25, 2008
Looking to build a 2c rop le, this will be my first mag mod. I have seen so many different options not sure which way to go, Lots of mention of FM reflectors,are they still available? if not what to use now, KD?. any and all sugestions apreciated.
Firstly, welcome to our little community......now, the good old ROP Maglites, I am sure the most popular mod on here. I will start this off with my basic version......

2x C Maglite
10mm extender
Alloy reflector (in my case a MOP FM)
Glass (boro) lens
ROP High and Low bulbs
2x AW C Li-ion cells.....and a charger

Easy one to start with, it will get more interesting from here if you get hooked......
That's what I was looking at, or a wa1111, where can i get a fm reflector? should i go with a smo or lop (trying for max throw)?

FM (fivemega) reflectors are currently unavailable at the moment. For throw, you definitely need the smooth reflector. Beam shape will not be pretty, but that is the way to go.
Thanks for the advice, what about the kd aluminum reflectors?

someone have had some problems with them:

poor quality (far away from FM ones)
melting with powerful bulbs
bad bad bad bad beam quality...

I'd suggest to get a litho 123 reflector (look for him in CPF market place) or wait for FM to come out with a new run (he'll sure do it).

if I can I'd like to raccomand just another thing:

are you going to use the light at work or it's just a "toy"?

this because if you are going to use your ligh for long burst you'll may have some meliting problems...(mag switch tower is made of plastic).
to fix this problem you can get a FiveMega Bi-pin to PR base adapter and use a WA1111 that'll be brighter than ROP LOW but less that HIGH (not too much...)

oooh and welcome to CPF!

happy modding!
That's what I was looking at, or a wa1111, where can i get a fm reflector? should i go with a smo or lop (trying for max throw)?

OK, you can try this set up;

2x C Maglite
Alloy reflector (fivemega has more coming in the near future)
Boro lens
AW C driver switch (soft start and multi-brightness, three levels)
AW C Li-ion cells
WA1111 bulbs (one spare in the tailcap)

No need for the 10mm extender as the driver allows more space for the longer cells.
Where can I get most of the parts? Lighthound? and how do I contact Fivemega?
I imagine runtimes with a ROP high are in the 1/2 hr range, what about the WA1111? any info?
Where can I get most of the parts? Lighthound? and how do I contact Fivemega?
I imagine runtimes with a ROP high are in the 1/2 hr range, what about the WA1111? any info?

between fivemaga, AW and your local store for the Maglite that should cover it. Send both fivemega and AW a private message with your needs.

in theory (I have never done a real runtime myself) C cell capacity 3.3 divide by WA1111 bulb amp 3.8 (at 7.2V) times 60 gives theoretical runtime.....52 minutes......Bulb info curtesy LuxLuthor.

.....C cell capacity 3.3 divide by ROP High bulb amp 4.4 (at 7.2V) times 60 gives theoretical runtime.....45 minutes.
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If you do go with a KD reflector, do not get the 8.4mm opening reflector. The beam looks horrible. Get the other one with the stock size opening. I actually bought the 8.4mm one and ended up taking my knife and carving the flat spot out to fix the beam.
I'm in the process of building a 2C ROP myself. I'm waiting on the MOP reflector and charger. I've got the host, extender, bulbs, batteries, and UCL lens.
If you do go with a KD reflector, do not get the 8.4mm opening reflector. The beam looks horrible. Get the other one with the stock size opening. I actually bought the 8.4mm one and ended up taking my knife and carving the flat spot out to fix the beam.
I disagree with this -- I'd say get the 8.4mm, and IF you don't like it, cut out the flat portion. However, if you find you don't mind it, those are free lumens you are getting that would otherwise disappear down the hole in the back of the reflector, if you were to buy one with a large opening.

For some beamshot comaprisons, including between the FM MOP, Kai MOP, and Kai SMO, check out the link in my sig. I personally don't mind the beam artifacts, particularly not when looking at targets several hundred meters away ;)

Personally, at this point I would advise you "leapfrog" the entire ROP stage, and go right into a bipin-based flashlight using a Kiu socket. IMO you will have better results -- as the bipin sockets have lower resistance (your light will run whiter and brighter), and you will have a lot more bulb options.
I disagree with this -- I'd say get the 8.4mm, and IF you don't like it, cut out the flat portion. However, if you find you don't mind it, those are free lumens you are getting that would otherwise disappear down the hole in the back of the reflector, if you were to buy one with a large opening.

For some beamshot comaprisons, including between the FM MOP, Kai MOP, and Kai SMO, check out the link in my sig. I personally don't mind the beam artifacts, particularly not when looking at targets several hundred meters away ;)
How can you use the ROP bulb with the 8.4mm opening reflector? :thinking: The socket will definitely interfere with the reflector as it rides the cam.
How can you use the ROP bulb with the 8.4mm opening reflector? :thinking: The socket will definitely interfere with the reflector as it rides the cam.
The ROP bulb itself fits through. The cam is the same dimension as the stock cam however, and causes the bulb itself to withdraw from the reflecotr, so there is never a "collision". I actually custom ground one to have a gentler slope so that the bulb wouldn't withdraw too far, and I would actually have an optimum range of focus on the ROP lamp.
For some beamshot comaprisons, including between the FM MOP, Kai MOP, and Kai SMO, check out the link in my sig. I personally don't mind the beam artifacts, particularly not when looking at targets several hundred meters away ;)
Checked out your thread but the photos seemed to be missing :(
The ROP bulb itself fits through. The cam is the same dimension as the stock cam however, and causes the bulb itself to withdraw from the reflector, so there is never a "collision".
I tried my 8.4mm opening reflector and to my surprise it worked. I'm not sure I really see any difference in the beam though when it's focused down. :thinking:
I'm not sure I really see any difference in the beam though when it's focused down. :thinking:
Ok, well I checked again and compared my two ROP's (one with 8.4mm opening the other with the 15mm). The 15mm one will focus down to a spot better than the 8.4mm one at least at close range 6 & 20'. I'm not sure if the same effect will occur on a more distant target though.

I swapped the reflectors between the two of them to make sure I wasn't seeing differences in the bulbs, batteries, or anything else.
Yeah, the 8.4mm reflectors work a lot better with the Bipin lamps. The place were you will notice the difference with the 8.4mm vs 15mm opening is in the broad "corona" surroudning the spot. Basically, the back of the kai reflectors is a flat mirror, not a parabola, so it won't contribute much to the beam, but it will significantly affect overall lumen output, as it represents a fairly large solid-angle around the lamp.

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