52mm glow ring m*g P7


Mar 16, 2008
guildford england
Take a small length of 2mm ID bore silicon tube and fill it with glow powder, this takes a litttle time as the hole is tiny, then trim it to fit the retaining ring for the glass seal both ends with super glue and then press together to make the Oring then just refit:twothumbs

I think it's very cool and so very easy to make plus there are lot's of sizes right down to 0.5mm ID ..... it glow's like an S.O.B




Wow, that looks very cool. I'm still a new-B, where do you get the glow powder from? And what is the ID bore silicone lube? Very awsome job, I'll have to try that when I make my M@g P7.
Very cool. How did you manage to get the glow powder in the small tube & bettery yet, how long did it take? Looks awsome!
Yep got my glow powder from glow inc, as for getting the powder in the tube:eek:
A very small cut to the ounce bag and tip it in this takes about 10min, just keep flicking the tube to settle the powder in the tube when full
just super glue together and there you have a glowring :thumbsup:
Do you get better 'glow' when the powder is mixed in epoxy (or something similar)? or would that be impossible to do this way?

I got some purple glow powder and it looks crappy in the bag. I was hoping it would look better in epoxy???

I just assumed that the green would be better this way also?
I got some purple glow powder and it looks crappy in the bag. I was hoping it would look better in epoxy???
Do you have the Glow Inc purple? I bought some and found it very hard to make glow in the powder form and was disappointed. When I mixed it with resin it was still very hard to make it glow and when it did it was fairly faint. Using a UV light for about a minute charged with quite well but using a white LED took ages to charge it. From my experience, it just doesn't glow that well in either powder or resin form.
Do you have the Glow Inc purple? I bought some and found it very hard to make glow in the powder form and was disappointed. When I mixed it with resin it was still very hard to make it glow and when it did it was fairly faint. Using a UV light for about a minute charged with quite well but using a white LED took ages to charge it. From my experience, it just doesn't glow that well in either powder or resin form.


...yeah, same stuff...
make these and start selling them, id be in for a few sets heh

oh, and wheres a good place to get silicon tubing of that size?
Very cool. I'm tempted to try this, as I know of a couple m@gs that need glow rings :devil:
the silicon tube i got from a fishing shop in 2 meters length
I,m very happy that people are liking this :thumbsup:
If any one would like to try two of these glowrings for free, send me a pre-paid oversea envelope and i will send you 2 of them, PM me i'll give you me address
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PM sent for address!!!:twothumbs

the silicon tube i got from a fishing shop in 2 meters length
I,m very happy that people are liking this :thumbsup:
If any one would like to try two of these glowrings for free, send me a pre-paid oversea envelope and i will send you 2 of them, PM me i'll give you me address
this ring cost me about $2.50
so free offer is now closed, NO more free glowring, i hope you like them many thanks DocD
do you think that glow ring may have some problems in a mag85?
