A question and a comment about my BOG drop in


Newly Enlightened
Nov 27, 2007
First the question, can it damage the unit running it OUT of regulation? The reason I ask is because I believe I ran mine out of regulation (I'm actually assuming I did, since I don't really know for sure. I do know that if I left the light off over night and turned it on in the morning it would be brighter, then there would be a distinct step down in brightness. Is that "dropping out of regulation"?") anyways I ran mine for a week like that and then decided I wanted MAX. brightness again, so I put in a fresh set of SF batteries and now when I first turn it on it flickers from VERY bright through several levels of varying brightness before settling down at a lower level (as compared to the top level it flickers to) I took the fresh batteries out and put back the weak ones and it doesn't do this, only the new ones cause it. What do you think? Is my module going bad?
It's an interesting question, as I just ordered a Q5 premium for my C3. I can't help you as I won't get it for a while, but I would like to know if others have experienced it.

Did you get the right spring with it? I was told to order the older round version unit so I would get an extra spring.

Also I see most of the hardcores around here are up all night on the forum (when not playing with their barn burners!) so they probably won't answer for a while.
I had a similar problem in a 9v setup with a Wolfeyes HO led module. Basically my Fenix P1DCE (one of the first runs) was noticably brighter than the dropin.
Another problem was that some times when activating the light it would come on really dim the the next time it was ok and on and on. It was a quite random affair as to whether it would come on at full brightness or a bit dimmer.
Anyway it ended up being the batteries. They were brand new Tenergy cr123's.
They still ran the WE dropin quite brightly, but I took then out and ran them in the P1DCE and they didnt last long at all.
Testing on the Multimeter before hand revealed the were indeed new cells, however apparently a battery testing fine under NO LOAD and a battery testing fine under LOAD are 2 different things.(alas I have no convenient means of doing the latter)
Anyway I bit the bullet and just ordered some AW 17500's(2 fit in a 9v light) and the appropriate charger( the cells come charged), and when i put them into the SF9P.....MAN the difference was so noticable i couldnt believe it.....it was so much brighter....Now the WE(3.7-13v) is noticably brighter than the P1DCE. I also got some more primaries and same thing. So I guess the tenergy cells were just defective.
Just saying maybe, possibly your cells are defective( or not as new as you thought.:shrug:) Even the best brands roll out duds now and then.
As for the damage when not in regulation, I cant say with certainty, But I dont beleive this is the case.
Hope this helps in some way
Thanks for the replies. Where do I get AW17500's? I take it I would need four (two in charger/two in light) and I want protected cells too right? BTW I hear you on the possibility of batts. being bad. These are SF branded, dated 06-2017.
Ditto on here: http://www.cpfmarketplace.com/mp/sho...d.php?t=170420

or you can check out here: for the batts. Yes I got 4. 2 in the light, 2 in the charger. (though never left in)


and this is the charger I got:


By the way my light is a surefire 6P, and I use a 1 cell extender to make it a 9P of sorts. Anyway so this setup is for 3 primaries or 2 x 17500's. The 17500 batts are 1.5 x the length of a normal cr123.

What Light are you using the BOG in? What is the voltage input range for the BOG?
Have you seen this thread I recommend reading it, It will give you pretty much all you wanted to know on what batts you can run: Especially safety aspects to avoid the pipe bomb syndrome.


(Haha I just noticed your sig line...so a G3 it is. This setup will be sweet for the 17500's as long as your dropin can handle the peak 8.4v from 2 batts)
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