30$ Flashlight for a West Point Bound Grad...


Jan 13, 2004
My cousin has been accepted to West Point. Needless to say the family is very proud. We would like to get him a flashlight as a graduation gift, but since we have already purchased a couple of other things, we would like to keep this under 30$.

I am thinking about building him a simple yet very useful 3 CR123 - 2C Mag with a couple of spare Mag-num Star 6 cell bulbs.

What do you suggest?
How Bright and what light source?
Do you want many modes or simple on and off?
Revese clickie(most common in lights under $30), twistie or normal clickie(In order from the most to the least common)
What will he use it for?

The Luxeon Riverrock 1AA(reflector version) is $20something at target and is pretty good. Simular to this one.
I have a list from another thread(all form Dealextreme and all have Cree or Seoul LEDs, long shipping time, usually one month till you see the product)

Runs on AAs:
Dexlight X.V(multi modes,$24)
Dexlight, $45 but has MANY modes, review
Ultrafire C3(Review, bring lots of AA batteries, $18)
Ultrafire C5(Review, runs on a CR123 or 2 AA, $22)
MXDL Cree(Review, $10.50)
MTE 1AA Seoul, $13.50, reports of bad switch.

Runs on CR123s:
3W Cree, $15
Ultrafire Cree, $20.50
Ultrafire C2(Review, 2 CR123s good at projecting light and has a strong spill, I recommend 18650 lithium ion rechargable and charger, $23)
Ultrafire Alpha C1, 2 CR123 $24
Superfire Cree, 2 CR123s, $20
Ultrafire C1, Review

I'd recommend a Fenix but they are over your budget.
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For a nice "cool" factor, as well as its tiny/go anywhere size, he might like an LOD-CE from the Fenix Store. That is a bit more than your budget, but don't forget the CPF 8% coupon code.
They're not the latest and greatest (which would be the Fenix L1D-CE for $55 shipped - 8% coupon from here), but the Fenix L1S for $29 - 8% coupon or the Civictor V1 for $27 - 8% coupon are all excellent choices from an first rate, fast shipping dealer. Prices all include shipping.

There are a number of very interesting low cost lights at DX and Kaidomain, but they can be slow arriving, if that matters.
How about a MiniMag LED at walmart or Home Depot for ~$26. Or, a 2C Mag LED for a little over $30.

I've heard that West Pointers don't like chinese stuff.

I've tried the 3 123 in a 2 C mag and the runtime is the lowest of all the lights I own. It is bright though.
Call surefire- ask for their "Military Sales" rep...tell them who its for...ouilla - $30 G2...(those not in military or police...please don't try it...I know most of this board wouldn't...but there are unscrupulous individuals out there...)
I would spend $55-60 and get him a Patriot 6P, he will love it. After all it's West Point. If you can't be patriotic there, where can you be? :twothumbs
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geekswithguns said:
Call surefire- ask for their "Military Sales" rep...tell them who its for...ouilla - $30 G2...(those not in military or police...please don't try it...I know most of this board wouldn't...but there are unscrupulous individuals out there...)

...of course building him a light would be great...personal touch and more bang for your buck (usually- of course some people go overboard... :) )
Spend a bit more and go for the Fenix L0Dce or LiteFlux LF2. He might even be able to fit it into a uniform pocket.

Without knowing what the light will be used for, I vote ARC AAA. If you can spend $40, jump to the Premium Edition.
Well..... staying within your budget, I think Gunner12 offered quite a few excellent choices, with my vote going to the 1xAA Dexlight X.V. Small, great combination of brightness/runtimes, and uses the most common battery on the planet.

I think your cousin would be the envy of his class. :)
BigusLightus said:
How about a MiniMag LED at walmart or Home Depot for ~$26.


The MiniMagLEDs - either the 2AA or 3AA - are just about unbeatable as general utility lights at their price points of under 30 bucks. I slightly prefer the 3AA for its greater output, but the 2AA is also quite decent.

The new Inova Bolt 2AA is supposed to be a very nice light and is also less than 30 bucks. Better build quality and durability than the MiniMagLEDs, and also has a nice tail switch.

Now that I think on it, the Inova Bolt 2AA would probably be a better gift than a plain old MiniMagLED.

Bolts have better fit and finish, and their perceived value will be a lot higher for only a few bucks more actual cost.

I'd go with a Fenix E0. Why? Because he will never have need for a light with throw at the academy. What he will need is something that is very portable and doesn't "print" when in uniform. Something that uses easily obtained batteries. Something he can keep around his neck with his dog tags and locker keys. Something thats durable and has constant usable LONG RUNNING output. And its only $20.

If you want to spend more, get an Arc AAA.

He's not going to need things that will clutter up little bit of locker space. He's not going to have time to deal with hard to find batteries. And most of the time when he needs light, he's not going to want to run back to his locker to get a utility light. Keychain size is the name of the game here.

And this advice is coming from someone who's been there... ;)
Matthew, this a fine gesture on your part. My congratulations to your cousin.

I don't mean to throw cold water on your plans, but I seriously doubt your cousin will be permitted to have many personal items (i.e., toys) in his room/on his person during his "plebe" year -- especially some spiffy flashlight that might be, um, "liberated" in the name of cadet corps uniformity.

He faces an intentionally-grueling cultural shock and a rigorously-disciplined life at West Point... at least until he's an upper-classman. It's all designed to separate the wheat from the chaff... and from Mommy's apron strings... and from one's old "cheap-civilian" ways and mindset. However, if he's deeply committed, it'll all be worth it in the long run.

The penalties for trying to sneak-in "contraband" will be many push-ups, extra marching duty, loss of already-restricted liberties, and countless humiliations. And then there's the unforgiving Honor Code enforced by all.

I base my advice on my own Officers Candidate School experience -- plus war stories from old pals who made it through the various military academies.

However, if you're thinking he'll keep this new flashlight at home -- perhaps to take it to West Point a few years down the road -- then that may work. OTOH, by that time, whatever you buy him now may be obsolescent.

Perhaps some recent academy-grad CPFers might further counsel us here.
geekswithguns said:
Call surefire- ask for their "Military Sales" rep...tell them who its for...ouilla - $30 G2...(those not in military or police...please don't try it...I know most of this board wouldn't...but there are unscrupulous individuals out there...)
Asuming the light might actually see some use, i'd say surefire g2 aswell.