4p 18650 safety question


Newly Enlightened
May 15, 2008
on a lightbeam
Not so much new to the electronics as new to the materials involved ;)

I have 4 protected 18650 2500mah TR's and i want to run them 3.7v 4p setup to a 4p mc-e.
Am i going to run into discharge issues with these batts when drawing ~1.8A on high?

This will be strapped to the back of my head (within a .09 thermoplastic casing) for 3-4 hour periods... and i may need that part of my body for a couple more years :poof:

Thanks all
Hello Traplight,

Perhaps I should say that you won't have any safety issues...

If the cells don't perform, you may suffer performance issues.

10/4. Checked the Amps and they appear to be within ~50mah of the 'rated' 2.5A capacity. Of course thats on the first charge ;)

we'll see. Thanks for the heads up!