Actual Lumens readings in 6" dia. Lab Sphere IS with SC 5500 control - PART II


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 6, 2007
This is the growing collection of Lumens readings taken in a real integration 6 inch sphere system over the last 5 years. More to be added. Orange readings are Incandescents, Truth is Truth.

Make/Model Torch___________Real IS Lumens_______Batteries____________Notes_____________,

Anto_XP-G_R4 P60____________306___turn on___________18650 IMR___________Solarforce L2 host AR coated glass :eek::eek::D.
Anto_XP-G_R4 P60____________297___30 sec___________18650 IMR___________Solarforce L2 host AR coated glass.
Anto_XP-G_R4 P60____________293___60 sec___________18650 IMR___________Solarforce L2 host AR coated glass.
Anto_XP-G_R4 P60____________290___120 sec__________18650 IMR___________Solarforce L2 host AR coated glass.
Anto_XP-G_R4 P60____________287___180 sec__________18650 IMR___________Solarforce L2 host AR coated glass.

Thrunite XP-G____________260__turn on_________2X17500________Solarforce L2 host AR coated glass.
Thrunite XP-G____________251__60 sec,_________2X17500________Solarforce L2 host AR coated glass.
Thrunite XP-G, different unit_230__turn on,________2X17500________Surefire C2 host with extension.
SureFire 6PLED,_______________82,__________________2 primaries__________original LED________,
Surefire E1B_high______________85.3_________________1 primary______________________________,
Surefire E1B_low,_______________6.3_________________1 primary______________________________,
SureFire E2DL on high,________210__turn on___________2 primaries__________Brand new as is from Factory!
SureFire E2DL on high,________203__warm.____________2 primaries__________let it run over a minute,
SureFire E2DL on high,________181__warm.____________2 primaries__________w/SF F04 Diffuser, on > 60sec,
SureFire E2DL on low,___________8.1_________________2 primaries______________________________,
SureFire M600C Scout,________171__turn on___________2 primaries__________KX2C head; single mode version of the E2DL,
SureFire M600C Scout,________165__warm.____________2 primaries__________60 second warm up time.
SureFire M600C Scout,________148__warm.____________2 primaries__________w/SF F04 Diffuser, on > 60sec
SureFire KX2C on E2DL_______192__turn on.___________2 primaries__________Different KX2C head on my E2DL body.
SureFire KX2C on E2DL_______185__warm_____________2 primaries__________Different KX2C head on my E2DL body.

Solarforce R2-S______________202___________________3 RCRs,_____________Browning Black Ice 3 cell host.
Solarforce R2-5M low,__________37___________________2 primaries___________Surefire 6P host_________,
Solarforce R2-5M Med,_________85___________________2 primaries___________Surefire 6P host___________,
Solarforce R2-5M High________160-155________________2 primaries,__________Surefire 6P host__________,
Solarforce Cree R2-S_________210____________________2 primaries__________Surefire 6P host___________,
Solarforce Cree R2-S_________190____________________2X17500 LI___________Solarforce L2 Host 1 extension,
Solarforce Cree Q5,__________150____________________2X17500 LI___________Solarforce L2 Host 1 extension,
Quark Ti-Tact 123(2)__________240__turn-on____________2XRCR123 AW________Quark on "Highest mode"
Quark Ti-Tact 123(2)__________229__60 sec____________2XRCR123 AW________Quark on "Highest mode"

Quark Preon 1_High___________58__turn-on____________1AAA Alkaline_______________________________,
Quark Preon 1_High___________55__60 sec,____________1AAA Alkaline_______________________________,
Quark Preon 1_Med___________19.5__turn-on___________1AAA Alkaline_______________________________,
Quark Preon 1_Low____________3.0__turn-on___________1AAA Alkaline_______________________________,
Quark Preon 1_High___________63__turn-on____________1AAA NiMH Rayovac Hybrid____________________,
Quark Preon 1_Med___________18.9__turn-on___________1AAA NiMH Rayovac Hybrid____________________,
Quark Preon 1_Low____________2.9__turn-on___________1AAA NiMH Rayovac Hybrid____________________,

Quark Preon 2_High__________140__turn-on_____________2AAA Alkaline_______________________________,
Quark Preon 2_High__________129__30 sec_____________2AAA Alkaline_______________________________,
Quark Preon 2_High__________123__60 sec_____________2AAA Alkaline_______________________________,
Quark Preon 2_High__________118__120 sec____________2AAA Alkaline_______________________________,
Quark Preon 2_Med___________31.1__turn-on____________2AAA Alkaline_______________________________,
Quark Preon 2_Low____________3.0__turn-on____________2AAA Alkaline_______________________________,
Quark Preon 2_High__________148__turn-on____________2AAA NiMH Rayovac Hybrid____________________,
Quark Preon 2_Med___________30.5__turn-on___________2AAA NiMH Rayovac Hybrid____________________,
Quark Preon 2_Low____________3.0__turn-on___________2AAA NiMH Rayovac Hybrid____________________,

Quark AA mini_High___________68__turn-on_____________1AA Tenergy NiMH___________________________,
Quark AA mini_High___________65__60 sec_____________1AA Tenergy NiMH___________________________,
Quark AA mini_High___________64__120 sec____________1AA Tenergy NiMH___________________________,
Quark AA mini_Med___________20__turn-on_____________1AA Tenergy NiMH___________________________,
Quark AA mini_Low,____________2.3__turn-on____________1AA Tenergy NiMH___________________________,

Quark 123 Mini_High_________200__turn-on_____________1XIMR16340_________________________________,
Quark 123 Mini_High_________192__60 sec_____________1XIMR16340_________________________________,
Quark 123 Mini_High_________190__120 sec____________1XIMR16340_________________________________,

Quark RGB White High_______150__turn-on_____________2XLIR16340_________________________________,
Quark RGB White Med________63__turn-on_____________2XLIR16340_________________________________,
Quark RGB White Low 2_______14.5_turn-on____________2XLIR16340_________________________________,
Quark RGB White Low 1________1.9_turn-on____________2XLIR16340_________________________________,
Quark RGB White Moon_________0.16_turn-on,__________2XLIR16340_________________________________,
Quark RGB RED High__________70__turn-on____________2XLIR16340________________________________,
Quark RGB Green High________111__turn-on____________2XLIR16340________________________________,
Quark RGB Blue_High__________35__turn-on____________2XLIR16340________________________________,

Nailbender XP-G_R4 DD,______207__turn-on____________2AA Tenergy NiMH_____Dereelight Javelin 2AA size Host,
Nailbender XP-G_R4 DD,______198__30 sec,____________2AA Tenergy NiMH_____Dereelight Javelin 2AA size Host,
Nailbender XP-G_R4 DD,______185__60 sec,____________2AA Tenergy NiMH_____Dereelight Javelin 2AA size Host,
Nailbender XP-G_R4 DD,______169__120 sec,___________2AA Tenergy NiMH_____Dereelight Javelin 2AA size Host,
Nailbender XP-G_R4 DD,______120__180 sec,___________2AA Tenergy NiMH_____Dereelight Javelin 2AA size Host,

Nailbender XP-G_R4 1.2A,_____265__turn-on____________3AA Tenergy NiMH_____Dereelight Javelin 2AA size Host +1 ext,
Nailbender XP-G_R4 1.2A,_____249__30 sec,____________3AA Tenergy NiMH_____Dereelight Javelin 2AA size Host +1 ext,
Nailbender XP-G_R4 1.2A,_____243__60 sec,____________3AA Tenergy NiMH_____Dereelight Javelin 2AA size Host +1 ext,
Nailbender XP-G_R4 1.2A,_____235__120 sec,___________3AA Tenergy NiMH_____Dereelight Javelin 2AA size Host +1 ext,
Nailbender XP-G_R4 1.2A,_____231__180 sec,___________3AA Tenergy NiMH_____Dereelight Javelin 2AA size Host +1 ext,
Nailbender XP-G_R4 1.2A,_____276__turn-on____________2X18650 (IMR)________Solarforce L2 Host, AR coated glass, 1 long ext,
Nailbender XP-G_R4 1.2A,_____262__30 sec,____________2X18650 (IMR)________Solarforce L2 Host, AR coated glass, 1 long ext,
Nailbender XP-G_R4 1.2A,_____258__60 sec,____________2X18650 (IMR)________Solarforce L2 Host, AR coated glass, 1 long ext,
Nailbender XP-G_R4 1.2A,_____255__120 sec,___________2X18650 (IMR)________Solarforce L2 Host, AR coated glass, 1 long ext,
Nailbender XP-G_R4 1.2A,_____253__180 sec,___________2X18650 (IMR)________Solarforce L2 Host, AR coated glass, 1 long ext,

