6 D terralux tle-6ex vs tiablo A9


Newly Enlightened
Feb 23, 2006
Does the Tiablo have a lot better throw? Anyone have beamshots comparing the too?
i would assume the tiablo would have better throw as it is being pushed harder than the 6ex, remember 6 batteries in 6ex doesnt add more power since its regulated and best at 4 cells , 6 is just for much added runtime
I think the Tiablo A9 and Dereelight DBS both out throw the Malkoffdevices drop-in, which is even brighter then the Terralux TLE-6EX so yes the Tiablo will out throw the drop-in.
Even my MRV Q2 out throws the ex, and against the MRV Q5 it's no comparison. Both the Tiablo and DBS out throw the MRV.
Yes, but is the Mag easier to upgrade ? You might be able to use the Maglite a lot longer. R bins are out now, next year, who knows ?
I have the 4D TLE-6EX and the A9S Q5, and the Tiablo wins hands down. While the MAG is good for about 100 yards, I can illuminate things up to 800 feet away with the Tiablo.
Yes, but is the Mag easier to upgrade ? You might be able to use the Maglite a lot longer. R bins are out now, next year, who knows ?

You also get to keep the zoom lens with many Mag conversions, I believe. Though it's a ring beam unless you add a stippled reflector.

Otoh, the Maglite body doesn't cost much, so is the saving worthwhile?
I have the Malkoff / mag setup and the A9. Like them both, but the A9 has the better throw.
AS far as easy, the dropin was installed in less than 3 minutes.

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