3xp7 not drawing power help please


Newly Enlightened
Jan 11, 2010
:grin2:Thanks CPF members i have recieved loads of help so far from CPF really great to have expert advice from all over the world, I would not have been able to get this project even started without this forum, i'm in SWales UK.

Nearly finished my first Mag Mod. i have 3xP7s wired to a Dewitchel driver. i have tested it on a 18v 1.5ah drill battery, also tested it on my car battery12v. The leds work and the 5 modes on the driver all function however my problem is its not getting full power.

This mag potentially should push over 2000lm carnt understand why the power is massively limited when on a fully charged car battery. any advice greatly appreciated, thanks Dave...