OK, then the looong type - as I had all those thought already ...
a quick search on E-bay shows about 100-150,-- for Surefire 6 Ps
(even used ones) ((CRAZY))
and I think I also have exactly the picture You postet ... for 245,--
(dont ask me for my opinion),
as You want to purchase one, it is just what You are willing (and able) to spend, so if that is OK, why not.
to the light:
in the beginning I did not use it much, as the original setup eats through batteries like crazy,
and I simply could not (and did not want) to pay that, back then. + not produce that number of empty cells.
in 2004 I have mine custom bored to house an 18650 Li-Ion cell;
(body widened from ~16 mm to ~18 mm inside diameter)
and from then on, this light - every 6P - makes sense suddenly and can be considered a "use frequently" light.
additionally You could change the light insert - which You will have problems to get, as they are no longer made - to a
"P60 led insert"
and that is the way to go.
instead of the 2 * CR123, put a single 1 * 16650 inside,
get a P60-Led_insert for single Li-Ion cell
PS: having the light "bored" for an 18650 houses the danger of destroying it!
Pls dont do it when You get the 245,-- one