I have only tried the H50, which I like a lot. I'm really not that concerned about the type of switch - as long as it works, also with heavy gloves, I'm OK.
I would like to stress two things I really appreciate in a UI:
- Always LOW on FIRST. When I turn something on, I want the low mode. Every time. Not enough for ya? Simply add more light. The logical sequence is low-med-high. Period.
The reason is that I want to destroy as little of my night vision as possible. With night adapted eyes, the h50 low level is just perfect, but a flash of the high or med level is painful. It takes a long while for eyes to become night adapted, but they become light adapted in seconds... Avoid bright light when not needed.
- Simplicity of operation. The functionality can be complex, but it must be simple to use. 99.9% of the time I want to activate those 3 light levels and nothing else. I don't want to relate to flashes, strobes, SOS, alien communication mode, pizza delivery mode and what else technogeek fantasy they've come up with lately. If the light has anything else but 3 light levels (strobe, SOS, whaever) I want an UI where I don't ever need to relate to it. Maybe a combination lock to get into "advanced technogeek mode"?
The fenix L1D/L2D/LD10/LD20 series is a very good example of a simple UI where the most used items (LIGHT) comes first, the almost never used functionality (strobe/SOS) comes last in the sequence. And - it always start on low (yes, I know, the head can't be fully tightened or else you start with maximum light. BTW, the head tightening thing is a simple way to break 6 different kinds of lightning into more manageable chunks. Zebralight could do something similar, but I am in no way suggesting they should... rather just keep it simple!).