4Sevens - Back ordered question

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Zen Ape

Newly Enlightened
Jan 31, 2010
Hey guys. Thanks again for all the help with my previous post. I've decided to order a Quark 123*2 R5 regular and rushed to their site only to discover they are out of stock. I called and was told they are getting more in in the next day or so and that should be enough (they weren't sure) to cover their back orders and have others available for sale.

I'm guessing this is pretty much the norm that they don't keep a wharehouse full of stock on hand, and these being relatively new lights the demand is high right now. That being the case I know many people here have ordered back ordered items in the past, and I'm just hoping I can get an idea of what the turn around time is. Aside from just having a cool light for EDC, and my first light to boot, I am going away in a few weeks (camping), and was hoping to have it for the trip.

So I'm wondering if I should reconsider and start looking at other models, or if it is safe that I should have it in hand before that time. Thanks in advance for lending me your experience on the matter.
shouldn't this post either be in the 4Sevens forum on CPFMP, or directed in private to their CS?

as for the question... I honestly don't know when they'll have that product in stock.. as I'm not that dealer.... ;)
The only one who can tell you whether they'd be in stock in time is 4sevens themselves.

There are others who sell 4sevens lights, such as GoingGear.com, who I met recently and is a real good guy. I forgot his real name, though. I believe he offers a discount for CPF as well. I have ordered from him before and he is great to deal with. I am sure that 4sevens customer service would be happy to give you the names of others who stock 4sevens lights, as well.

4sevens does in fact keep a warehouse of stock (in Atlanta, even) but with new dealer/distribution deals being worked out recently, a supplier for a certain component (I don't know if I'm allowed to divulge who or what) was having trouble keeping up with demand. Rest assured, David wants to get his lights out as badly as you want them so the company will take care of you.
Questions to or about dealers belong in CPFMP. In this particular case, you would probably do better to contact the dealer direct to find out about likely availability dates. This thread is closed.
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