Nailbender P7 Drop in,________460__turn-on____________2 SF CR123 fresh______Solarforce L2 Host, AR coated glass,
Nailbender P7 Drop in,________387__warm_____________2 SF CR123 fresh,_____Solarforce L2 Host, AR coated glass,
Nailbender P7 Drop in,________427__turn-on,___________1_18650 LI unprotected__Solarforce L2 Host, AR coated glass,
Nailbender P7 Drop in,________357__warm_____________1_18650 LI unprotected__Solarforce L2 Host, AR coated glass,
Nailbender P7 Drop-in________300__turn-on____________2_WF CR123 >60 dead__Surefire 6P Patriotic Spirit Edition,
Nailbender P7 Drop-in________446__turn-on,___________2 SF CR123 fresh_______Surefire 6P Patriotic Spirit Edition,
Nailbender P7 Drop-In________377__warm_____________2 SF CR123 fresh_______Surefire 6P Patriotic Spirit Edition,
Nailbender P7 Drop-In________517__turn-on____________3.90V__2.55A Reg supply___ No host at all.
Nailbender SST50_P60_H_____470__turn-on____________1_IMR 18650__________Solarforce L2 with AR coated glass.
Nailbender SST50_P60_H_____450__20 sec,____________1_IMR 18650__________Solarforce L2 with AR coated glass.
Nailbender SST50_P60_H_____444__30 sec,____________1_IMR 18650__________Solarforce L2 with AR coated glass.
Nailbender SST50_P60_H_____430__60 sec,____________1_IMR 18650__________Solarforce L2 with AR coated glass.
Nailbender SST50_P60_H_____416__120 sec,___________1_IMR 18650__________Solarforce L2 with AR coated glass.
Nailbender SST50_P60_H_____407__180 sec,___________1_IMR 18650__________Solarforce L2 with AR coated glass.
Nailbender SST50_P60_H_____405__240 sec,___________1_IMR 18650__________Solarforce L2 with AR coated glass.
Nailbender SST50_P60_M_____141__steady,____________1_IMR 18650__________Solarforce L2 with AR coated glass.
Nailbender SST50_P60_L,______19__steady,____________1_IMR 18650__________Solarforce L2 with AR coated glass.

Malkoff MC-E_W_DD,________480__turn-on____________1_IMR 18650,_________SureFire 6P_No Bezel__(DD=direct drive)
Malkoff MC-E_W_DD,________457__turn-on____________1_IMR 18650,_________SureFire 6P_ Bezel AR coated Glass,
Malkoff MC-E_W_DD,________406__warm,_____________1_IMR 18650,_________SureFire 6P_ Bezel AR coated glass,
Malkoff MC-E_W_DD,________185__turn-on____________2.99V_0.85A__2.54Watts__Reg Supply___No host at all.
Malkoff MC-E_W_DD,________314__turn-on____________3.19V_1.60A__5.10Watts__Reg Supply___No host at all.
Malkoff MC-E_W_DD,________397__turn-on____________3.39V_2.10A__7.12Watts__Reg Supply___No host at all.
Malkoff MC-E_W_DD,________440__turn-on____________3.52V_2.60A__9.15Watts__Reg Supply___No host at all.
Malkoff MC-E_W_DD,________470__turn-on____________3.60V_3.01A_10.84Watts__Reg Supply___No host at all.
Malkoff MC-E_W_DD,________518__turn-on____________3.65V_3.20A_11.68Watts__Reg Supply___No host at all.
Malkoff MC-E_W_DD,________617__turn-on____________3.82V_4.20A_16.04Watts__Reg Supply___No host at all.
Would not hold any of the higher values steady state. The higher it started the faster the readings dropped, even for just 5 seconds of testing.

Malkoff MC-E_reg,___________542__turn-on____________2X18650LI_____________Solarforce Host +1 ext. no Bezel
Malkoff MC-E_reg,___________528__30 sec.____________2X18650LI_____________Solarforce Host +1 ext. no Bezel
Malkoff MC-E_reg,___________514__1 min._____________2X18650LI_____________Solarforce Host +1 ext. no Bezel
Malkoff MC-E_reg,___________509__90 sec.____________2X18650LI_____________Solarforce Host +1 ext. no Bezel
Malkoff MC-E_reg,___________504__2 min._____________2X18650LI_____________Solarforce Host +1 ext. no Bezel
Malkoff MC-E_reg,___________496__3 min._____________2X18650LI_____________Solarforce Host +1 ext. no Bezel
Malkoff MC-E_reg,___________492__4 min._____________2X18650LI_____________Solarforce Host +1 ext. no Bezel
Malkoff MC-E_reg,___________488__5 min._____________2X18650LI_____________Solarforce Host +1 ext. no Bezel

Malkoff MC-E_reg,___________482__turn-on____________2X18650LI_____________Solarforce Host +1 ext.
Malkoff MC-E_reg,___________461__30 sec.____________2X18650LI_____________Solarforce Host +1 ext.
Malkoff MC-E_reg,___________453__1 min._____________2X18650LI_____________Solarforce Host +1 ext.
Malkoff MC-E_reg,___________447__90 sec.____________2X18650LI_____________Solarforce Host +1 ext.
Malkoff MC-E_reg,___________443__2 min._____________2X18650LI_____________Solarforce Host +1 ext.
Malkoff MC-E_reg,___________435__3 min._____________2X18650LI_____________Solarforce Host +1 ext.
Malkoff MC-E_reg,___________430__4 min._____________2X18650LI_____________Solarforce Host +1 ext.
Malkoff MC-E_reg,___________426__5 min._____________2X18650LI_____________Solarforce Host +1 ext.

Malkoff MC-E_W_reg,________482__turn-on____________2X18650LI_____________Solarforce Host +1 ext. no Bezel
Malkoff MC-E_W_reg,________458__1 min._____________2X18650LI_____________Solarforce Host +1 ext. no Bezel
Malkoff MC-E_W_reg,________449__2 min._____________2X18650LI_____________Solarforce Host +1 ext. no Bezel
Malkoff MC-E_W_reg,________445__3 min._____________2X18650LI_____________Solarforce Host +1 ext. no Bezel
Malkoff MC-E_W_reg,________440__4 min._____________2X18650LI_____________Solarforce Host +1 ext. no Bezel

Malkoff MC-E_W_reg,________430__turn-on.____________2X18650LI_____________Solarforce Host AR coated glass in Bezel
Malkoff MC-E_W_reg,________408__1 min._____________2X18650LI_____________Solarforce Host AR coated glass in Bezel
Malkoff MC-E_W_reg,________400__2 min._____________2X18650LI_____________Solarforce Host AR coated glass in Bezel
Malkoff MC-E_W_reg,________395__3 min._____________2X18650LI_____________Solarforce Host AR coated glass in Bezel
Malkoff MC-E_W_reg,________391__4 min._____________2X18650LI_____________Solarforce Host AR coated glass in Bezel
Malkoff MC-E_W_reg,________388__5 min._____________2X18650LI_____________Solarforce Host AR coated glass in Bezel

