A couple of questions about running a TerraLUX MiniStar5 SSC P4 in a 2D Mag.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 31, 2005
I'm very keen on buying the Terralux SSC dropin, but since there is no 2D version yet, I have a couple of questions.

If I use two AA to D converters(same voltage as 6D cells), how long would the runtime be, roughly estimated?
Can I mix one AA to D converter with a regular D-cell(so I get the equivallent of 4D cells)? And would this improve the runtime over the two AA to D converter set up?
Or should I just forget about it and wait for the 2D cell version? Will it be as bright as the other version?

Apologize for repeating this from another thread, but my question got lost among the other posts and I got no answere.
Better not mix n' match an AA to D converter with a real D cell in the same light.
No one can say how bright the 2 cell boost version of TerraLux is going to be, but we can hope and assume it will be like the multi cell versions. If you can wait a month or longer (and it is always longer than you think) for this 2 cell version, yeah, it makes sense to wait, if that is what you want - a small Mag with big brightness. I'm excited by the possibilities of this new TerraLux that has burst out onto the scene. Especially the 2 cell version. It just means more light in a smaller package to me, which is what I want, which means I shall patiently wait!
FWIW the nicest 2 cell mod I've seen is using 3 X CR123A and PVC tubing.

I don't like the mized cell idea at all. Either run the 3AA>1D X 2 or wait.

Runtime GUESSTIMATE 5-7 hours off of 3AA>1D X 2.
Thanks for the answeres all.
Gonna ponder now whether to wait or not. :)
I'm not sure why you are being cautioned not to use a D cell in conjunction with AA cells. It will definitely work. You never get definitive answers to this question, so don't expect one.
You could also use a couple of "dummy" cells so you end up with 4 AA. Since you'll be using a battery holder, a piece of wire could substitute for a dummy cell, making it very simple.
Here's another idea. How about using 2 protected rechargeable lithium Ion C cells in a simple pvc sleeve with a spacer. Here's a link http://candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=106075

Of course it would be easier to start with a 2 C cell Maglite. On further investigation, it turns out that these so-called C cells won't fit in a 2 C cell Maglite. Dumb. Really dumb.
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Or if you have a ROP, use the 6AA to 2D adapter from that, and store the ROP bulb in the tailcap. Two lights in one!
I'm not sure why you are being cautioned not to use a D cell in conjunction with AA cells.

I think the reason for this is that the batteries will be mismatched, and typically will have different capacities and different internal resistance. As the batteries discharge, this can then result in reverse 'charging' of the more discharged cells.

I am sure a battery expert will be along for a 'proper' explanation!
I have always followed the advice to not mix different (capacity, charge status, of even manufacturer) batteries.
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You can also do what I did and make an adapter to hold 3x123s, since thats' the same as 6D cells. I'm going to be ordering one of these things next payday, can't wait to see it in action...
MattK said:
Update: The 2 cell boost version is still more than 75 days out - sorry. :(

Matt - :ohgeez:Two and a half months! I will never remember that far out. If you start a list please add my name to it. I will take two to start. As always, thanks for your contributions here. Kirk
I have some follow up questions:

If I buy three 3AA to D converters, can I use only 2 with 6 AA batteries and leave the third one as a dummy cell?

Can I use all three converters with 9 AA batteries safely to power the drop in?

What would be a rough estimate of run time under both conditions?

Thanks in advance for explaining all this difficult stuff to me.
Nebula said:
Matt - :ohgeez:Two and a half months! I will never remember that far out. If you start a list please add my name to it. I will take two to start. As always, thanks for your contributions here. Kirk
Why not just get the AA to D adaptors? This way if you currently have a 2D/3D Mag you can utilize the drop-in now.. :) They're relatively cheap from Litemania, I think about $3 each or so..

I did a brief review, no pics though. :(
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BMRSEB said:
Why not just get the AA to D adaptors? This way if you currently have a 2D/3D Mag you can utilize the drop-in now.. :) They're relatively cheap from Litemania, I think about $3 each or so..

I did a brief review, no pics though. :(

Feel free to pass along the runtime est when you get one. :)