A day in the life of a Flashaholic


Aug 24, 2007
What we're looking for is your desciption of a typical day devoted to your hobby, flashlights. Don't be bashful, tell us some of the ways and things you do to enjoy your flashlights. Are you obsessed, out of control with your credit card or just enthusiastic while you wait and watch for the UPS truck? Do your loved ones find your hobby interesting and are they supportive or do they think you're sick and in need of a 12 step program?
Thanks for taking part in this cathartic survey.

:broke: :twothumbs
A night in the life of a Flashaholic might be more apropos.

Friends and relatives think I'm more than a bit wacky, but it's due to more than just flashlights.

Flashlights are a hobby for me. In addition to the function and practicality of flashlights, I actually have "fun" comparing different lights, checking the batteries, doing a bit of flashlight lego, etc.

I'm not much of a white wall, beam shot tester, but like to do ceiling tests, plus enjoy taking the Streamlight Ultrastinger, SureFire M6 and other lights outdoors, to see how well they light up trees in the distance. And firing up the McCullough(Acro) x990 at any time of day or night, always brings a smile to my face.

I'm pretty much stocked up with lights (my spouse would say overstocked), so although there are many lights on my wish list, personal purchases have become few and far between (well, to me at least). Every now and then though, something comes along that I simply must have.
  • Wake up before sunrise, take flashlight with me to the bathroom
  • Use flashlight to illuminate the bathroom while showering shaving etc. I like doing this because I use my light on low and it is a nice transition on the eyes.
  • Go back to bedroom and use light to get dressed etc so as not to disturb my wife.
  • Use light to go to kitchen and have breakfast.
  • Leave house using light to find my way to my car.
  • Use light at work for any 'illuminate where dark' applications but it really does not get used that much at work. (but it has definitely come in handy)
  • Come home from work and check CPF for a bit before dinner.
  • While watching TV or movies I use a light to go upstairs to the bathroom during commercials etc. (winter is always a good time of year because it gets dark so early)
  • After my wife goes to bed I stay up and check CPF or I fiddle with my lights-cleaning, charging batteries, trying different diffusers etc.
  • Use a light for walking around the house and getting ready for bed so as not to disturb my wife again.
Of course I take any opportuntiy to use a light or headlight such as taking out the garbage, going to my shed to get something, evening walks.
I especially look forward to camping in the summer for obvious reasons.

For EDC outside the house I generally use my McLux III PD-S or Seoulmodded HDS U60. I'll also sometimes grab my Fenix or Jetbeam when I get home from work and carry in my pocket at home. The Fenix and Jetbeam sometime see some EDC. I'll use a headlamp for any hands free work.

When on CPF I usually check new posts first, browse the threads and then I'll look up specific info such as when I am anticipating the release of a new light or if I am interested in a light and I want to research it.

Probably pretty boring use of lights compared to others such as LEO, Military, Coast Guard or SAR. All I can say is that I enjoy this hobby, my wife never gives me a hard time and I could get by without EDC'ing a flashlight but where's the fun in that?
If I wake up in the middle of the night, still half-asleep, I still make sure to pick out the lowest output light out of the dozen or so sitting on my nightstand.
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I start my day by deciding which lights I'm going to EDC that day. I always have the Mag Solitaire on my keychain, but I also EDC one or two other lights (can't remember the last time I actually used the Solitaire, other than checking/charging the battery, it's just an extreme-case backup light).

Before I shower I check CPF to see if there are any posts I simply must read. Then I check again right before leaving for work. My absolute favorite posts are those with outside beam shots, followed by threads about lights I hope to buy, and then threads with great technical info. I also enjoy threads about lights that are in some way special, be they cool modded lights or some high-end light that I will probably never be able to afford.

While I don't "need" my lights much at work, they do come in handy often. An example from today was searching for fittings in our parts bins. The bins are like cubby holes, so not much light gets in them. Pulled out my brightest EDC and made the search for the right fittings much easier and quicker. Part of my job involves inspecting vehicles that we get in for repairs. Lots of times a problem simply can't be found without the use of a good flashlight.

After work is when I start to get more into flashaholic mode. This time of year it's nearly dark by the time I get home from work, so the lights get used quite a bit. Mostly for fun, but also for tasks. I "play" with at least 2-4 of my lights every night. Sometimes ALL of them in the same night. Playing to me means shining them at things outside or inside, checking throw and flood in different situations, etc. I also regularly do beam shots of all different kinds. I'm always trying to think of creative new ways to do beam shots. But it's not as much fun using the same lights all the time, which is why buying a new light begins the fun of the beam shot comparisons all over again.

Yes, my wife thinks I'm crazy, and so do my friends, but oh well, there are much worse hobbies. And my wife has learned to live with me going outside with a tripod, camera, and 10 lights. :D She teases me a little, but for the most part is supportive as long as I don't go crazy with spending (which I wouldn't do anyway, even though I would if I were rich).

My nightly routine also includes checking CPF, and shopping for stuff. I regularly read the SureFire website, Fenix-Store, QualityChinaGoods, DealExtreme, and even some of the sites that sell higher end lights that I could never afford. I also search Youtube for videos of flashlights. Seems not too many new ones show up, so I don't do that often as I've already seen all the decent ones (I'm surprised more people on CPF don't post videos of their cool lights and beam shots, etc.).

Like any good flashaholic, my nightly routine includes checking all batteries and charging those that need to be charged. I usually only check the batteries of the lights I used that day.

I guess one of the hardest things about being a flashaholic that is NOT rich is deciding what products are going to get my hard earned dollars. And I spend a lot of time every night researching how I can get a light or light accessory that will make me happy that is affordable.

