2D Mag Mod [ XP-G R4 / 5 Mode ]


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 15, 2009
Melbourne - Australia

XP-G R4 emitter fitted to heatsink .

Finished Light .

2D Mag Incan Host
2 x 3xAA Carriers
XP-G R4 Emitter
8.4v 5 mode driver from Ultrafire 502B

Moded the usual way , but I wanted the 5 mode driver in there .
Lo = 0.07A Current draw
Med = 0.3A Current draw
Hi = 0.65A Current draw

Voltage at time of measurement = 7.3v


Lo = o.5 Watt
Med = 2.19 Watt
Hi = 4.75 Watt

Throw measured @ 1 Meter = 18,000Lux + On High .
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I took it out once it got dark , and it throws well .

On medium it throws as well as a hot R2 P60 . Will have to take it to the park one night and see just how well it can do , but looks like the way to go if runtime and throw are what your after .
I just isolated the driver with electrical tape , and left it floating in the body .
I dont think there is enough mass or heat to worry about , unlike with a SSC P7 .

If you had to , I guess you could glue it to the base of the heatsink .
As near as I can tell , the driver seems to be fine and with such a large heatsink the Xp-G does not seem to be fading at all .

Over all , a good combination , not nearly as bright as a P7 , but in other ways much better .
Dang , took the light to the local park and it was able to light up the other side , 300 meters + , it throws nuts .

If you need a thrower , XP-G R4/5 in a 2D mag with a good 8.4v driver looks to be the way to go . Forgot the camera so no beamshots , sorry about that .

But it throws !!! :party:
Still in the very early pre-planning stage of my first mod, hows your run time? I like the size of 2D lights, just considered with the run time.
Run time depends on batteries ..

If you stuff in good quality AA's , say 2500mAh , @ 0.65A your looking at 4 hours on high . Im using 2000mAh , so 3 hours on high .
It throws like a R2 P60 on medium , 0.30A = over 6 hours .

Now you could get some Li-on D sized 4.2v batts , 4000mAh + , now that would be something , + on the cards in 2010 .
Those times will definitely work, thank you. Slowing learning this stuff!!!!!:thinking:

About 200 Meters ..

There was just too much ambient light for a good 300 Meter beamshot , once the picture is cropped etc , its even worse .
Did the slug that the LED is mounted to come with the H22A heatsink? It looks from the photos that you've got a small round aluminum piece epoxied to the heatsink.

I'm interested in building a similar light, but I'm not sure if I need anything in addition to the DHS heatsink from H22A in order to mount an XP-G.
Did the slug that the LED is mounted to come with the H22A heatsink? It looks from the photos that you've got a small round aluminum piece epoxied to the heatsink.

The "slug" is a 10mm diam round MCPCB, such as shown here. The XP-G is reflow soldered onto the MCPCB.

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