Malkoff M60________________231__turn-on____________2 primaries____________Surefire 6P host_______________,
Malkoff M60________________220__warm,_____________2 primaries____________Surefire 6P host_______________,
Malkoff M60________________235__turn-on____________2 AW ICR123__________Surefire C2 Centurion host_______,
Malkoff M60________________218__warm _____________2 AW ICR 123_________Surefire C2 Centurian host_______,
Malkoff M60________________276__turn on____________2X17500 LI____________NO BEZEL Solarforce L2 +1 ext.__,
Malkoff M60________________245__warm_____________2X17500 LI____________NO BEZEL Solarforce L2 +1 ext.__,
Malkoff M60________________240__turn on,___________2X17500 LI____________w/nonCren BZL Solarforce L2 +1 ext.
Malkoff M60________________215__warm_____________2X17500 LI____________w/nonCren BZL Solarforce L2 +1 ext.
Malkoff M60________________212__turn-on____________2 primaries____________Solarforce L2 host_____________,
Malkoff M60________________202__warm_____________2 primaries_____________Solarforce L2 host_____________,
Malkoff M60F_______________220__turn-on___________2 primaries_____________Surefire 6P host_______________,
Malkoff M60F_______________216__warm_____________2 primaries_____________Surefire 6P host_______________,
Malkoff M60F_______________202___________________2X17500 LI_____________Solarforce L2 Host 1 extension,
Malkoff M60W______________172-165________________2X17500 LI____________Solarforce L2 Host 1 extension,
Malkoff M60W______________185-165________________2X17500 LI,___________ L2 Host 1 extension, Surefire Bezel,
Malkoff M60W______________192 peak_______________2X17500 LI____________NO BEZEL L2 Host 1 extension,
Malkoff M30________________237___________________1X18650LI_____________NO BEZEL L2 Host_____________,
Malkoff M30________________207___________________1X18650LI_____________Solarforce L2 Host______________,
Mag-LED 4D________________50__drop to 40 1 min____4XNiCads____________-------------------------------------,
Mag-LED 4D_______________80 no reflector,__________4XNiCads____________-------------------------------------,
Mag Terralux directly________120 (no reflector)_________4XNiCads____________-------------------------------------,

Browning Black Ice 9V,______165,__________________3 primaries__________incan--No bezel or glass,
with Magstar Xenon lamp,____125,__________________3 primaries__________same incan--with bezel and glass,
Lumens Factor EO-9 Lamp___272__turn on peak______2X18650 L I__________Solarforce L2 Host 1 ext, AR Coated glass in BZL.
Lumens Factor EO-9 Lamp___260___warm___________2X18650 L I__________Solarforce L2 Host 1 ext, AR Coated glass in BZL.
Lumens Factor HO-9 Lamp___180__________________2X17500 L I__________Solarforce L2 Host 1 extension,
Lumens Factor ES-9 Lamp___100__________________2X17500 L I__________Solarforce L2 Host 1 extension,
Lumens Factor ES-9 Lamp___127__turn on peak______2X18650 L I__________Solarforce L2 18650 Host + 1 ext, AR coated glass in Bezel,
Lumens Factor ES-9 Lamp___122__60sec.___________2X18650 L I__________Solarforce L2 18650 Host + 1 ext, AR coated glass in Bezel,
Lumens Factor ES-9 Lamp___120__120sec.__________2X18650 L I__________Solarforce L2 18650 Host + 1 ext, AR coated glass in Bezel,
Lumens Factor ES-9 Lamp___126__turn on peak______2X17500 L I__________Solarforce L2 Host 1 ext, no glass in Bezel!
Lumens Factor ES-9 Lamp___122__warm____________2X17500 L I__________Solarforce L2 Host 1 ext, no glass in Bezel!
Lumens Factor ES-9 Lamp___121__turn on peak______2X17500 L I__________Solarforce L2 Host 1 ext, non cren bezel.
Lumens Factor ES-9 Lamp___116__warm____________2X17500 L I__________Solarforce L2 Host 1 ext, non cren bezel.
SureFire P60 Lamp__________87___turn on peak_____2XCR123____________Solarforce L2 Host, no glass in Bezel!
SureFire P60 Lamp__________75___warm___________2XCR123___________Solarforce L2 Host, no glass in Bezel!
SureFire P60 Lamp__________80___turn on peak_____2XCR123____________Solarforce L2 Host, non crenellated Bezel!
SureFire P60 Lamp__________68___warm___________2XCR123___________Solarforce L2 Host, non crenellated Bezel!
Surefire A2_________________65___2 min___________2XCR123___________Fresh Eveready CR123As CPF Benchmarking unit.

Inova X5 Green._____________16___________________2 primary___________------------------------------------,
Inova X03 06 model__________38___________________2 primaries__________------------------------------------,
Inova T5 (07model),__________96___________________3 primaries__________-----------------------------------,
Inova T5 (06 model,)_________ 46___________________3 primaries__________------------------------------------,
Inova T1 (08 model)_________100___________________2 primaries__________------------------------------------,
Fenix T1 turbo______________225 peak _____________2 primaries__________------------------------------------,
Fenix T1turbo,______________219.4_________________2 primary____________----------------------------------,
Fenix T1 Low________________46.5,________________2 primary____________----------------------------------,
Fenix L1T_High_____________148 peak_down to 140___1 NiMH_____________RV7 3 Level Driver-------------,
Fenix L1T_med,______________33__________________1 NiMH_____________RV7 3 Level Driver-------------,
Fenix L1T_low,_______________10__________________1 NiMH_____________RV7 3 Level Driver--------------,
Fenix L2D Q5 Turbo__________145__________________2 AA alkalines_______same with NiMH-----------------,
Fenix L2D Q5 Med,____________37__________________2 AA alkalines_______same with NiMH-----------------,
Fenix L2D Q5 Lo_______________8__________________2 AA alk____________same with NiMH----------------,
Fenix L2D High_______________76__________________2 AA alk____________same with NiMH ---------------,
Fenix P2D CE Turbo,_________104__________________1 primary___________------------------------------------,
Fenix P2D CE high,___________61__________________1 primary____________------------------------------------,
Fenix P2D CE med,___________30__________________1 primary____________------------------------------------,
Fenix P2D CE low,_____________6.9________________1 primary_____________-----------------------------------,
EagleTac P10A2 Low__________50,_________________2AA eneloops_________---------------------------------,
EagleTac P10A2 High________173__________________2AA eneloops_________----------------------------------,
EagleTac P100A2 High_______156__turn-on,__________2AA NiMH____________----------------------------------,
EagleTac P100A2 High_______152__60 sec___________2AA NiMH____________----------------------------------,
EagleTac P100A2 High_______151__180 sec__________2AA NiMH____________----------------------------------,
EagleTac P100A2 low_________51__steady___________2AA NiMH____________----------------------------------,
EagleTac T10C2 HIgh________268__turn-on,__________2 primaries____________---------------------------------,
EagleTac T10C2 HIgh________256.5__warm,__________2 primaries____________---------------------------------,
EagleTac T10C2 Low,_________60,__________________2 primaries____________----------------------------------,
EagleTac P10C2 High________225,__________________2 primaries____________-------------------------------,
EagleTac P10C2 Low,_________50,__________________2 primaries____________-------------------------------,
DX_MC-E High_____________337__turn-on,__________1_IMR 16340__________SF E1B Host, custom mod, doesnt hold value
DX_MC-E Low,_____________137__turn-on,__________1_IMR 16340__________SF E1B Host, custom mod,
DX_MC-E High_____________385__turn-on,__________1_18650 LI____________Solarforce L2 Host AR coated glass,
DX_MC-E High_____________345__warm____________1_18650 LI____________Solarforce L2 Host AR coated glass,
DX-MC-E Low______________150__warm____________1_18650 LI____________Solarforce L2 Host AT coated glass,
Duracell Truebeam Wide,______74__________________3AAA Alkalines________-------------------------------,
Duracell Truebeam Wide,______64__________________3AAA NiMH __________-----------------------------,
Duracell Truebeam Narrow_____64__________________3AAA Alkalines________------------------------------,
Duracell Truebeam Narrow_____60__________________3AAA NiMH __________-------------------------------,
Dorcy K2 120 Lm,____________86__________________3 AAA NimH___________------------------------------,
Dorcy K2 120 Lm,___________100 (no reflector)_______3 AAA NimH__________-------------------------------,
Dereelight 3SM WC Q5_High __242__turn on__________2X17500 LI___________Solarforce Host+1EXT_AR coated glass, OP refl,
Dereelight 3SM WC Q5_High __222__warm____________2X17500 LI___________Solarforce Host+1EXT_AR coated glass, OP refl,
Dereelight 3SM WC Q5_Med ___78__ warm____________2X17500 LI___________Solarforce Host+1EXT_AR coated glass, OP refl,
Dereelight 3SM WC Q5_low,____25_ warm,____________2X17500 LI___________Solarforce Host+1EXT_AR coated glass, OP refl,

DereeLight 3SM5A_Q3-High,___146__________________2 primaries____________Surefire 6P host------------,
DereeLight 3SM5A_Q3-Med_____87__________________2 primaries____________Surefire 6P host------------,
DereeLight 3SM5A_Q3-Low_____47__________________2 primaries____________Surefire 6P host------------,
This Q3 is the older style 1A draw pill, not the newer 1.2 amp draw.

