Well...I purchased one off Ebay for $225 (excluding shipping). The light comes in what appears to be an AL Case, which includes the Light, AC Charger, Cig Charger, and 4000mah battery. There are two sellers of this light on Ebay. The label on the case says "HongKong HID Lighting Company". I am charging the battery now, but the light output looks decent. Not much difference between the 1200 lumen and 1800 lumen setting. I would say the construction of the light is not the greatest, but it's o.k. for my use (cave exploration). I would call the light "water resistant", but not "waterproof". It does utilize o-rings in its construction around the bezel nad battery. The flood/slot focus is accomplished by unscrewing the front bezel (somewhat fine thread), but the bezel get's a little loosey goosey. I am not impressed with how they achieve the "flood affect". I was thinking it would be similar to my Barn Burner (nice!). Then again, the BB was $800, and this light was $225 The light color appears to be "white". I don't notice a "blue" tint, though the light is rated at 6000k. I'll compare it to my X990 tomorrow, but I know this light is not as "warm" as the X990. I don't own a Brightstar or a AE Light, but I think it would fall in between these two light. I think the AE is probably built better, but this HonkKong light may be a bit brighter. Both Sellers on Ebay say they are working on a higher capacity battery, and Filters (FOG, IR) and may be out in the upcoming months. For $225, I think it is "worth it", and assuming the battery charges complete, I plan on keeping it.