And if anyone is curious about my flashaholic beam shots, which are many and varied, you can see some of them on my Photo Bucket site here:
When night falls I'll load up the pockets with a couple or three lights. After the house settles down and the wife and son go to sleep I seldom turn on a regular light. Usually I'm here at the computer, sitting around listening to the radio, or playing with the flashlights. And, I'll often just aim one of the lights through the glass walls of the shower stall while washing before bedtime. For that it's kind of neat to use one with a low PWM frequency like the JetBeam C-LE.

the hardest thing i find is figuring out what flashlights to carry, even during the day. How the heck do you long time CPF'ers deal with this dilemma everyday? :thinking:
The other day I seriously considered looking into careers where I could use my lights every day.
* In the car I keep a SL-20X and a P1D and use them every now and then at night when going to work.

* At work five days a week I use my 7060, TL, SF A2 and SL AA Propolymer. I work graveyards so I get to use my lights a lot.

* Home there is another TL by the bed along with my trusty friend Glock. Living Room Ultrastinger. Bathroom WF 6AF.

* Then there are multiple high powered lights and low powered ones in my rifle/guns safe. Those lights get used, just not everyday, most of that stock is all high end SF's.

If I see a new light I think I need/want I always wait two days and take time to really think about what I would use that light for and do I really need it.

When and if I do have a new light en route to my place I do not wait around for the UPS man, it is not that important to me, I know in time I will get it.

Yeah, I get that little bug like it's christmas when I have a high dollar light coming but like I said I will never wait around for a light.
I try to check out CPF every day
I carry at least two flashlights every day
I always lend a hand (containing a light) if someone drops something in a dark place
I have modified flashilights with me whenever I can
I relish any opportunity to use my flashlights
I have to be careful not to buy too many lights at once.
Get up in the morning - check CPF, go to work equiped with my ML-1 EDC, check CPF at work 2-3 times, come home, check CPF, go for run with ROP LOLA, come home, dinner, check CPF, sleep.... Process starts over again...
Most of a normal day for me has nothing to do with flashlights (sadly). I probably only buy a new flashlight or accessory about once or twice a month. Today happens to be an exception for me because I have a package from Milkyspit waiting for me a the the post office, so I'm going to sacrifice my lunch to go liberate it. Plus I get to play with my "new" lights this afternoon.

Most days the only things that I do that involve flashlights is read threads on CPF and walk the dogs. Other than that, I just enjoy the thought of all the wonderful flashlights I have at my disposal. Life if truly good.:twothumbs
An everyday usage would be with one of my bedside lights (There's usually two: a SHTF light, and a general purpose light) to make my way downstairs to start the day. I usually take the general purpose Mag or my SF G2 (rechargeable kit with B65 batt) + red filter to make my way downstairs without turning on all the lights, then I keep that one on the counter or wherever so it can pitch in during the day as needed.
Being LE working only in the dark when most of you are sleeping, I use at least 2, sometimes 3 & 4 different lights every night. The usual... shining in driver's windows, looking under car seats, chasing suspects through the woods. I've always like flashlights, I have several SF & SL for work, a few headlamps and lanterns for camping.

Having "officially" joined CPF less than 2 months ago in search of a new bright rechargeable to replace my Stinger, I've started to notice a problem. In the past month I have purchased a E2D & FM E2 socket, TL3, G2L, Fenix P2D, 7 Li-Ions w/ charger, & FM 3x 168A Stinger kit! This week I've found myself wanting to mod my PT Apex headlamp! Am I on a downward spiral to a 12 step program???
Having "officially" joined CPF less than 2 months ago in search of a new bright rechargeable to replace my Stinger, I've started to notice a problem. In the past month I have purchased a E2D & FM E2 socket, TL3, G2L, Fenix P2D, 7 Li-Ions w/ charger, & FM 3x 168A Stinger kit! This week I've found myself wanting to mod my PT Apex headlamp! Am I on a downward spiral to a 12 step program???

I don't see a problem...maybe I'm in denial and in need of a 12 step program.
Get up, check CPF for interesting stuff, carry Arc AAA-P on keys and LP M3 in pocket every day. I use my M3 quite frequently at work, usually when inspecting stacks of laminations which form the frame for stators. Come back home, eat, check CPF, go for walk with ROP-Hi/WE Boxer24 and a number of other light depending on my mood. Turn off lights while getting ready for bed and use ceiling bounce to see. Put EDC on bedside table near K-BAR and 6P Defender. Sleep. Rinse, repeat. :twothumbs
Before I enden up here I didnt carry any kind of light! Im considered a gadget freak amon my friends including my GF. A while back we where at her moms house, she had some mice problems under the kitchen sink. They needed a light to check under there, so my GF said to me "you must hava a flashlight on you! you always carry alot of stuff around!"
At that time I was offended my the remark, and said " NO I do not have a flashlight on me! what kind of geek do you take me for?!"

After that I started to realize that It might be good to carry a light! And after a while I realized that it was just plain stupid not having a light with you!

After that day at her moms house, I have never been asked the same question again! Now I just dont have ONE light with me, but like four five of them at all time! :D

Just wanted to lay down the background to why my days look like the do now days! :)

An ordinary day for me is way to much about flashlights! It seems like theyre all i think of! I feel sick sometimes! I got shocked the other day of the amount of stuff my GF knows about flashlights! And that SureFire rules! :D

Sometimes I walk around thinking about what I should do to make me need to use my lights! And the other free hours I have Im sitting here on the forums!

Hope I made some sense...Its late here...and Im not drinking lemonade! :D