4aa direct drive question


Newly Enlightened
Jun 8, 2006
Lake Stevens, WA
I need some help guys. im planning to direct drive tri ssc p4 uswoi wired in parallel with 4aa 2500 mah. does anyone know what resistor i will need for this setup ? and also is it safe to use the pts2 sink with the seoul p4 if i use artic alumina thermal adhesive? i heard it works but never tried...
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Hello cdog:)

I wouldn't go that route. With 4xAA wired in series you'll have too much lost due to the resistor and the discharge curve wouldn't be flat.
It would be better, you take 6xAA, wired 2 strings paralell with 3 batts in series. This way you wouldn't need any resistor with you I-bins with much better runtime and relative flat discharge curve.

AA-epoxy works fine, but be sure to isolate the bottom of the Led's.

Best regards

4 with resistor would be like waisting aproximately the total enery equivelent of one cell.