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Sold/Expired (2nd Run) A2 $urefire Strion socket

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Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 28, 2003
(2nd Run Closed) A2 $urefire Strion socket

2Nd Run Closed​


[size=+1]Please read completly before place your order.[/size]
[size=+1]Also see first run here and the review here. Many thanks to DM51[/size]
E series sockets available here
MN sockets are available here

I have made these sockets completly from scratch to fit in popular A2 flashlights.
All you need to do is: Install Strion bi pin bulb on this socket and replace with original lamp assembly.
No further modification necessary.
Output will be brighter than original A2 LA
Get over 45 minutes of brilliant white beam with set of 123s
Since forwarded voltage to bulb is regulated to about 4 volts and overdriving Strion bulb, output is much whiter and brighter than any other set up using single lithiom ion, also due to soft start, bulb life will be reasonable. You can also use Stinger low cost bulbs for longer bulb life.
Centering the bulb helps for nicer beam shape and hot spot.
Using two rechargeable R123A in this set up will not flash the bulb but will overdrive LEDs.
Each kit contains one socket and one new Strion bulb installed.
No extra bulb available.
Please expect to receive within a weeks in States and 3 weeks internationaly.
$32 socket only NO MORE LEFT
$38 socket and Strion kit NO MORE LEFT
$3.00 in States (any quantity)
$4.00 international air mail (any quantity)
It is [size=+3]necessary[/size] to pick next available socket or kit number, post your requtst here and paypal note. Your CPF handle in Paypal note is [size=+1]very very very important.
Any payment received without above information will be delayed in shipping.[/size]
[size=+1]Example: :paypal: sent for kit #97 CPF Mr. Boe[/size]

Please read entire post #1 one more time before you pay.
Cash Paypal: [size=+1]DO NOT PAY[/size]
Please, add 4% for CC paypal or PM me for other type of payment.
Socket and Strion bulb kit:
#1 kit JNewell paid shipped
#2 kit JNewell paid shipped
#3 kit bxstylez paid shipped
#4 kit siklops paid shipped
#5 kit greenpea76 paid shipped
#6 kit Aussie Cheese paid shipped
#7 kit mwaldron paid shipped
#8 kit mwaldron paid shipped
#9 kit mitch79 paid shipped
#10 kit mitch79 paid shipped
#11 kit RichS paid shipped
#12 kit DoublePlusLight paid shipped
#14 kit TJx paid shipped
#15 kit Wattnot paid shipped
#16 kit LED61 paid shipped
#17 kit LED61 paid shipped
#18 kit BSBG paid shipped
#19 kit werdnawee paid shipped
#20 kit werdnawee paid shipped
#21 kit Filip paid shipped
#22 kit AvroArrow paid shipped
#23 kit AvroArrow paid shipped
#24 kit Rob187 paid shipped
#25 kit Energie paid shipped
#26 kit Hogokansatsukan paid shipped
#27 kit Badger_Girl paid shipped
#28 kit Badger_Girl paid shipped
#29 kit cl0123 paid shipped
#30 kit leukos paid shipped
#31 kit Evil Twin paid shipped
#32 kit DH 07 paid shipped
#33 kit openbolt1 paid shipped
#34 kit bullfrog paid shipped
#35 kit BobVA paid shipped
#36 kit effulgentOne paid shipped
#37 kit redsfairlane paid shipped
#38 kit brandoniscool paid shipped
#39 kit silverwarior paid shipped
#40 kit JosephK paid shipped
#41 kit JosephK paid shipped
#42 kit climberkid paid shipped
#43 kit LED61 payment received shipped
#44 kit LED61 payment received shipped
#45 kit wolfstyle paid shipped
#46 kit divine paid shipped
#47 kit Snow paid shipped
#48 kit Not So Bright paid shipped
#49 kit shroomy paid shipped
#50 kit Dog Chaser paid shipped
#51 kit 1wrx7 paid shipped
#52 kit jercdevil paid shipped
#53 kit dede paid shipped
#54 kit JJV paid shipped
#55 kit youreacrab paid shipped
#56 kit midwestpilot paid shipped
#57 kit midwestpilot paid shipped
#58 kit christopher6968 paid shipped
#59 kit Snow paid shipped
#60 kit eshishlo paid shipped
#61 kit DonS2346 paid shipped
#62 kit fod paid shipped
#63 kit taxos paid shipped
#64 kit darkpeak paid shipped
#65 kit darkpeak paid shipped
#66 kit wacbzz paid shipped
#67 kit brightspot paid shipped
#68 kit brightspot paid shipped
#69 kit ceiliazul paid shipped
#70 kit 3E8 paid shipped
#71 kit Muddquez paid shipped
#72 kit rkJr paid shipped
#73 kit Bhustan paid shipped
#74 kit proline paid shipped
#75 kit proline paid shipped
#76 kit proline paid shipped
Socket only:
#1 socket JakeGMCHD paid shipped
#2 socket JakeGMCHD paid shipped
#3 socket Per Arne paid shipped
#4 socket leukos paid shipped
#5 socket senna94 paid shipped
#6 socket senna94 paid shipped
#7 socket senna94 paid shipped
#8 socket senna94 paid shipped
#9 socket mwaldron paid shipped
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Re: (2Nd Run) A2 $urefire Strion socket

I'll take #7 and #8. Paypal coming when I get back home.

Edit: 2x Strion Kit @ $38 + $3 Shipping = $79. :paypal:
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PayPal sent for the following:
  • A2 Socket and Strion Bulb Kit (#11) - $38
  • E2e Strion Kit (#25) - $33
  • Shipping - $3
  • CC PayPal (4%) - $3
  • Total - $77
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+038 A2 socket and Strion kit (#12 or next available)
+033 E2E Strion Socket kit (#24 or next available)
+026 FM-D26 socket/reflector (VLOP)
+006 Strion bulb (With purchase of socket/reflector or body)
+005 shipping to States (any quantity)
$108 Total, PayPal Sent!
I'll take socket/lamp kit number 15.

Paypal will follow tomorrow. I'm at work now and I have to do that combo order we PM-ed each other about.

I'll take strion kits # 16 and # 17 pending payment method sent via PM.

EDITED FOR PAYMENT SENT $38 + $38 + $4 International air mail that´s USD 80 total, with U.S. bank check to address per instructions, thanks so much!!
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I'll take kit #18 $38
MOP Camless FM2 12.7 reflector $20
Ship $3.50

Total $61.50
I'll take KITS #19 and #20.

With international shipping, that's USD 80.

Will edit shortly when paypal sent.

EDIT - :paypal:

BTW, where is the best/cheapest place to buy the Strion bulbs which shipping international?
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I'll take A2 Socket and Strion bulb kit #22 & #23 as well as some other stuff. PM sent for shipping quote.

EDIT: :paypal: Thanks!
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