A new level of flashaholism


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 2, 2006
CA, 94087
My dreams last night featured the Gladius+FM34 extensively, but flashlight dreams are old hat.

I've begun to dream about CPF.

I've dreamt that I'm sitting at my computer, as I am now, reading threads and making the occasional post.

I haven't decided whether I find this funny, cool or pathetic.
Maybe you haven't woken up yet, and this thread only exists in your dreams...
I wonder if your brain will make stuff up for you to read. You'll wake up and jump on the forums and be like 'yeah, can anyone believe how spectacular that BIC lighter pen is?' Then people reply 'Yeah! It's awesome!' being too afraid they might have missed something to admit it....
I've had dreams involving flashlights too...so you're not alone. :)

From my online dream diary, comes this:

September 02, 2002:
I was in a large public market not unlike the Pike Place Market here in Seattle. I had to go to the bathroom, so I started looking for a toliet. Below the street level, I found a public restroom with two toliets. A tall drag queen in a gold lame' dress was just starting to leave one stall, and the other was already empty. So I went right to the empty stall, but found somebody had pissed all over the toliet seat and all over most of the toliet paper. The drag queen's stall was now being used by someone else, so I was stuck with this one. Using what little unpissed-on paper there was, I cleaned off the seat and then sat down. Affixed to an empty TP dispenser rod to my left was my pair of Arc-LS flashlights on a keyring. I realised I had left them there the previous day, and I saw evidence that a lot of people had tried to remove them but failed. There were deep grooves cut into the metal TP rod from somebody pulling back and forth on the keychain, apparently hoping to erode through the rod enough to break it. The toliet paper rod was locked into the holder with a small, stiff button at one end, which I firmly pressed and easily freed my flashlights. Still seated on the toliet, I briefly examined them and then stuffed them into my pocket. After sitting on the can for several more minutes and deciding I couldn't "go", I pulled up my pants and exited the stall. At this time I noticed a couple of younger guys in the bathroom. We exchanged a brief conversation, but I can't remember what it was about anymore. It wasn't anything bad, I'm pretty sure of that.

From 09-07-02, comes this snippet:

In the last part of the dream, I was inside part of a new building construction. I heard some people "ooing" an "aaahing" at something going on in the next room of the unfinished structure. I looked through the still-unhung door, and saw a white laser dot being shined at the unfinished plywood ceiling about two or three floors up. It was coming from some guys about 1 floor below me standing in front of what I took to be an argon ion laser, even though I knew it was the wrong color. I noticed at times the white laser spot had crimson red edges, as if developing a chromatic abberation. But for the most part, the beam was white. So I pulled out my own green-emitting laser pen, and started chasing the white spot on the ceiling with it. The NWCN crew from the last dream segment showed up again and stood there watching as well. Somebody mentioned what a beautiful shade of green my laser was. I said something to the guys below, "What kind of laser is that, a urine laser?" and they started laughing while repeating the phrase "urine laser" a couple of more times. I said "No, not a urine laser, a dye laser". There was some more laughing from the other laser's owners, while both of our lasers' beams continued to play tag on the ceiling. Right after that, I woke up.
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