DereeLight 3SD WH R2-High___215__turn-on__________1_18650______________ Solarforce L2 Host AR coated Glass,
DereeLight 3SD WH R2-High___197__warm,___________1_18650______________ Solarforce L2 Host AR coated Glass,
DereeLight 3SD WH R2-Med.____65__warm,___________1_18650______________ Solarforce L2 Host AR coated Glass,
DereeLight 3SD WH R2-Low,____27__warm,___________1_18650______________ Solarforce L2 Host AR coated Glass,
This is the 2.8-4.2V rated pill.

Dereelight 3SD_XP-G 1.2A_____300__turn-on__________1_18650AW___________CL1H V4 host on high mode, this is the R5 version
Dereelight 3SD_XP-G 1.2A_____282__30 sec__________1_18650AW___________CL1H V4 host on high mode, this is the R5 version
Dereelight 3SD_XP-G 1.2A_____277__60 sec__________1_18650AW___________CL1H V4 host on high mode, this is the R5 version
Dereelight 3SD_XP-G 1.2A_____272__120 sec_________1_18650AW___________CL1H V4 host on high mode, this is the R5 version
Dereelight 3SD_XP-G 1.2A_____269__180 sec_________1_18650AW___________CL1H V4 host on high mode, this is the R5 version
Dereelight 3SD_XP-G 1.2A_____240__turn-on__________1_18650AW___________CL1H V4 host with the 36mm larger reflector head, on high mode, fresh battery

Pill and Reflector Type_____________SLR F Bzl/AR__SLR F plain Bzl__SF 6P Bzl,
Dereelight 3SM R2 SMO refl: High______227___________220____________215,
Dereelight 3SM R2 OP refl: High,_______226___________223____________215,
Dereelight 3SM Q5 SMO refl: High,,_____215___________207____________203,
Dereelight 1SM R2 OP refl: High,_______211___________209____________206,
Dereelight 3SM R2 OP refl: Med,________78.3___________78.3___________74.0,
Dereelight 3SM R2 SMO refl: Med_______77.5___________74.8___________73.0,
Dereelight 3SM Q5 SMO refl: Med_______76.7___________73.3___________71.9,
Dereelight 3SM R2 OP refl: Low,________26.1___________25.9___________24.6,
Dereelight 3SM Q5 SMO refl: Low_______25.7___________24.7___________24.2,
Dereelight 3SM R2 SMO refl: Low_______25.5___________24.8___________24.1,
Dereelight 3SM R2 SMO refl: Low_______25.5___________24.8___________24.1,
Sorted in Order of Brightness from high to low. All of these in a Solarforce Host with 1 extension 2X17500 batteries. Solarforce Bezel with A/R glass, Solarforce Plain glass/Bezel, last is the stock Sure Fire 6P Bezel, all done side by side into same integration sphere on the same day. The R2 is the creamy white/greenish tint Wh. These are all warmed up readings not turn on cold "peak".

Craftsman "170Lm" High,______150___________________6 AAA Alkalines________------------------------------,
Craftsman "170Lm" High,______133___________________6AAA NiMH___________------------------------------,
Craftsman "170Lm" Low,_______89___________________6 AAA Alkalines_________------------------------------,
Craftsman "170Lm" Low,_______74___________________6AAA NiMH____________-------------------------------,

MilkySpit Creemator Low,_______2___________________2 primaries____________Sure Fire E2E Exec Elite-,
MilkySpit Creemator L-Med,____26.3_________________2 primaries_____________Sure Fire E2E Exec Elite-,
MilkySpit Creemator Med,______80.2__________________2 primaries____________Sure Fire E2E Exec Elite-,
MilkySpit Creemator High______242___________________2 primaries____________Sure Fire E2E Exec Elite-,

Lumens Factory D26 LED_____182 peak_______________2 primaries down to 170 when warm Sure Fire 6P Host,
Lumens Factory D26 LED_____182 peak_______________2x17500 down to 170 when warm Solarforce 1 ext___,
TNVC Single mode___________166__turn on ___________2X17500 LI___________SureFire Bezel Solarforce Host.
TNVC Single mode___________177__turn on ___________2X17500 LI___________Solarforce Host with A/R coated glass.
TNVC Single mode___________169__warm_ ___________2X17500 LI___________Solarforce Host with A/R coated glass.
Neoseikan Spartanian II_______157___________________1 AW RCR123_________Level #13,
Neoseikan Spartanian II_______122.8._________________1 AW RCR123_________Level #12,
Neoseikan Spartanian II_______103.7._________________1 AW RCR123_________Level #11,
Neoseikan Spartanian II________82.4._________________1 AW RCR123_________Level #10,
Neoseikan Spartanian II________70.3._________________1 AW RCR123_________Level #9,
Neoseikan Spartanian II________58.2._________________1 AW RCR123_________Level #8,
Neoseikan Spartanian II________45.1._________________1 AW RCR123_________Level #7,
Neoseikan Spartanian II________31.3._________________1 AW RCR123_________Level #6,
Neoseikan Spartanian II________24.6._________________1 AW RCR123_________Level #5,
Neoseikan Spartanian II________16.9._________________1 AW RCR123_________Level #4,
Neoseikan Spartanian II_________3.97.________________1 AW RCR123_________Level #3
Neoseikan Spartanian II_________1.091________________1 AW RCR123_________Level #2,
Neoseikan Spartanian II_________0.150________________1 AW RCR123_________Level #1,

Moddoo Triple R2____________560__turn-on____________2X18650 IMR________________,
Moddoo Triple R2____________530__warm 60 sec,_______2X18650 IMR_______________,

Solarforce standard Bezel's glass is not AR coated, and the assault crown cuts off a little of the outer perimeter of light, it drops a measurable amount of lumens compared to the Surefire bezel's window. All newer readings are with a non crenallated bezel and the glass is A/R coated.
Last edited:
Re: Actual Lumens readings in 6" dia. Lab Sphere IS with SC 5500 control - PART II

This is now my block for Integration Sphere readings from the 16" home made sphere system. I have used readings from the 6" sphere system at work (shown above) to "calibrate" this home system. The sensor of the meter used at home has a photopic curve response but that doesn't necessarily mean its as good and tracks with the one in the much more expensive system at work. Rather than try to tweak readings with different colors I am just going to post what I believe is a best fit for this system and leave it as is for relative comparison readings all from the same system. The larger head flashlight (torches) that will never fit in the system at work had to be measured only in my 16" system which has a 3 inch opening. That opening is less than the ratio of sphere diameter (internal) divided by 5. I will add to this as I get more lights to test as I do to the one above for the smaller lights that fit into the system at work.

