Also depends on many other things .. How well the beam is focused , and what the emitter itself does , and just how good the emitter is .
Often its a combination of variables , I have a Q5 that just blows away most of my R2's for output , so are my R2's not R2's , or is the Q5 not a Q5 ..
Same thing happens with CPU's , usually really good cores go into higher spec CPU's , but every now and again , really good cores go into lower spec CPU,s simply because there are not enough low yield cores ..
Same thing might be going on at cree , they might be yielding better , so when an order comes in for 10,000 Q5's , they just might ship out a bunch of higher yield LED's because they dont have enough low yield ones ..
Also some of the R2's etc might be even better , and even though there is no official XR-E R3 in production , some of the LED's may indeed rate higher ..
Two recent purchases seem to bear this out , I have a R2 P60 drop in that just blows everything away , and comes close to the XP-G R5 in output ...
And my Ultrafire A20 - Q5 is almost as good as the R2 P60 ...
I think a XR-E R2 made today , is going to be much better than a XR-E R2 made 12 months ago , and if your real lucky , your XR-E may be really a R3 or a R4 sold as a R2 ... I think Im lucky to have got two that are much higher performing than there rated for .
As for the thermal protection on my Akoray , it did suck a fair bit of current , 1.5A or better from memory on high .