From what I have seen so far I would go with the Tiablo A10 as a normal well focused beam flashlight with a great hot spot and some spill and not any of the single lense aspheric type systems. They waste too much of the total light output to give you that high contrast hot spot. I was looking at a couple on mags the other night and the bright spot was not any better than my A10, it simply had more contrast to the dark area around it where as mine had lots of useful spill and what I thought to be a brighter beam in the center anyway.
The true optimum aspheric systems need the smaller lens right in front of the die to focus up as much useful light as possible and put it in the center of the big aspheric lens. Without it a lot of the light is wasted and what does come out the front to me doesn't look impressive at all. It just has that high contrast ratio so the brain is fooled into thinking its a really great hot spot. Next to the A10 it was ugly.
I have not seen the A9 with the Aspheric system myself, if it uses only the 1 lens though I can't see how it would be different in function than all of those "drop in" aspherics type systems I have now seen on mags and 6P size lights.
My 16 inch integration sphere system measurements has so far born this out that a 240 lumen range light is down to 160 lumens total output with the lens in front of it and not the reflector because most of the light coming off the side of the actual LED from its little curved dome is getting wasted with the aspheric whereas it gets collected and projected forward with a good reflector.
To its credit the Deft has the 2 lense system and collects and focuses most of the light from the LED into the aspheric and sends it out which makes it much brighter than any of those single lense aspheric systems. It also becomes a projector of the image of the die. It can be diffused or defocused some what but if you go for maximum brightness and focus, you basically are projecting the image of the die itself. Since you can't afford it its a moot point.
The A10 is a very nice light, no bulky lens sticking out past the bezel to worry about getting scratched up as well.