Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 4, 2004
Sea Isle City, NJ
Yes, folks, its that time again. Time to drool over the possibilities and dream of products you would like to see from Surefire....

I would love to see black HA LX1s with 5/100 output settings.
E1B w/defender tailcap stock.

HA 6Ps.

More apparel items....
Off the top of my head, in no particular order:

Head from G2D/G3D-FYL (the new KL3?)
Bring back the D2!
SRTH!!! (or a SMO reflector for the KT Turboheads)
A2L in BK
A2L w/ Y/G LEDs
Yo Dawg-man!

This is like X-mas advertisements, it gets posted earlier and earlier!

I would like SF to put a regulator circuit in the Z48 & Z49 tailcap assemblies. A fully regulated M3, Santa, are you listening?!

I only have one wish for Santa (or PK):

Updated Kroma MS (evt. with UV Leds instead of Blue)

If I can't have that.... then a KX1 -Ultra low output,
below 1 Lumens on 1st click on.
- or basically a single cell light with these settings...LX1 or E1B -style
Primary wish list:
ARC HID lights :devil:

Secondary wish list:
A2's with warm, non-angry-blue secondary LEDs :laughing:
New incandescent ANYTHING
More lights in HA-BK such as:

And some in HA at all like the 6P

And of course I would love an ARC HID and an M3L/M3LT
Same nomination as last year... and the year before that... and the year before that.

I forget what my prior wishes were but I think it was something like this

-typeIII 6P
-18650 compatibility for hosts
-RCR123 compatibility for the smaller lights
My two main wishes are pretty much in line with KDOG3's, i.e.

An E1DL, with the same knurling, crenellated head & tailcap as the E2DL.
A black HA-III LX1

While I'm wishing, I'd also like to see a V2 Vampire for $100 retail.
- A SureFire hybrid A2 Aviator w/ TURBOHEAD!

- Any 3xCR123 incandescent light regulated like the original A2.

- A regulated M3T, M4 or M6. :thumbsup:

- Any incandescent light with a proprietary Li-Ion rechargeable system (with cradle, car charger and all the bells and whistles)

- A compact tactical HID with instant strike/hot-restrike capability.
E-series combatgrip

E-series E2G nitrolon light shipping with MN02 - for sale at Wal-Mart and Target (with a nitrolon twistie?)

A three-cell light running a regulated P61... bonus points if it uses a side-by-side layout like the Spy007.

The Arc-series... before I give up waiting
i would like to see a miniature kroma type light, perhaps 6P form factor fitted with a custom multi-die emitter that does white, red, blue, and IR with some sort of ingenious way to turn each one on individually without cycling through and 18650 powered
How about buying individual parts? Any body, any head, any tail switch, any clip...etc. I would like to buy Defender tail switches and E1b/LX2 clips. I would like to buy a silver Defender TC for my silver E1b. I edc a black E1b with a defender TC, the same set up in silver would be awesome.

How about bringing back the 3P? A 3PL? A 3PL in HAIII?

An M6L that is as bright as the incan but with longer run time?
If you want an E-series combat grip, just get some rubber grommets and slide them over the flashlight body. The E-series is already skinny enough. You just need the rubber "stop".

I wish that SF would get rid of the thread locker that seals their lights.
Minimus with better runtime and higher/lower output levels.

Thatll do!

It has been a fair number of years since I graduated from impotent-cheapo lights to SF splendor. It has now been a couple years that I have patiently waited for them to actually build-sell the new lights they 'introduce' in glossy literature.
My wish...fire the %$&*()&^ marketing &^^%& and hire some engineers/production people that can actually get products out the door.
I have about a dozen SF beauties... but no longer believe anything they say. Shame, they did-do make good stuff, but I no longer care. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Rant off.
My SF wish for 2010 would be a 2-cell EDC-size light (i.e., definitely no bigger than a U2) with dual output levels and patterns, and 200 lumens for 1.5 to 2 hours on high. At the very least, I'd like a light with a very floody low white beam (anything between 5 and 25 lumens is fine with me) and a nice, throwy high beam (white, obviously) comparable in throw, output and runtime to the LX2. I'm a bit flexible on the runtime, as long as it's over an hour, and additional features are fine (extra colors, a low output with throw, etc.). But it HAS to do better for throw and output on high than the A2L, and it has to have a floody low white output, floodier than the high beam.

Now, maybe this dream light could be the AZ2, provided it's designed for sufficient throw, output and runtime on high. Or maybe an updated Kroma would be the answer. Or maybe something else altogether. Who knows.

Although now that I think about it, I could let things go at a simple 60% price reduction on the FM54...

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