2nd Best Thrower after DEFT


Newly Enlightened
May 13, 2009
Hi everyone

Im new to CPF. I've learned alot in the past 3 days here but i'd still need some help from you guys ...

What would the the 2nd best thrower led flashlight after the DEFT ?
its not that i dont like DEFT but its a bit over budget for me + the CAD exchange rate...

I know it may sound ironic but i wanna know what are the 2 best throwers after DEFT even if their prices are close to DEFT ....

thank you in advance...
i think some sort of aspheric mag or a tiablo A9 with aspheric head
You could take a look at the Tiablo A9 with the aspheric head.
If you don't need an LED thrower, the Stanley HID would probably be the cheapest HID option, and would beat basically any LED thrower.
From what I have seen so far I would go with the Tiablo A10 as a normal well focused beam flashlight with a great hot spot and some spill and not any of the single lense aspheric type systems. They waste too much of the total light output to give you that high contrast hot spot. I was looking at a couple on mags the other night and the bright spot was not any better than my A10, it simply had more contrast to the dark area around it where as mine had lots of useful spill and what I thought to be a brighter beam in the center anyway.

The true optimum aspheric systems need the smaller lens right in front of the die to focus up as much useful light as possible and put it in the center of the big aspheric lens. Without it a lot of the light is wasted and what does come out the front to me doesn't look impressive at all. It just has that high contrast ratio so the brain is fooled into thinking its a really great hot spot. Next to the A10 it was ugly.

I have not seen the A9 with the Aspheric system myself, if it uses only the 1 lens though I can't see how it would be different in function than all of those "drop in" aspherics type systems I have now seen on mags and 6P size lights.

My 16 inch integration sphere system measurements has so far born this out that a 240 lumen range light is down to 160 lumens total output with the lens in front of it and not the reflector because most of the light coming off the side of the actual LED from its little curved dome is getting wasted with the aspheric whereas it gets collected and projected forward with a good reflector.

To its credit the Deft has the 2 lense system and collects and focuses most of the light from the LED into the aspheric and sends it out which makes it much brighter than any of those single lense aspheric systems. It also becomes a projector of the image of the die. It can be diffused or defocused some what but if you go for maximum brightness and focus, you basically are projecting the image of the die itself. Since you can't afford it its a moot point.

The A10 is a very nice light, no bulky lens sticking out past the bezel to worry about getting scratched up as well.
I believe these lights don't come with an aspheric head by default. Is it an optional upgrade from the factory or gotta look for it else where ?

And how much should I take the amount of lumens in consideration when looking for a thrower. Ofcourse the more lumens the better the output but I've seen that throwers usually produce less lumens compared to other types.

by the way, how much lumens does the DEFT produce and how much come out the front ?
From what I have seen so far I would go with the Tiablo A10 as a normal well focused beam flashlight with a great hot spot and some spill and not any of the single lense aspheric type systems. They waste too much of the total light output to give you that high contrast hot spot. I was looking at a couple on mags the other night and the bright spot was not any better than my A10, it simply had more contrast to the dark area around it where as mine had lots of useful spill and what I thought to be a brighter beam in the center anyway.

The true optimum aspheric systems need the smaller lens right in front of the die to focus up as much useful light as possible and put it in the center of the big aspheric lens. Without it a lot of the light is wasted and what does come out the front to me doesn't look impressive at all. It just has that high contrast ratio so the brain is fooled into thinking its a really great hot spot. Next to the A10 it was ugly.

I have not seen the A9 with the Aspheric system myself, if it uses only the 1 lens though I can't see how it would be different in function than all of those "drop in" aspherics type systems I have now seen on mags and 6P size lights.

My 16 inch integration sphere system measurements has so far born this out that a 240 lumen range light is down to 160 lumens total output with the lens in front of it and not the reflector because most of the light coming off the side of the actual LED from its little curved dome is getting wasted with the aspheric whereas it gets collected and projected forward with a good reflector.

To its credit the Deft has the 2 lense system and collects and focuses most of the light from the LED into the aspheric and sends it out which makes it much brighter than any of those single lense aspheric systems. It also becomes a projector of the image of the die. It can be diffused or defocused some what but if you go for maximum brightness and focus, you basically are projecting the image of the die itself. Since you can't afford it its a moot point.

The A10 is a very nice light, no bulky lens sticking out past the bezel to worry about getting scratched up as well.

I have the Aspheric Mag lights MrGman is talking about and yes you do loose alot of the light.

The Aspheric is something cool to play around with and I am hooked, but it is up to the user if they want to give up 40% of the lumens for more throw.