Brand/Model_________,____Host/Model/Bezel_____Mode_______Lumens,__On Time_______,
___________________,____Any Additional notes___Add. Notes___ ______________________,
Dereelight 3SM R2 SMO__,__SF C2, 2 AW RCR123__high_________223.0_____3 sec_______,
Dereelight 3SM R2 SMO__,__SF C2, 2 AW RCR123__low,__________24.3____10 sec_______,
Dereelight 3SM R2 SMO__,__SF C2, 2 AW RCR123__medium_______74.6____10 sec_______,
Diamond Dragon___________Mag 4C cell__________high_________317.8__,__0 sec_______,
Diamond Dragon___________Mag 4C cell__________high_________295.5__,__2 sec_______,
Diamond Dragon___________Mag 4C cell__________high_________242.6__,_30 sec_______,
Diamond Dragon___________Mag 4C cell__________high_________229.0__,_60 sec_______,
Diamond Dragon___________Mag 4C cell__________high_________223.6__,_90 sec_______,
Diamond Dragon___________Mag 4C cell__________high_________223.2,__120 sec_______,
Diamond Dragon___________Mag 4C cell__________high_________223.7,__150 sec_______,
Diamond Dragon___________Mag 4C cell__________high_________225.4,__180 sec_______,
Diamond Dragon___________Mag 4C cell__________high_________226.0,__240 sec_______,
Diamond Dragon___________Mag 4C cell__________high_________227.5,__300 sec_______,
Eagletac T10C2_________,__2 AW RCR123________high_________248.2,____3 sec_______,
Eagletac T10C2_________,__2 AW RCR123________high_________229.5,___30 sec_______,
Eagletac T10C2_________,__2 AW RCR123________high_________228.0,___60 sec_______,
Eagletac T10C2_________,__2 AW RCR123________low,__________54.6,___10 sec_______,
Fenix LD20 Q5_________,__2 Alkaline AA_________high_________163.2,____3 sec_______,
Fenix LD20 Q5_________,__2 Alkaline AA_________high_________158.5,___30 sec_______,
Fenix LD20 Q5_________,__2 Alkaline AA_________high_________157.9,___60 sec_______,
Fenix T1_______________,__2 CR123 Primaries____high_________208.4,___10 sec_______,
Fenix T1_______________,__2 CR123 Primaries____low,__________46.0,___10 sec_______,
Fenix TA30____________,__3 CR123 Primaries_____high_________194.6,____3 sec_______,
Fenix TA30____________,__3 CR123 Primaries_____high_________191.4,___30 sec_______,
Fenix TA30____________,__3 CR123 Primaries_____high_________189.9,___60 sec_______,
Fenix TA30____________,__3 CR123 Primaries_____high_________189.0,__120 sec_______,
Fenix TA30____________,__3 CR123 Primaries_____medium_______42.6,___60 sec_______,
Fenix TA30____________,__3 CR123 Primaries_____low,___________7.3,___60 sec_______,
Fenix_TA30______________2X17500____________high_________189.1____1 sec
Fenix_TA30______________2X17500____________high_________186.4___10 sec
Fenix_TA30______________2X17500____________high_________185.8___30 sec
Fenix_TA30______________2X17500____________high_________185.5___60 sec
Fenix_TA30______________2X17500____________high_________185.4__120 sec
Fenix_TA30______________2X17500____________high_________185.2__180 sec
Fenix TK11____________,__2 CR123 Primaries_____high_________221.7,___10 sec_______,
Inova Blue LED_________,__Keychain lite________________________1.16_,_10 sec_0.115L ref.
Inova X5 Green_________,__2 CR123 Primaries__________________15.0____10 sec_14.0L ref.
Lumens Factory_ES-9____,__Solarforce AR Glass____Incan________130.5_____3 sec_______,
Lumens Factory_ES-9____,__Solarforce AR Glass____Incan________124.9____30 sec_______,
Lumens Factory_ES-9____,__Solarforce AR Glass____Incan________123.7____60 sec_______,
SureFire P91_____________UCL in SureFire 6P_____2XAW17670,_466.0_____1 sec______,
SureFire P91_____________Solarforce w/AR Glass__2XIMR18650__473.4_____1 sec
SureFire P91_____________Solarforce w/AR Glass__2XIMR18650__445.3____10 sec
SureFire P91_____________Solarforce w/AR Glass__2XIMR18650__411.2____30 sec
SureFire P91_____________Solarforce w/AR Glass__2XIMR18650__396.4____60 sec
SureFire P91_____________Solarforce w/AR Glass__2XIMR18650__381.7___120 sec
SureFire P91_____________Solarforce w/AR Glass__2XIMR18650__383.1___180 sec
SureFire P90_____________Solarforce w/AR Glass__2XIMR18650__142.0_____1 sec
SureFire P90_____________Solarforce w/AR Glass__2XIMR18650__138.2____20 sec
SureFire P90_____________Solarforce w/AR Glass__2XIMR18650__137.1____30 sec
SureFire P90_____________Solarforce w/AR Glass__2XIMR18650__130.6____60 sec
SureFire P90_____________Solarforce w/AR Glass__2XIMR18650__118.3___120 sec
SureFire P90_____________Solarforce w/AR Glass__2XIMR18650__112.4___180 sec
Maglight "3Watt" LED____,__4 D Rayovac Hybrids,________________74.8__,___3 sec_______,
Maglight "3Watt" LED____,__4 D Rayovac Hybrids,________________71.0__,__10 sec_______,
Malkoff M30___________,__Solar, AR Glass______1X_18650_____229.7__,___3 sec_______,
Malkoff M30___________,__Solar, AR Glass______1X_18650_____219.4__,__30 sec_______,
Malkoff M30___________,__Solar, AR Glass______1X_18650_____216.8__,__60 sec_______,
Malkoff M30___________,__Solar, AR Glass______2.82VDC______149.3__,__10 sec_______,
Malkoff M30___________,__Solar, AR Glass______3.05VDC______157.6__,__10 sec_______,
Malkoff M30___________,__Solar, AR Glass______3.61VDC______198.1__,__10 sec_______,
Malkoff M30___________,__Solar, AR Glass______3.83VDC______215.9__,__10 sec_______,
Malkoff M30___________,__Solar, AR Glass______3.95VDC______221.5__,__10 sec_______,
Malkoff M30___________,__Solar, AR Glass______4.27VDC______250.5__,__10 sec_______,
Malkoff M30___________,__Solar, AR Glass______4.77VDC______280.4__,__10 sec_______,
Malkoff M30___________,__Solar, AR Glass______4.89VDC______269.3__,__30 sec_______,
Malkoff M60 (BC's)_____,__Malkoff_MD2 no glass______________214.4__,___3 sec_______,
Malkoff M60 (BC's)_____,__Malkoff_MD2 no glass______________195.7__,__60 sec_______,
Malkoff M60 (BC's)_____,__SF AR glass_______________________218.9__,___3 sec_______,
Malkoff M60 (BC's)_____,__SF AR glass_______________________204.5__,__30 sec_______,
Malkoff M60 (BC's)_____,__SF No bezel_______________________233.5__,___3 sec_______,
Malkoff M60 (BC's)_____,__SF No bezel_______________________219.4__,__30 sec_______,
Malkoff M60 __Camo MD2 w/2 mode Ring_2 AW RCR123s__High___242.3_____instant peak__,
Malkoff M60 __Camo MD2 w/2 mode Ring_2 AW RCR123s__High___227.2_____1 sec__,
Malkoff M60 __Camo MD2 w/2 mode Ring_2 AW RCR123s__High___208.0____30 sec__,
Malkoff M60 __Camo MD2 w/2 mode Ring_2 AW RCR123s__High___204.9____60 sec__,
Malkoff M60 __Camo MD2 w/2 mode Ring_2 AW RCR123s__High___201.8___120 sec__,
Malkoff M60 __Camo MD2 w/2 mode Ring_2 AW RCR123s__High___200.9___240 sec__,
Malkoff M60 __Camo MD2 w/2 mode Ring_2 AW RCR123___Low____18.2___240 sec__,
Malkoff M60 __Camo MD2 w/2 mode Ring_2 CR123 Pri,____High___229.1_____instant peak__,
Malkoff M60 __Camo MD2 w/2 mode Ring_2 CR123 Pri,____High___217.8_____1 sec__,
Malkoff M60 __Camo MD2 w/2 mode Ring_2 CR123 Pri,____High___204.4____30 sec__,
Malkoff M60 __Camo MD2 w/2 mode Ring_2 CR123 Pri,____High___202.7____60 sec__,
Malkoff M60 __Camo MD2 w/2 mode Ring_2 CR123 Pri,____High___201.8___120 sec__,
Malkoff M60 __Camo MD2 w/2 mode Ring_2 CR123 Pri,____High___201.6___240 sec__,
Malkoff M60 __Camo MD2 w/2 mode Ring_2 CR123 Pri_____Low____11.8___240 sec__,
MrGman's newest 2 mode Torch: Works great, beautiful camo green finish, high/low mode is flawless.

