A2 Aviator beam


Newly Enlightened
Jan 7, 2007
North Carolina
I went by my local dealer to check out a Surefire A2 today. I have been wanting one for a while now so I finally got the chance to see one in person. I just had a question bout the incandescent beam...is it normal for there to be a donut hole in the beam profile when the light is 1ft away or less? The one I handled today had this type of beam and then when I shined the light on objects further away the beam looked irregular and seemed like a long and narrow profile. I know this can be characteristic of parabolic reflectors with incandescents but this one was way worse than even my M3 w/ MN10. I mean, at least it is oval but not linear.

What worried me the most was that this light was opened brand new right in front of me... cut out of the package. I need to know if this is a common beam pattern for an A2. I know that the LED's in the reflector will interfere with it being a perfectly smooth reflection but I even opened the head up and turned the bulb to try and find a better position for the filament in the reflector.

What are the common beam patterns for the incandescent mode on the A2 Aviator up close and far away? I am really wanting this light for it's versatility and usefulness for my job but I cant have a hole in the middle of the beam on high mode when doing up close inspections with the xenon bulb.

I don't recall a donut hole in mine, but overall the beam is a mess. Lots of artifacts--worst Surefire model I own in terms of slop in the beam.

I attribute this to the LED holes cut out of the reflector--there isn't enough textured reflector to reduce artifacts.

This is why I'd really like Surefire to make an incandescent only model with regulation--so that the reflector could do the best possible job of eliminating artifacts.

Until that happens, I'll live with them... since the A2 itself is a great light that gives a very useful 45 minutes of light (I don't use the LED mode). I highly recommend the A2--if the artifacts bother you--as they do me, you can get diffuser lenses IIRC.
This is why I'd really like Surefire to make an incandescent only model with regulation--so that the reflector could do the best possible job of eliminating artifacts.

What if you take out the LED ring?
Faab, the beam you describe really does not sound right. Of my 3 A2's, none of them have a donut hole at any distance. You can only see the three holes from the LEDs at about 1 inch from a wall. It sounds like the bulb in that A2 is defective or misaligned. There is a characteristic ovalness to the A2 beam, but nothing like the M3.
Faab, the beam you describe really does not sound right. Of my 3 A2's, none of them have a donut hole at any distance. You can only see the three holes from the LEDs at about 1 inch from a wall. It sounds like the bulb in that A2 is defective or misaligned. There is a characteristic ovalness to the A2 beam, but nothing like the M3.

What leukos said.

I have had 3 A2s and none of them have had any holes or splotches in the beam.
My A2 has no holes at all, except for the three holes in the beam when it is about an inch from a wall. Also, my A2 has no artifacts to speak of when it's more than two feet from a wall. Sounds like a warranty problem to me.
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It doesn't matter what the beam looks like at 1 inch or 1 foot. What matters is what it looks like at 10ft, or better still 100 ft. Test it outside at night. If it still has serious and noticeable holes, something went wrong at QC and you should return it.

As has been said above, you can't expect to get a perfectly smooth beam when you have 3 LEDs poking through the reflector - but the beam is amazingly good despite that.
I've never seen a donut hole from either of my A2's. When used up close, though, the 4 bulbs do give a lobbed appearance. Unless the bulb has a defect, I can't even imagine how a donut hole would be possible.:thinking:
Thanks for the insight. I am relieved to hear that the hole in the beam is not common at close distances to an object with the A2. I have seen this same thing in one of my KT4 turboheads I got for my M3. It doesn't have nearly as much texture as the turbohead on my M6. When I put a MN15 in the turbohead for my M3T there is a donut hole in that beam also, but the hole is more round than any other bulbs I use for the M3T so the filament is better centered in the reflector unlike any of the other MN15's or MN16's I use. And if I try any other of my bulbs for the M3T they have a similar beam profile as the one I saw with the A2. A lopsided dounut hole when close to the illuminated object. When I use the turbohead from the M6 on my M3T the bulbs produce a perfectly smooth beam with no hole at any distance. The less texture of course makes the KT4 I bought more throwy than the one on the M6 when using the same bulbs.
if you unscrew the bezel and rotate the bulb a little, the beam shape changes. It will take a few tries before you find the right spot for you (the "sweetspot" seems to be a vertical oval shape). Also different bulbs seem to have different beam shapes, I am basing this only on the two bulbs I have. I am under the impression the A2 gives up close range beam quality for long range performance. Take on one outside in the dark and you will agree, I love mine!

To my knowledge such an occurrence is not normal. It is likely the result of the filament being off centered in the reflector. I have seen this in > P60, though.
I just got a brand new A2. Mine also had to be cut out of the retail plastic heat sealed sarcophagus packaging they now use.

The beam only has a donut hole at 3 inches (not at one foot) but the beam is NOT in focus like my old A2 at any distance. I'm familiar enough with focusable lights to know a "1/2 turn out of focus" beam when I see one, and this has it. I tried two other bulbs - same thing. I put the bulb in my old A2 and it was a perfect oval spot, so it's definitely not the bulb. It looks like they may have changed the reflector design or they may be having QC issues.

Add to this the LED ring screws were all stripped. Badly. As in one actually fell out of the head when I removed the bulb!

I have an email in to Surefire to try to get the head replaced.
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I just got a brand new A2. Mine also had to be cut out of the retail plastic heat sealed sarcophagus packaging they now use.

The beam only has a donut hole at 3 inches (not at one foot) but the beam is NOT in focus like my old A2 at any distance. I'm familiar enough with focusable lights to know a "1/2 turn out of focus" beam when I see one, and this has it. I tried two other bulbs - same thing. I put the bulb in my old A2 and it was a perfect oval spot, so it's definitely not the bulb. It looks like they may have changed the reflector design or they may be having QC issues.

Add to this the LED ring screws were all stripped. Badly. As in one actually fell out of the head when I removed the bulb!

I have an email in to Surefire to try to get the head replaced.

Cool, I thought It was just my A2.
The Beam was definitely different than my old A2.

Guess I'm In need of the Old Style A2's.
Man, that stinks. I hope you guys can get 'em fixed/replaced.
This is really bad. I wonder if both those A2s had serial #s close together, and if the manufacturing date can be traced? They must both be recent. SF should sit up and take notice of this.
I just got a brand new A2. Mine also had to be cut out of the retail plastic heat sealed sarcophagus packaging they now use.

The beam only has a donut hole at 3 inches (not at one foot) but the beam is NOT in focus like my old A2 at any distance. I'm familiar enough with focusable lights to know a "1/2 turn out of focus" beam when I see one, and this has it. I tried two other bulbs - same thing. I put the bulb in my old A2 and it was a perfect oval spot, so it's definitely not the bulb. It looks like they may have changed the reflector design or they may be having QC issues.

Add to this the LED ring screws were all stripped. Badly. As in one actually fell out of the head when I removed the bulb!

I have an email in to Surefire to try to get the head replaced.

I see... I had a feeling that this might be the issue because of the same problem with one of my KT4's. It sounds more like Surefire is having QC issues as you said. I am sorry about your A2 Quickbeam. Please keep us informed on what Surefire might have to say about this issue.
