4D mag-LED vs. 6D mag with Magnum star xenon upgrade


Newly Enlightened
Feb 16, 2008
Which is brightest. Or more correctly, whats the brightest mag lite you can get. Is the LED better than the 6d incan w/xenon upgrade? I dont care about size.
The best and brightest single LED drop-in is probably the Malkoffdevices drop-in. It might not throw as well as the 6D though.

The Dereelight DBS would out throw the 6D by a bit but that would be buying a new light.
flashaholic, in my honest opinion i think you should do some reading and lurking and research on what you can do w/ a maglite, the mods etc and how powerful they can get, even with a 2D Mag

i saw your posts in the incan forum almost demanding where you can buy a mag-num star bulb while i think otheres were making other suggestions

stock maglites are good for their niche, but if you stay around you'll realize what you can really do with them.

oh and :welcome:
Thanks, and i'm Well aware of the 4000+ lumens you can get out of a mag. But when i try to mod anything it usually goes from a LED to a DED(dark emitting diode). Or something similar.
(You probably know this already) It'll take a few tries to get it right. Just keep trying. Start with cheaper LEDs first, and swap out for better ones once you get the hang of things.(end)

You could also try a 5D bulb in the 6D. It would be cheaper then the Xenon but still give you a good amount of output.
Without a doubt, the 6D Mag will be much brighter and throw much farther than the MagLED (or any of the other LED drop-ins.) If you're going to use NiCD or NiMH batteries, try using the 5 cell Xenon bulb to get a whiter output. Just be aware that the 6D is going to be heavy (heavier if you use real D sized rechargeable batteries) and cumbersome. If you're considering one of the Mag LEDs, you should probably go with the 3 cell; it seems to have the best output of the three versions.

Which is brightest. Or more correctly, whats the brightest mag lite you can get. Is the LED better than the 6d incan w/xenon upgrade? I dont care about size.