Malkoff MC-E__________,__Solar, AR Glass,___________________495.3__,___3 sec_______,
Malkoff MC-E__________,__Solar, AR Glass,___________________465.4__,__30 sec_______,
Malkoff MC-E__________,__Solar, AR Glass,___________________457.9__,__60 sec_______,
Malkoff MC-E_W_______,__Solar, AR Glass,___________________420.6__,___3 sec_______,
Malkoff MC-E_W_______,__Solar, AR Glass,___________________403.7__,__30 sec_______,
Malkoff MC-E_W_______,__Solar, AR Glass,___________________403.7__,__60 sec_______,
Malkoff MC-E_W_______,__Solar, AR Glass,___________________398.1__,__90 sec_______,
Malkoff MC-E_W_______,__Solar, AR Glass,___________________396.3__,_120 sec_______,
Malkoff Single for Mag__,__3 C cell Maglight,___________________205.6__,___3 sec_______,
Malkoff Single for Mag__,__3 C cell Maglight,___________________178.9__,__60 sec_______,
Malkoff Triple Drop_____,__Maglight AR glass,__________________680.4__,___3 sec_______,
Malkoff Triple Drop_____,__Maglight AR glass,__________________611.2__,__30 sec_______,
Malkoff Triple Drop_____,__Maglight AR glass,__________________586.9__,__60 sec_______,
Malkoff Triple Drop_____,__Maglight AR glass,__________________573.8__,__90 sec_______,
Malkoff Triple Drop_____,__Maglight AR glass,__________________562.6__,_120 sec_______,
Malkoff Triple Drop_____,__Maglight AR glass,__________________555.1__,_150 sec_______,
Malkoff Triple Drop_____,__Maglight AR glass,__________________545.8__,_180 sec_______,
MTE SSC P7___________,__1-IMR 18650,_____________________478.5__,___3 sec_______,
MTE SSC P7___________,__1-IMR 18650,_____________________416.8__,__30 sec_______,
MTE SSC P7___________,__1-IMR 18650,_____________________471.0__,__60 sec_______,
MTE SSC P7___________,__1-IMR 18650,_____________________467.3__,_120 sec_______,
MTE SSC P7___________,__1-IMR 18650,_____________________422.4__,_180 sec_______,
MTE SSC P7___________,__1-IMR 18650,_____________________390.7__,_240 sec_______,
Nail_B Cree XR-E R2___,__1D Mag__1-IMR18650__Aspheric,_____168.6______3 sec_______,
Nail_B Cree XR-E R2___,__1D Mag__1-IMR18650__Aspheric,_____126.9_____15 sec_______,
Nail_B Cree XR-E R2___,__1D Mag__1-IMR18650__Aspheric,_____126.0_____30 sec_______,
Nail_B Cree XR-E R2___,__1D Mag__1-IMR18650__Aspheric,_____125.6_____45 sec_______,
Nail_B Cree XR-E R2___,__1D Mag__1-IMR18650__Aspheric,_____125.4_____60 sec_______,
Nail_B Cree XR-E R2___,__1D Mag__1-IMR18650__Reflector_____235.0______3 sec_______,
Nail_B Cree XR-E R2___,__1D Mag__1-IMR18650__Reflector_____181.3_____15 sec_______,
Nail_B Cree XR-E R2___,__1D Mag__1-IMR18650__Reflector_____180.6_____30 sec_______,
Nail_B Cree XR-E R2___,__1D Mag__1-IMR18650__Reflector_____180.4_____45 sec_______,
Nail_B Cree XR-E R2___,__1D Mag__1-IMR18650__Reflector_____180.4_____60 sec_______,
Nailbender P7__________,__1D Mag, IMR 18650________________710.3______0 sec_______,
Nailbender P7__________,__1D Mag, IMR 18650________________659.8_____15 sec_______,
Nailbender P7__________,__1D Mag, IMR 18650________________639.3_____30 sec_______,
Nailbender P7__________,__1D Mag, IMR 18650________________628.0_____45 sec_______,
Nailbender P7__________,__1D Mag, IMR 18650________________620.6_____60 sec_______,
Nailbender P7__________,__1D Mag, IMR 18650________________615.0_____75 sec_______,
Nailbender P7__________,__1D Mag, IMR 18650________________611.2_____90 sec_______,
Nailbender P7__________,__1D Mag, IMR 18650________________607.5____105 sec_______,
Nailbender P7__________,__1D Mag, IMR 18650________________603.7____120 sec_______,
Nailbender P7__________,__1D Mag, IMR 18650________________598.1____150 sec_______,
Nailbender P7__________,__1D Mag, IMR 18650________________592.5____180 sec_______,
Nailbender P7__________,__2D mag, with 3NiMH__3 C Tenergy,____878.5______0 sec_______,
Nailbender P7__________,__2D mag, with 3NiMH__3 C Tenergy,____760.7_____15 sec_______,
Nailbender P7__________,__2D mag, with 3NiMH__3 C Tenergy,____742.1_____30 sec_______,
Nailbender P7__________,__2D mag, with 3NiMH__3 C Tenergy.____732.7_____45 sec_______,
Nailbender P7__________,__2D mag, with 3NiMH__3 C Tenergy,____725.2_____60 sec_______,
Nailbender P7__________,__2D mag, with 3NiMH__3 C Tenergy.____719.6_____75 sec_______,
Nailbender P7__________,__2D mag, with 3NiMH__3 C Tenergy,____714.0_____90 sec_______,
Nailbender P7__________,__2D mag, with 3NiMH__3 C Tenergy,____710.3____105 sec_______,
Nailbender P7__________,__2D mag, with 3NiMH__3 C Tenergy,____704.7____120 sec_______,
Nailbender P7__________,__2D mag, with 3NiMH__3 C Tenergy,____697.2____150 sec_______,
Nailbender P7__________,__2D mag, with 3NiMH__3 C Tenergy,____691.6____180 sec_______,
Nailbender P7__________,__3D NiMH_____________Tenergy_____790.7______0 sec_______,
Nailbender P7__________,__3D NiMH_____________Tenergy_____734.6_____30 sec_______,
Nailbender P7__________,__3D NiMH_____________Tenergy_____719.6_____60 sec_______,
Nailbender P7__________,__3D NiMH_____________Tenergy_____702.8____120 sec_______,
Nailbender P7__________,__3D NiMH_____________Tenergy_____689.7____180 sec_______,
Nailbender P7_D26 Mod__,__Fivemega 3C_________3 C Tenergy,___547.7______3 sec_______,
Nailbender P7_D26 Mod__,__Fivemega 3C_________3 C Tenergy,___459.8_____30 sec_______,
Nailbender P7_D26 Mod__,__Fivemega 3C_________3 C Tenergy,___441.1_____60 sec_______,
Nailbender P7_D26 Mod__,__Fivemega 3C_________3 C Tenergy,___422.4____120 sec_______,
Nailbender P7_D26 Mod__,__Fivemega 3C_________3 C Tenergy,___409.3____180 sec_______,
Nailbender P7__________,__Solar, AR Glass_______1X18650,_____360.0______3 sec_______,
Nailbender P7__________,__Solar, AR Glass_______2 CR123 Pri___450.5______3 sec_______,
Nailbender P7__________,__Solar, AR Glass_______3.0VDC,_______66.7______3 sec_______,
Nailbender P7__________,__Solar, AR Glass_______4.75VDC,_____695.3______3 sec_overdriven,
NeoFab Legion II_______,__3X_18650____________level 1 Low,____83.7_____30 sec_______,
NeoFab Legion II_______,__3X_18650____________level 2 Low,___132.7_____30 sec_______,
NeoFab Legion II_______,__3X_18650____________level 3 med,___215.7_____30 sec_______,
NeoFab Legion II_______,__3X_18650____________level 4 high,___372.5_____30 sec_______,
NeoFab Legion II_______,__3X_18650____________level 5 turbo,__616.8______3 sec_______,
NeoFab Legion II_______,__3X_18650____________level 5 turbo,__609.3_____30 sec_______,
NeoFab Legion II_______,__3X_18650____________level 5 turbo,__607.5_____60 sec_______,
NeoFab Legion II_______,__3X_18650____________level 5 turbo,__603.7____120 sec_______,
NeoFab Legion II_______,__3X_18650____________level 5 turbo,__600.0____180 sec_______,
SF E2DL______________,__2 CR123 Primaries____high,_________221.9______3 sec_______,
SF E2DL______________,__2 CR123 Primaries____low____________8.6_____10 sec_______,
SF M6 Host, WA1185___,__3X_AW17670________Incandescent___1061.7,_____3 sec_______,
SF M6 Host, WA1185___,__3X_AW17670________Incandescent____973.8,____30 sec_______,
SF M6 Host, WA1185___,__3X_AW17670________Incandescent____917.8,____60 sec_______,
SF M6 Host, WA1185___,__3X_AW17670________Incandescent____878.5,___120 sec_______,
SF M6 Host, WA1185___,__3X_AW17670________Incandescent____880.4,___180 sec_______,
Solarforce L900M_______,__2X_AW18650________high_________654.2______3 sec_______,
Solarforce L900M_______,__2X_AW18650________high_________596.3_____30 sec_______,
Solarforce L900M_______,__2X_AW18650________high_________585.0_____60 sec_______,
Solarforce L900M_______,__2X_AW18650________high_________575.7____120 sec_______,
Solarforce L900M_______,__2X_AW18650________high_________562.6____150 sec_______,
Solarforce L900M_______,__2X_AW18650________high_________558.9____180 sec_______,
Solarforce L900M_______,__2X_AW18650________low__________361.3,_____3 sec_______,
Solarforce L900M_______,__2X_AW18650________low__________346.7,____30 sec_______,
Solarforce R2__________,__Surefire C2,_______________________143.9______3 sec________,
Solarforce UV D26 Mod__,__Solarforce L2 host,,___________________0.9_____10 sec_0.46 L ref.
Streamlight_TLR-1_Rail Mount_2X_CR123,_____________________159.8______1 sec
Streamlight_TLR-1_Rail Mount_2X_CR123,_____________________159.2______5 sec
Streamlight_TLR-1_Rail Mount_2X_CR123,_____________________147.9_____30 sec
Streamlight_TLR-1_Rail Mount_2X_CR123,_____________________145.7_____60 sec
Streamlight_TLR-1_Rail Mount_2X_CR123,_____________________146.4____120 sec

