2x 18650 and D26 lamp light


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 27, 2004
Adelaide, Australia
Looking for a cheap light to experiment with. Must be able to take 2x 18650 cells and most of the D26 size lamps that are available. Any suggestions?
The hard bit will be getting it to take 18 series batteries. The Ultrafires would meet your needs bar the 18 series requirement. Good luck
Tofer, that was my thought too but not quite as cheap as some. May well turn out to be the cheapest though as not many alternatives
Glen C said:
Tofer, that was my thought too but not quite as cheap as some. May well turn out to be the cheapest though as not many alternatives
I have one of these setups coming and was wondering if Wolfeyes has modified the extender or do we still have to make Paul_in_Maryland's copper ring? Do you loose the water proof with this ring? I would think not.
I *think* you still have to go with the ring...

the other option is a Leaf 2x18650 tube with SF C tailcap and head. maybe pickup some used SF parts to complete it.

I posted a thread awhile back asking if there would be any interest in ultrafire bodies bored to accept 18mm cells... I have a drill press here, and could probably make it a reality. Only 3 people voted... the thread quickly disappeared into the depths of nothingness...

As it is now, the cheapest option is still about $45 with the Wolf-Eyes, and requires the wire-coil mod.

I could probably buy ultrafire lights, bore them, and resell them for somewhere around $25... would have to see how bits hold up if I gave it a try. And see if I can source the Flashlights relatively cheap to make it a worthwhile endeavor.
The WE option seems like the way to go. Quite versatile, you can have single or two cell option with either 3.7V or 9V lamps, with a bit of luck could also use the 4x LED tailcap as well as the standard switch with the WE HO Cree lamp.......good overall outfit to play with.
I'm not aware of any compatibility between WE and SF threads... but i don't know for sure... Maybe Paul_In_Maryland could chime in here...
No Wolf Eyes body part, head, or tailcap fits anything that is Surefire P, and vice versa. As far as I know, the D26 lamp assembly is the only sharable component.
Not sure if there is any solution here but:-

Kaidomain has the Maddy, the Caesar and the Wilmet which are 2, 3 and 4-cell versions which seem to share the same body (502) except for the length.


The Maddy uses the same body as this Cree light (same 502B code and body shape) -


which runs on 1 X 18650, which makes me wonder if the Caesar and the Wilmet are similarly bored out to accept 18X cells.

The Ultrafire WF-500 ("Snowy") accepts 2 X 18650 but I don't know if the threading is compatible with either a SF bezel or the bezel of the Maddy/Caesar/Wilmet.
I'm pretty sure the 502 series ultrafires are, like the 501 series, only compatible with 17mm cells, until we hear something different, I would suggest continuing to assume 17mm compatibility.
mdocod said:
I'm pretty sure the 502 series ultrafires are, like the 501 series, only compatible with 17mm cells, until we hear something different, I would suggest continuing to assume 17mm compatibility.

I guess that would be prudent. In any case, I have sent an email to Kaidomain and will feedback here if I get a response.