3 lights...not really pocketable

Long John

Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 16, 2006
Spain, near Cadiz
Today happend a funny story, IMO worth to share with you:)

I got a call from a friend (campmobile seller) who is aware about my "light-virus".:grin2:

He has a truck for sale, which incl. 3 searchlights. But the owner would sell the lights seperate, if I would be interested (my friend told the owner about his crazy "light-friend").

I took my car.....to take a look......and :wow:.

I'm a Led guy and not interested in HID's and burner's so nothing for me.

This thread isn't a sell thread and I doesn't know any prices (the owner wasn't there), but worth a look.

The largest one uses a "bulb" with 3000 Watts and 115 Volts, transformators are installed at the truck.
The identification plate looks antique and shows the source: England

On the identification plate of the smallest is written:

Marine use

Daylight Signal Lamp 20cm

110 Volts, 500 W year 1985, Tokyo-Japan

The middlest shows:

Helmut Hunger Kiel
S 350V

Now the pictures:


Here a truck-wheel for size comparison:


The identification plate of the large one:


The bulb of the large one:


I couldn't (not yet) see the lights in action, but I'm anxious for:whistle:

Sadly they are not applicative for a Led-mod:lolsign:

Very best regards

Bet those would put my ROP to shame, hehe. Those look like fun.
They're probably not pocketable, but I've seen pictures of what some people claim to carry EDC, and I'm not sooooo sure.

Some of us seem to have REAL big pockets...

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