5761 with 2 li C cells


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 22, 2006
Northern Nv.
Hi all,

this has been discussed and couldn't find the thread.

Needed to double click with AW's cells with 5761. Checked bat. v. 1 3.9 the 2 4.0 Would light with one click until after sitting some hrs then back to needing 2 clicks to start.

Is this the batteries?
Is it bulb?
Is it the mod?
Is it me?

Thanks, Jim
Sorry, yes li 2xC using AW's C's.

I thought it was the >5.5A draw at startup but today with freshly charged C's at 4.1v in both had to double chilck then instantflashed. Go figure.

Northern Lights discusses his findings on this subject in this thread. That may be the one you read before.

It sounds like once your bulb was warm you were able to start with one click because of the increased resistance of the warm filament. After sitting long enough it cools and requires double clicking again. Mine did this too after I switched bulbs. The first bulb I had in always started with one click, but then I switched to a different bulb (because I wanted to try a frosted 5761) and that one acted like yours. Now I use AW's regulator though and so I always get single click and no instaflash:). Sounds like some bad luck with that double click instaflash. :( That's the first time I have heard of that happening, but it was bound to happed to someone.
mudman cj, yeah bound to happen. I've had actually fairly poor track record with this bulb.

I've instantflashed I don't know how many, most in a highly moded 5c with 6 sub c.

Drawn like a moth to the light keep coming back to the 5761. It's much like the 64625, 62138, 1111 and 1166 pushed hard the color temp is dazzeling white.

Thanks for the link