About the Compusa closings...


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 15, 2001
mentioned in a couple of other threads. On the news they said all but one location would close here in MA. Anybody know which location is staying open? I'm bummed and feel empathy for the people losing their jobs. Out of the big three (CompUSA, Best Buy, Circuit City) for computer related products and peripherals, Compusa has the best selection.

Makes sense tho.. For about 6 months I've said "I'm going to CompUSA in Danvers tonight" and...guess what? They never got me in the store

I also feel bad for the peeps!
Manzerick, I work in Peabody. I'm hoping the Danvers store is the one that will stay open. I use the store sporadically but it's nice to know it's there when I need it. For an instance a bit ago I bought the Spyder2express monitor calibration system for $70. I couldn't save enough online to make it worthwhile and neither Circuit City nor Best Buy carried the product.
It's just part of the fallout from people buying stuff from web stores.
No need for the stores within the communities other than to go there to get a look-see of the items that you can get cheaper from a web site across the country. And best of all, one gets to evade paying the sales taxes that help fund local and state services that one demands. Classic case of "having your cake and eating it too."

geepondy said:
I'm bummed and feel empathy for the people losing their jobs.
Their store locator lists all of the stores that will be left. All of the other stores in your phone book or GPS are going bye-bye.
Thanks for the link, bfg9000. So only Holyoke MA left but I see they are keeping the two stores in southern NH (Salem, Nashua). I wonder when the stores will close and if they'll be any closeout sales?
I actually live in Saugus making this one the closest to me also. Do you live in the area?

Sad to see it go even if I didn't make it there much. I think their "rebate" happy business was not good business IMHO

geepondy said:
Manzerick, I work in Peabody. I'm hoping the Danvers store is the one that will stay open. I use the store sporadically but it's nice to know it's there when I need it. For an instance a bit ago I bought the Spyder2express monitor calibration system for $70. I couldn't save enough online to make it worthwhile and neither Circuit City nor Best Buy carried the product.
Oh wow! They're closing all of the Silicon Valley stores. Not that it surprises me, generally if one walked into one of their stores here, you weren't sure if the store was opened or closed. Too bad, I think their Santa Clara store was one of the first expansion stores for Soft Warehouse (original name of CompUSA.)

bfg9000 said:
Their store locator lists all of the stores that will be left. All of the other stores in your phone book or GPS are going bye-bye.
All the CompUSA's in the Greater Los Angeles and San Diego areas are closed. The closest one remaining is in Bakersfield or Santa Barbara.
I get the impression that they are targeting areas where they are less likely to encounter discount competition.

Screehopper said:
All the CompUSA's in the Greater Los Angeles and San Diego areas are closed. The closest one remaining is in Bakersfield or Santa Barbara.
Odd that they would close down stores in strip malls in Silicon Valley (where the rent is relatively less than what a store in a Downtown San Francisco's shopping mall would cost in rent, yet the San Francisco store remains open. In the San Francisco Bay Area they seem to be keeping the stores in areas that have fewer electronics merchants, in particular no areas that has a Fry's store, or other stores that may cater to hardcore computer geeks. I'm more inclined to think that they're going to focus on marketing to the mainstream consumer rather than to the hobbyist niche market.

cbdudley said:
An article that I read stated that they were closing the stores with the highest monthly rent.