A look at a HID bulb that is on (Photos).


Mar 26, 2008
Copenhagen, Denmark
The bulb:


The arc:
Terrific photos, HKJ - they turned out just perfect. It is quite a novelty to see what the arc looks like in your second photo, and I am very impressed by the excellent job you did with the stepped down exposure for that shot.

Thanks for going to the effort and posting this!
I think HKJ was saying that the bulb was an image for Photos, the hosting site.

It's a terrific picture for sure!
Great pics - I wouldn't have dared try that, for fear of burning out the camera sensor!

Ra took some comparison photos of his MaxaBlaster and other HIDs some while ago. There are a couple here (see posts #1 and #6) but I think he did others too.

It would be interesting to know the # of stops he had to use to photograph that MaxaBlaster...
I wouldn't have dared try that, for fear of burning out the camera sensor!

I would not have tried it, except for the gray filter, it filters 99.9% of the light out, i.e. only 0.1% of the light reaches the camera sensor.
But you have to be careful using the camera, it is a bad idea to take a peep around the camera.