The Tiablo A10 MrGman has is so impressive: I now have my own too, but I kept my aspheric Maglights as well.:twothumbs
I would like to be able to post more quickly but my writings need to be checked by moderators b4 it appears here ... anyways

the aspherical upgrade for the A9 is it drop-in 2 lens system or only 1 and is this option available for A10 ?
I would like to be able to post more quickly but my writings need to be checked by moderators b4 it appears here ... anyways

the aspherical upgrade for the A9 is it drop-in 2 lens system or only 1 and is this option available for A10 ?

I already emailed Tiablo and they told me no aspherical yet for the A10 plus they said the aspherical from the A9 will not fit or screw into the A10 because the threads are different.

by reading some reviews, i see that these tiablos are not regulated on the runtime... i could be wrong :thinking: ... and wit comparison with other lights, im leaning towards deree DBS ... if an aspheric is avaible for DBS, i wont waste any time. Would u have any words on that ?
I have a Tiablo A10-G on order, so I dont know anything yet, but I can
tell you the Jetbeam M1X is the best thrower I have w/o a aspheric
for a flashlight format.
Dont expect miracles from any flashlight. If you really need throw, get
a Maxabeam.
If spending $2000 on a maxabeam short arc spotlight is a little too high for you, you could always go to a walmart and get a Stanley HID, although i'm not sure if Canadian walmarts will have any. They are also available on amazon.
im talking something more portable ... a flashlight

im torn between JB Raptor and DBS v3 R2
and between M1X and DBS v3 MC-E

:thinking: im wondering if these multi dies despite their OP reflectors throw as far as their single die counter parts respectively in the same brand and cross matched ...
i dunno if im being clear enough here lol :eek: :laughing:
I understand what you are looking for. I was kidding (sort of) about the HID, which is obviously much bigger.
It really depends on what you want to use the light for. Do you need a medium spot with a lot of spill (like the multi die lights), or a smalelr spot with less spill?
To be honest, I have no special use for it, I just want it as a toy, I love flashlights. Throwers with SMO like DBS R2 is what I like more but its lower lumen output and 700 lumens of M1X with still a good throw makes my decision harder
The thing is, an HID spotlight is pretty good if you just want the light as a "toy." Chances are you won't really need something small if it is just for wow factor.
A multi-die LED would definitely be more useful overall, so I personally would go with one of those.
and that's what i think im gonna go wit, M1-X...
i had bought O M30 from ebay and i asked for a cancellation the next day ... the seller agreed to refund me minus 20 USD because he said he had already paid for the stamps... He's out of stock for M1-X untill end of May
I hope I can find a better deal on CPFMP
From what I have seen so far I would go with the Tiablo A10 as a normal well focused beam flashlight with a great hot spot and some spill and not any of the single lense aspheric type systems. They waste too much of the total light output to give you that high contrast hot spot. I was looking at a couple on mags the other night and the bright spot was not any better than my A10, it simply had more contrast to the dark area around it where as mine had lots of useful spill and what I thought to be a brighter beam in the center anyway.

The true optimum aspheric systems need the smaller lens right in front of the die to focus up as much useful light as possible and put it in the center of the big aspheric lens. Without it a lot of the light is wasted and what does come out the front to me doesn't look impressive at all. It just has that high contrast ratio so the brain is fooled into thinking its a really great hot spot. Next to the A10 it was ugly.

I have not seen the A9 with the Aspheric system myself, if it uses only the 1 lens though I can't see how it would be different in function than all of those "drop in" aspherics type systems I have now seen on mags and 6P size lights.

My 16 inch integration sphere system measurements has so far born this out that a 240 lumen range light is down to 160 lumens total output with the lens in front of it and not the reflector because most of the light coming off the side of the actual LED from its little curved dome is getting wasted with the aspheric whereas it gets collected and projected forward with a good reflector.

To its credit the Deft has the 2 lense system and collects and focuses most of the light from the LED into the aspheric and sends it out which makes it much brighter than any of those single lense aspheric systems. It also becomes a projector of the image of the die. It can be diffused or defocused some what but if you go for maximum brightness and focus, you basically are projecting the image of the die itself. Since you can't afford it its a moot point.

The A10 is a very nice light, no bulky lens sticking out past the bezel to worry about getting scratched up as well.
Hello MrGman I am very interested in using a dual lens system I have heard spoken about. All the results from single aspherics leave a lot to be desired with the even beam when using the MCE or P7, I have a preference fro the MCE. Any help you can offer or point in the right direction for lens components design etc would be very grateful.
Does the DBS aspheric not compare or beat the Tiablo, or was this started before Dereelight came out with an aspheric? Sorry, but i've been gone for awhile.
KD aspheric lens on a cree modded 1D mag also good as a cheap alternative. For even cheaper there is also a DX 50mm(SKU 12834) aspherics that fits maglite, while it works ok don't expect good quality on that one though. KD is better but probably no longer available.

For A QUALITY aspheric Lens + Quality Bezel to go with the lens you can look at Nanomiser sales Thread.

my KD Aspheric build.
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