Terralux 3C2AAEX_____,__2AA Alkalines______________________143.9______3 sec_______,
Terralux 3C2AAEX_____,__2AA Alkalines_______________________17.9______3 sec_______,
Terralux 3C2AAEX_____,__2AA Rayovac Hybrids,________________145.0______3 sec_______,
Terralux 3C2AAEX_____,__2AA Rayovac Hybrids,_________________17.9______3 sec_______,
Tiablo A10_____________,__2 CR123 pri__________single mode___247.1______3 sec_______,
Tiablo A10_____________,__2 CR123 pri__________single mode___229.5_____30 sec_______,
Tiablo A10_____________,__2 CR123 pri__________single mode___228.4_____60 sec_______,
Tomahawk_____________,__2 CR123 pri__________high,_________157.0______3 sec_______,
Tomahawk_____________,__2 CR123 pri__________high,_________151.4_____30 sec_______,
Zep-5R2-SF M6 Host____,__3X_AW17670________5 Aspheric R2's_474.8______3 sec_______,
Zep-5R2-SF M6 Host____,__3X_AW17670________5 Cree R2's____863.6______3 sec_______,
Zep-5R2-SF M6 Host____,__3X_AW17670________5 Cree R2's____856.1_____15 sec_______,
Zep-5R2-SF M6 Host____,__3X_AW17670________5 Cree R2's____854.2_____30 sec_______,
Zep-5R2-SF M6 Host____,__3X_AW17670________5 Cree R2's____852.3_____45 sec_______,
Zep-5R2-SF M6 Host____,__3X_AW17670________5 Cree R2's____850.5_____60 sec_______,
Zep-5R2-SF M6 Host____,__3X_AW17670________5 Cree R2's____848.6_____90 sec_______,
Zep-5R2-SF M6 Host____,__3X_AW17670________5 Cree R2's____846.7____120 sec_______,
M6/Triple P7____LED Zeppelin___3XAW17670_____3x_P7______1714.5______instant peak_:bow:
M6/Triple P7____LED Zeppelin___3XAW17670_____3x_P7______1698.2______2 sec_:wow:
M6/Triple P7____LED Zeppelin___3XAW17670_____3x_P7______1606.5_____30 sec_:drool:
M6/Triple P7____LED Zeppelin___3XAW17670_____3x_P7______1565.1_____60 sec_:cool:
M6/Triple P7____LED Zeppelin___3XAW17670_____3x_P7______1523.7____120 sec_:mecry:
M6/Triple P7____LED Zeppelin___3XAW17670_____3x_P7______1498.5____240 sec_:clap::D
Last edited:
Re: Actual Lumens readings in 6" dia. Lab Sphere IS with SC 5500 control - PART II

Video Link compository. More will be added as the weather is getting better.

Video Comparison of SF E2DL to Dereelight 3SM R2 pill with smooth reflector to targets at about 53 feet. Camera is closer than I am with flashlight to make for a better clearere video.

Video comparison of the SF E2DL versus the Dereelight 3@M Q5 pill with OP reflector in the same manner as above video.

video clip comparing the EagleTac T10C2 to Fenix T1, Malkoff M60 in Solarforce L2 host and the Solarforce R2 single mode also in Solarforce L2 host.

Video comparing several mega flashlights like the LED Zeppelin triple P7 at 1700 lumens and others. Malkoff MC-E Warm and Neutral tints, and more.

This is a recent video in the new backyard which is deeper comparing various lights shown before. I am using my newer Digital camera in video mode which is actually much better than the digital Video Camera I tried out in the last video, clearer, and better gain. This really shows the various flashlights in all their photonic glory.

This is a new video inside the house comparing the new Malkoff MD4 Wildcat to the Solarforce L900M and various other flashlights.

This is my latest indoor video. Been working on it for a while. I will just let it be a surprise and you tell me how you like it. G.

All of my videos can be found by simply searching for MrGman9999 on As I add more they will all be under that name and can be found. There are currently 20.

Links to other threads with work and pictures of various flashlights I have done comparison work on.

Images of Integration sphere. Not much to look at but I think it will work great.

Beamshots in backyard of numerous relatively high power LED lights. Malkoff MCE cool and Warm and Solarforce L900M and others in a running slide show.


MCE-Cool-----This is with a fan running but the unit is warmed up so the turn on peak readings up to 500 lumens will not be seen. Shows the regulation control in the driver chip.

MCE-Warm--------- Regulation starts at about 5VDC, If you wanted to make this a "two mode" module you would have to use a resistor to drop the voltage and more importantly limit current below 1 amp, something in the 500 ma range and less than 4.75V.

M30 on a regulated power supply at various voltages and the current draw there of.
1.5V 0.84A 1.26W-----
2.0V 0.88A 1.76W-----
3.0V 0.97A 2.91W------
3.2V 1.00A 3.20W
3.6V 1.10A 3.96W-----
4.0V 1.29A 5.16W-----
4.2V 1.42A 5.96W------
4.5V 1.60A 7.20W
5.0V 1.89A 9.45W

M60__from Regulated power supply,

MalkoffTriple Drop_____________,

The TNVC at 6.0V draws 0.64A, 3.84 Watt, at 9.0V it was drawing 0.45A, 4.05watts.

Dereelight 3 mode R2 pill (on high) at 6V it drew 1.0A at 10V (rated to 13V) it drew 0.6A. And had a linear reduction of current draw in between. So that's a constant 6 watts from the power source.

Mr G Man. :wave:
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Re: Actual Lumens readings in 6" dia. Lab Sphere IS with SC 5500 control - PART II

MrGman, what is the process of calibrating a lux meter to known readings? I want to figure out some formula (multiplier) to tie in together known lumens values (your data) and the lux values produced by my lightbox, using the same light (models).
Re: Actual Lumens readings in 6" dia. Lab Sphere IS with SC 5500 control - PART II

MrGman, what is the process of calibrating a lux meter to known readings? I want to figure out some formula (multiplier) to tie in together known lumens values (your data) and the lux values produced by my lightbox, using the same light (models).

if it were only that easy.. I've been trying to use his posted values to project lumen values based on lux readings from my sphere. I can get close but i need to get a thicker coating inside because the brighter the light the further off the values are.

His 6PL measured 82 lumens, mine measured 84.. but his E2DL measured 203 and ours measured 166.

I divided lux by his posted lumen values, then used that factor. For my setup it was 16.3. so 1362 lux / 16.3 = 84 (rounded up)
Re: Actual Lumens readings in 6" dia. Lab Sphere IS with SC 5500 control - PART II

MrGman, what is the process of calibrating a lux meter to known readings? I want to figure out some formula (multiplier) to tie in together known lumens values (your data) and the lux values produced by my lightbox, using the same light (models).

I am not going to calibrate the lux meter to the sphere to use it to take "lumens" readings at home. I am going to calibrate it to a very high resolution fully calibrated spectral radiometer that takes lux readings just so that it is truly "calibrated". So that when I say it reads 10,357 lux, that's what it actually is. wbp, has the same type of lux meter he recommended I buy and had to calibrate it, by literally open it up in the back and tweak the pots to bring it into alignment with his $9,000 spectral radiometer unit.

there is no way to calibrate a spot lux meter to read lumens by itself. need to have a full integration sphere and nothing but a sphere. No boxes, no ceiling bounce. Has to be a high reflective sphere to collect all light and send it to the sensor port.

