5C Lithium Conversion Questions


Newly Enlightened
Jan 31, 2007
I found an old style 5 cell Mag in my collection and am trying to convert it to a 64440 driven by 5 of AWs C cells. Been away from this forum for at least 15 months and am a bit rusty so please excuse what may be obvious to those who have stayed more current on hi power incans.

Have run into 2 issues.

1) Not sure if I can pull the usual size metal reflector into focus due to spacer length for the socket change. Can't get it far enough out without going off the threads. Will try going to minimum spacers but don't know if it will enough.

What's the best switch setup for this conversion?
Is there any adapter to allow effective body lengthening so the reflector can be spaced out about 1/2 to 3/4 inch?

2) I'm getting some cutoffs that could be either the switch or the cutoffs in AWs batts. Is there a simple way to confirm which it is? Is there a way to weed out cells with lower cutoff currents? Should I even be have a cutoff problem with those cells.

Is there a better bulb choice for this setup?

(The host has a spacer on the tail for batt length but except for the socket conversion to the type that needs switch disassembly and soldering, metal reflector and boro lens is pretty much stock)

I built a couple dozen high power incans about 2 years ago. My most used are 2 and 3 cell lithiums using using the 1111 and 1185s - convenient size and reasonable life. Thank goodness those bulbs are in no immediate danger but it looks like I need to buy some 1164s.
Kiu high temp kit makes it easy to get desired bulb height in Mag D. Have not used a Kiu C kit , but they still come with various length posts same as D kit.

AW C cell protection cct is 5A +/- 0.5A so your cells could be tripping "in spec". I assume you'll be drawing around 4.5-4.7A.

I briefly tried a 5 x AW C 64440 but considered it a bit too high load on the cells. (Had no tripping problem). I prefer to limit AW C 3300mah cells to Mag85 use - around 3-3.2A.
I've got a 64440 with 5 x Sony 18650 LIMN cells and mag switch with Kiu kit. It's OK , brighter than with 5 x AW C , but it really needs 5 x IMR26500 for less sag or best would be JimmyM regulated driver and 6 cells to be worthwhile. Set vbulb at 19v for 16 hour bulb life.

I have a charger with discharge function , I'd just connect each cell individually , set to 5A discharge to find if one is tripping.
Problem is the AW C 3300mah are no longer available so replacement could be tricky.
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