I want to build a larger capacity higher voltage battery pack. To keep it simple, supposed I need a 2.4V 4000 mAh battery pack.
I could take 2 eneloop cells, put them in series (2.4V 2000 mAh) and then put 2 such groups in parallel to get me 4000 mAh
Or I could put 2 eneloop cells in parallel (1.2V 4000 mAh) and then put 2 suck groups in series to get me 2.4V
Which method is better? for now I want to take the cells out and charge them individually, but at some point I may try to charge the whole pack at once.
I could take 2 eneloop cells, put them in series (2.4V 2000 mAh) and then put 2 such groups in parallel to get me 4000 mAh
Or I could put 2 eneloop cells in parallel (1.2V 4000 mAh) and then put 2 suck groups in series to get me 2.4V
Which method is better? for now I want to take the cells out and charge them individually, but at some point I may try to charge the whole pack at once.