I can understand seeking a led option to 'upgrade' the M900, but I really can't see what you'd gain using the lumen factory lamps.
You said it is mounted on your duty rifle. IMHO the risk you are looking at imposing on your existing system is more than you will gain from it. There is a reason why you have your M900, it is bright, its very reliable, durable and did I say tough

Do you want to risk whatever mod you do to it not working when you need it most? A LED upgrade makes sense, imho if anyone's using a p60 lamp assembly on their rifles they should be upgrading to the p60L. However as far as I know there is no such 'milspec' solution for the m900a at this time.
This is CPF. I love my mods as much as the next flashaholic

but a light for duty is a complete other kettle of fish imho. I'd rather 50 lumens that came on everytime rather than 200 lumens that i'm always wondering IF. If you're military or police or security etc, you might want to ask or look up the policy on modifying duty weapons. There is a reason why alot of agencies have 'approved lists' of what can and can't go on.
Your m900 can fail, there's no doubt about it. Two obvious things like all incandescentslights: Batteries can die and bulbs can blow. Carrying a handheld, and being able to transition to that and your rifle or pistol allows you to work through the failure. LED's aren't impervious to failing either, although its much less likely. But in my opinion the m900 is excellent in its current configuration. Its a shame the KL6 isn't as bright, I think that would drop right on.
Maybe an alternative is to find a mega modded KL6 if you're really keen to mod it. I'd put acouple of hundred rounds through it to double check though.
Just my 2 cents