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Sold/Expired A bare A19 *all gone*


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 19, 2008
Hi all...!

This one is a mix of custom parts...!

First off is the head which is a bare Aleph 19 with a Nexgen 750 I think..

Body is a "unknown" 17500 body also bare....

Tailcap is a Delghi bare one....

Did I say all parts are bare....??

Now, for some crappy pictures:




Maybe I should add that I want USD for this one....
For the A19 head shipped all over the seven seas...

That is USD for a bare A19 shipped....
PP-fees for this bare light is taken care of by me......

And as allways, if you are not happy just return it for a full refund....
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Re: A bare, very special Aleph 19 / TB / Delghi 150 US shipped

All tradeoffers will be considered....

I need a McClickie mule....

This light will however be pulled in about 7 hours when I wake up after I`ve slept...
Re: A bare, very special Aleph 19 / TB / Delghi 150 US shipped

Nice light...:)

I don't think the cell body is TB...:shrug:
Re: A bare, very special Aleph 19 / TB / Delghi 150 US shipped

Is the emiiter a Cree ?

can the Nexgen take RCR batteries?
Re: A bare, very special Aleph 19 / TB / Delghi 150 US shipped

Nice light...:)

I don't think the cell body is TB...:shrug:

Sorry I realy thought it was...
Can`t find that thread where it was bought now either......:sigh:

My appologies.....
Re: A bare, very special Aleph 19 / / Delghi 150 US shipped

Hi lumafist,

That is one sharp light at a very good price from a great guy. This surely won't last long. :drool:

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Re: A bare, very special Aleph 19 / / Delghi 150 US shipped

That's a very nice looking light.

The style of the cell body looks very similar to one that I have by CPFer Ganp who does excellent work.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if he made that one. :thumbsup:
Re: A bare, very special Aleph 19 / / Delghi 150 US shipped


Ganp you say...!

thanks for the link Donn...!
And input...

Maybe I`ll just keep this one....?

I`ll give a couple of hours....
Re: A bare, very special Aleph 19 / / Delghi 150 US shipped

Colin's (Ganp) work is excellent!

Re: A bare, very special Aleph 19 / / Delghi 150 US shipped

Thanks for the bumps guys...:cool:

So whtya say TX....

I know you liiiike it.....

You want to maaarry it......

Re: A bare, very special Aleph 19 / / Delghi 150 US shipped

TX got the body.....:thumbsup:
Re: A bare, very special Aleph 19 / / Delghi 150 US shipped

Our "long time no see" dear friend Criollo is getting the TC....

One itty bitty Aleph 19 left for the price of 100 USD shipped or even more nice trades.....!


You`ve got something you want to trade......:popcorn:
Re: A bare A19 with a Nexgen 750 Q4 LE 100 USD or trades...

looking for anything in particular for trades?
Re: A bare A19 with a Nexgen 750 Q4 LE 100 USD or trades...

looking for anything in particular for trades?


Yes and no...:)

E-series allways or Aleph parts as usual.....:thumbsup:

Or something else....:sssh:

Tell me what you got.....
Re: A bare A19 with a Nexgen 750 Q4 LE 90 USD or trades...

Knocked it down to 90 USD shipped worldwide.....

Any trades welcome.. It does not have to be customparts...
A black KL4 or E1b head and change is suffice...

Need to build myself a beater....:candle:
Burman steps in and swipes tha head......:cool:

Oh, my "evil post".... #666

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