A question on Mag heads and McR reflectors


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 17, 2008
London UK
I am planning my next multi-emitter Mag build and deciding
whether to use McR 16XRs or McR 17XRs

What is the most number of reflectors (in either size) that will fit in a Mag head ?

Also will these reflectors "self-center" and if using bare emitters
will they interfere with the wiring/soldering ?
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I should have been more clear :)

What is the most number of McR reflector that will fit in a Mag head

Have edited OP to clarify
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I posted a formula to calculate the answer to this question. Post #9 had a handy formula to paste into an Excel spreadsheet. That makes it even easier. Post #10 had a link to another site even more comprehensive.

So the short answer is you can fit 7*McR-16-XR's in a MagLite head. That's a hexagon shape with one dead center. It will be 47.7 mm diameter. My MagLite head has an ID of ≈48.1 mm. You've got 0.4 mm to spare. Since the McR-16-XR is 16.51 mm in diameter, that same array of 7 would be 49.53 mm in diameter. It would be 1.43 mm too large. You could fit 5 McR-17-XR's in a circle 44.598 mm in diameter.

Either of these reflectors has a step the LED reflector fits into that is 1.0 mm high. If you solder directly onto the LED, as long as you're neat with your soldering, you shouldn't have any problem. If you use something like 14 mm stars, you'd have even more room to solder. Once you solder the wires on, you just epoxy the reflector right onto the LED or the star.

I am planning my next multi-emitter Mag build and deciding
whether to use McR 16XRs or McR 17XRs

What is the most number of reflectors (in either size) that will fit in a Mag head ?

Also will these reflectors "self-center" and if using bare emitters
will they interfere with the wiring/soldering ?
Many thanks Al :thumbsup: lovecpf

All my questions answered perfectly :