So I won't be using this to take lumens readings at home. Just want to do some spot lux work of my own.
Re: Actual Lumens readings in 6" dia. Lab Sphere IS with SC 5500 control - PART II

Reserved for me (per Gman's instructions)
Re: Actual Lumens readings in 6" dia. Lab Sphere IS with SC 5500 control - PART II

MrGman, what is the process of calibrating a lux meter to known readings?

We are working on an "affordable" lumen measurement system. I have been testing polystyrene balls as integrating spheres, and more recently I found another type of ball that appears to work quite well. This plus a $175 meter, PLUS an accurate reference source, I believe will allow you to measure lumens with at least 10%, if not much better, accuracy as long as you don't exceed the limits of such a system.

The key here is the accurate measurement of a known stable reference. This is not cheap. Labs charge $750 and up to do this type of work.

I'm willing to make this type of system available to people here if I can recover some of my costs. Now that my taxes are filed, I am going to take some pictures of the new system and start a new thread on this topic.

Re: Actual Lumens readings in 6" dia. Lab Sphere IS with SC 5500 control - PART II

Re: Actual Lumens readings in 6" dia. Lab Sphere IS with SC 5500 control - PART II

So fellow CPF's feel free to post comments and replies as necessary underneath this as I add more test data and videos, now that I have reserved these 2 spots. Mr G Man. :wave:

Great work as always Mr G, looking forward to round II!

We are working on an "affordable" lumen measurement system. I have been testing polystyrene balls as integrating spheres, and more recently I found another type of ball that appears to work quite well. This plus a $175 meter, PLUS an accurate reference source, I believe will allow you to measure lumens with at least 10%, if not much better, accuracy as long as you don't exceed the limits of such a system.

The key here is the accurate measurement of a known stable reference. This is not cheap. Labs charge $750 and up to do this type of work.

I'm willing to make this type of system available to people here if I can recover some of my costs. Now that my taxes are filed, I am going to take some pictures of the new system and start a new thread on this topic.


I will be following this with great interest. I built a lightbox some time ago and Gary was kind enough (Thanks again Gary) to test some lights of mine so I could get an accurate reference source. I've since upgraded my light meter to an Extech 407026 with PC interface and I"m planning on building a styrofoam sphere like precisionworks' for increased (hopefully) accuracy.

Thanks again MrGman and wbp for all the hard work.

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Re: Actual Lumens readings in 6" dia. Lab Sphere IS with SC 5500 control - PART II

We are working on an "affordable" lumen measurement system. I have been testing polystyrene balls as integrating spheres, and more recently I found another type of ball that appears to work quite well. This plus a $175 meter, PLUS an accurate reference source, I believe will allow you to measure lumens with at least 10%, if not much better, accuracy as long as you don't exceed the limits of such a system.

The key here is the accurate measurement of a known stable reference. This is not cheap. Labs charge $750 and up to do this type of work.

I'm willing to make this type of system available to people here if I can recover some of my costs. Now that my taxes are filed, I am going to take some pictures of the new system and start a new thread on this topic.


Can you please share with us which luxmeter you recommend?
Re: Actual Lumens readings in 6" dia. Lab Sphere IS with SC 5500 control - PART II

Can you please share with us which luxmeter you recommend?

It's hard to make specific recommendations since I cannot test all possible meters. Of the 3 that I have tried, I am using the AEMC CA813. The Extech 407026 that Texlite refers to looks very interesting as well but I do not have one.

If you want to take accurate lux readings then you need a meter that has been calibrated. Unless things have changed that's not so easy. Many of the vendors offer "NIST" options but when I paid for this it turned out to be a waste of money. I have VERY accurate instrumentation here and when I checked the so-called "NIST Traceable calibrated" meters they were off by 15% or more, completely unacceptable. In one case I contacted the vendor and they refered me to the lab they sent the meter to for calibration. I called them and asked to speak to the person that had done the calibration. After a bit of back and forth they admitted that this person was out on extended sick leave and they had simply issued the certificate in his absence and sent the meter on its way. I tried to get a refund from the vendor but was never sucessful.

However, none of this matters if you want to take lumen measurements with a sphere. In that case you need to calibrate the entire system, not the meter. What this means is you need a known reference source of the same or similar spectral output to what you want to measure. Until recently this cost upward of $1k, but we now have a small number of very well regulated and stable LED lights available to us. My current reference lights are is a NeoFab Spartanian 2 and Legion 2. The S2 is small enough to be measured by both MrGman's Labsphere system and my own, and it is both stable and repeatable to better than 1%.

If you want the most accuracy you build a sphere with 3 ports: 1 for the meter, one for the source to be measured, and one for the reference light, all at 90 degrees from each other. The source is inserted but not turned on, and a calibration is done with the reference light. Then the reference light is turned off but left in place and the source is turned on and measured. This helps compensate for the difference in the source's reflector, size, bezel, etc.

However, for our purposes I think we can achieve good enough accuracy with only 2 ports.

To be able to measure lights with lens/bezel up to 3 inches in diameter the sphere must be of sufficient size. There is a generally accepted formula for this but without doing the math I'd say at least 12" ID, perhaps larger.

To be truly accurate the sphere must be a perfect (or nearly sp) reflector. This gets very expensive very fast. However, we are not measuring laser output. For flashlights such as we are interested in here, as long as the beam is not too focused, our experiments have shown that we can measure the output quite well with a polystyrene foam or perhaps even ABS plastic sphere.

Time to take some pictures of our latest I-Sphere project and start a new thread on this... :)

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Re: Actual Lumens readings in 6" dia. Lab Sphere IS with SC 5500 control - PART II

Even at twice the cost of the LM631, I think the AEMC CA813 at $175 is still affordable and obviously much cheaper than a real IS. With that said, if I am understanding correctly, you are working on developing a system, *that can be replicated*, which will give the home flashlight enthusiast a fairly accurate way of measuring lux (or is it lumens)?

I hope you document this process well. Imagine, CPF Turnkey Integration Sphere's .....
Re: Actual Lumens readings in 6" dia. Lab Sphere IS with SC 5500 control - PART II

With that said, if I am understanding correctly, you are working on developing a system, *that can be replicated*, which will give the home flashlight enthusiast a fairly accurate way of measuring lux (or is it lumens)?

Lumens, not lux. If you want to measure lux accurately you'll need to have the meter calibrated. That's not trivial. My reference instrument is an Orb Optronix Sp-100 spectroradiomter, current cost about $8500. It gets checked monthly against a Hoffman LS65 8C, another $2500 or so...
Re: Actual Lumens readings in 6" dia. Lab Sphere IS with SC 5500 control - PART II

I will follow this with keen interest. Once you figure out things with the sphere, I'll go ahead and order the CA813. Does it allow the user to adjust it, like with a pot or something? Very exciting.
Re: Actual Lumens readings in 6" dia. Lab Sphere IS with SC 5500 control - PART II

I will follow this with keen interest. Once you figure out things with the sphere, I'll go ahead and order the CA813. Does it allow the user to adjust it, like with a pot or something? Very exciting.

I don't think you would want to attempt this - how would you go about adjusting it? Do you have the equipment for this?

I had not intended to take over MrGman's thread with this discussion - sorry!
Re: Actual Lumens readings in 6" dia. Lab Sphere IS with SC 5500 control - PART II

Has something like this been done yet? Use a light such as fenix T1, crank off the head so there is no reflector/glass and see what's the bare LED's output. Compare that with with head on, and see what is today's LED out front efficiency with the high quality reflector/coated glass, compare with the 0.65 determined with old incan lights.
Re: Actual Lumens readings in 6" dia. Lab Sphere IS with SC 5500 control - PART II

I don't think you would want to attempt this - how would you go about adjusting it? Do you have the equipment for this?

I had not intended to take over MrGman's thread with this discussion - sorry!

If I used the exact sphere as you and picked up a light that is consistent and used the same meter. Couldn't I put the light and meter in the box then read the number then ask you what the "right" reading should be (since you calibrated it). Then I assume in the back of the meter, I could adjust it?

Sorry if I misunderstood.
Re: Actual Lumens readings in 6" dia. Lab Sphere IS with SC 5500 control - PART II

In theory that is correct. The reference control light that probably will work the best is the Spartanian II. However patience in this case is a good virtue. wbp and I are working together to find and make an easy to build and use system set up. Since we both work for a living and this is not our sole purpose in life it takes time. However the goal is to make sure the system will be accurate enough to share the data with all by publishing it in both this and his upcoming thread so that all CPF'ers can do the same thing.

So don't rush out to spend money just yet, we are getting closer. G