A P60 for your spouse?

Black Rose

Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 8, 2008
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Tonight I was talking to my wife about wanting to get another P60 host (Solarforce/Spiderfire L2).

I made the comment that I should get her one as well to carry in her purse. She thought it was a great idea :ohgeez:
She's been using my L2s lately anyway...apparently she likes my modded 3-mode P60 drop-ins as much as I do.

Do any of your wives carry a P60 with them?
Hmm, I thought this thread was going to be about somebody who bought too many malkoff p60 drop-ins and spouse left or something lol

p60 is too big for her to carry around, so I just got her a simple dx light and modded it and double-checked connections.
I think a P60 would be too big for her as well, even though her purse could carry a small child :D

Might get her one for the night stand and use a drop-in with no blinky modes.
Tonight I was talking to my wife about wanting to get another P60 host (Solarforce/Spiderfire L2).

I made the comment that I should get her one as well to carry in her purse. She thought it was a great idea :ohgeez:
She's been using my L2s lately anyway...apparently she likes my modded 3-mode P60 drop-ins as much as I do.

Do any of your wives carry a P60 with them?

Mine does, a 6P Defender with a LF drop in, she like it a lot.
My wife has a yellow G2 as her "house light." No LED, she prefers the color rendition of incan. She doesn't normally carry it around every day, though.
My fiancé likes smaller lights. She had a SF e1 with an early KL1 head but I traded it out to a Fenix P1D and she likes that one much more because of the size/output.
Years ago, my wife started out with a 6P then moved to an E2e due to size (EDC "castaways" of a flashaholic) . She finally settled on an E1B as the optimal size for her purse - fits well along side the Special PINK Mini-RSK Mk1™ - http://www.equipped.org/rsk_mk1-mini-PINK.htm Some things are bound to rub off on your spouse over 18+ years of marriage.
I've purchase a numberr of vey nice lights for my wife over the last 2-3 months. She hasn't carried any of them yet.... Oops, I just realized, I forgot to tell her about them.