4.1v cutoff charger for Sony VT LiNiCoMn cells?


Nov 16, 2007
in the brightly lit suburbs of NYC (Long Island)
I just picked up some cheap loose cells on eBay that were pulled from tool power packs. They're the Sony VT variety. Unlike AW's IMR cells (LiMn chemistry) that can safely be charged up to 4.2V, these Sony VT cells are LiNiCoMn chemistry and should not be charged above 4.1V.

I don't want to break the bank on an expensive charger for cells that might possibly be near the end of their life already. (The seller assures they were pulled from packs with failed PCBs that were only cycled a few times, but who could tell?)

So... I'm looking for recommendations for which (inexpensive) Li-Ion chargers are out there that will cut-off the charge when the battery voltage reaches 4.1v instead of the more common 4.2v.

So far, I have only been able to identify the following hobby chargers:
iMax B6 (or B6AC)
Turnigy Accucel-6

If anyone knows of cheap Li cell chargers that cutoff charge at 4.1v, please post here. (OK to PM me with specific deals too.) Thanks!