My SF wish for 2010 would be a 2-cell EDC-size light (i.e., definitely no bigger than a U2) with dual output levels and patterns, and 200 lumens for 1.5 to 2 hours on high. At the very least, I'd like a light with a very floody low white beam (anything between 5 and 25 lumens is fine with me) and a nice, throwy high beam (white, obviously) comparable in throw, output and runtime to the LX2. I'm a bit flexible on the runtime, as long as it's over an hour, and additional features are fine (extra colors, a low output with throw, etc.). But it HAS to do better for throw and output on high than the A2L, and it has to have a floody low white output, floodier than the high beam.
Now, maybe this dream light could be the AZ2, provided it's designed for sufficient throw, output and runtime on high. Or maybe an updated Kroma would be the answer. Or maybe something else altogether. Who knows.
Although now that I think about it, I could let things go at a simple 60% price reduction on the FM54...