6P with plastic window?

Jul 27, 2006
Raleigh, NC
I just fired up my new 6P with IMR 16340 cells, FM G4 socket and WA1111. In less than one minute I saw smoke as the plastic lens began to melt.

I've examined all of my 6P collection and they all have glass lens. My question is did SF ever put plastic windows in the 6P?

Thanks for your help
older 6P and G2 uses Lexan...which will soften if you run the P60 lamp for a full runtime. Any other lamp will melt it straight through:candle:
You have 2 options...
Call Surefire and talk to CS and they will send a new replacement bezel with Pyrex
OR, there is a window replacement kit you can buy for like $4.00 and fix it yourself, but will not be able to use it with incans as it will just do the same thing.
I recently purchased a G2ZL that came with a lexan window (says pyrex on the packaging and website). I e-mailed Surefire to ask if the packaging/website were incorrect or if I had recieved a bezel from a G2L with the lexan window by mistake.

About two weeks later I had a package from Surefire containing a new bezel with a pyrex window.
Another excellent SureFire customer support experience.

I used to melt (soften, mottle) the windows on my 6P and 6Z all the time - SF would send replacements. They finally gave up and sent me the pyrex hex bezels.
Yes, it's a common thing, apparently. I'd ordered a 6PL bezel from another forumite awhile back...Lexan lens. SF dropped the ball, but my replacement that was supposed to have shipped on Jan. 5 is due here this evening.
There's another replacement following that one, because I bought a G2ZL a couple days ago, and it had Lexan, too.
www.flashlightlens.com sells UCL lenses(and borofloat, I think) for the the G2 that should fit our 6P bezels, and I have a couple of UCLs on the way to salvage my two Lexan equipped bezels. Just takes a few minutes to change them out-have to heat up the head to get the retaining ring out, unscrew it, replace the lens, screw it back down, done.

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